Forces Infographic

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is a pull or a push acting upon a object as a

result of its interaction with another object

All around you ,things move, or are in

motion whenever there is a change
in motion a force has acted
make it speed up- acceleration
make it slow down -decelerate
change its direction
change its shape

1. Tension force 5. Gravitational

2. Normal Force 6. Electrical
3. Air resistance force 7. Magnetic
4. spring force

any force that occurs

as a result of two
objects making
contact with each

is a force applied to an object by


another body that is not in direct

contact with it.

is the force that

surfaces exert to
prevent solid
objects from
passing through
each other. Normal
force is a contact

is a force that is
caused due to air
when an object moves
through it. This force
acts in the opposite
direction to a body
passing through the air

the force of
attraction The repulsive or
between any two bodies is attractive interaction
directly proportional to the between any two
product of their masses and charged bodies
is inversely proportional to
the square of the distance
between them.

attraction or repulsion
that arises between
electrically charged
particles because of
their motion

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