Ponlit Report-Final

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The Pondicherry Co-operative

Co operative Milk Producers Union


rench) located in
vazhudavoor road, Kurumapet, Pondicherry-5060009,
Pondicherry www.ponliat.net

The Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union is the first
cooperative society registered in the year 1955 in the Union Territory of
Puducherry as Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Supply society and later it
was converted into the milk producers union in the year 1973. The Dairy
was established on installed capacity of 10000 litres milk a day at a cost of
Rs.23.00 lakhs and at present this dairy has a capacity to handle 100,000
litres per day. All the primary cooperative
cooperative milk producers’ societies were
transformed to Anand Pattern Societies.

2. The Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union is operating in the

Puducherry Region with 101 affiliated dairy cooperative societies. There
are 10000 cattle & more owners,
owners, who become members in the Dairy
Cooperative Societies at villages and supplying milk to Pondicherry
Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union, milk supplying members are being
paid fortnightly in cash with remunerative milk price @ Rs.
Rs.20 per litre. (On
the basis of 3.5%FAT
.5%FAT and 8.5% SNF).

3. The present handling capacity of the Dairy Plant is 100,000 litres per
day. However with prudent technical manpower and Top Management,
support 75,000 to 1,00,000 litres of milk is handled per day. It produces 3
varieties of milk namely Tonned milk, standardized milk and special Toned
milk as per the consumer requirements. At the village level the milch
poured by the individual member producer are tested at the Primary
society. The Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union is selling their
different varieties of milk in the Puducherry market under the brand name

4. The Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union, owns a small cattle

feed plant of 10metric
metric tonne/per day capacity in Thattanchavady
Industrial Estate, Puducherry. It extends the Govt. subsidy of Rs.100/- to
each bag containing 50 kgs of Feed out of the total cost of Rs.312/- per bag.
The total production of cattle Feed is 40 Metric Tonnes/per day.

5. Now, in order to implement the assurances given by the Hon’ble

Chief Minister on the Floor of the House, action have been taken for
establishment of Modern Automatic Mega Dairy Plant at a cost of Rs.2,500
lakhs and a new cattle feed unit with capacity of 100 Tonnes per day at a
cost of Rs.1,200 lakhs. Necessary scheme approval have been
obtained from the Govt.

6. The Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union had submitted a

proposal seeking financial assistance under the Centrally Sponsored
Scheme “Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality and Clean Milk
Production” to the Department of Agriculture, Dairying and Fisheries,
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India to establish Bulk Milk Coolers(BMC)
at six villages in a phased manner during the year 2005-06 to 2007-08. The
approved project cost of the scheme is Rs.88.20 lakhs of which the Central
Government’s assistance is Rs.71.46 and the balance amount of Rs.16.74
lakhs is the Union’s share. The Govt. of India released a sum of Rs.19.30
lakhs during the last week of March 2006 to the Union Territory Exchequer
and revalidated the funds for utilisation during the year 2006-07. The
Pondicherry Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union received the amount on
18.7.2006 and initiated action to order for Machineries required for
establishment of Bulk Milk Coolers.

Ponlait productions:

Milk – Toned & Special Toned (500ml/200ml),

Cream, Curd, Buttermilk, Lassi , Ghee, Paneer,
Flavoured milk (Badam, Elaichi, Pista)
Milk Peda, khova
Ice Cream- Candy, Cone, , Khulfi, Casarta
Badam Mix, Chocolate
General Tests made:
Adulteration test, MBRT, Phosphate, Fat-SNF, PH, Acidity, Temperature,
COB, Specific gravity of milk, Microbiological Assay.

Storage of milk is in Containers called Silo, 4in number, 1tank-raw milk,

3tanks- pasteurised milk (used as per required)

CIP- Cleaning of tanks is done with the use of water, 1.5% caustic soda(90-
98*), 1.5% nitric acid (60-62*), chlorine water, Saline water.
Separate plants for Cooling & Hot water
Registered maintained in quality control lab:
Adulteration analysis (urea, ammonia, nitrate fertilizer, starch and flour,
glucose, salt)
Test report for BMC receipt sample
Test report for dispatch milk sample
Test report for outstation receipt milk sample
Stock register
Observation book
Pre package/IBT register
Quality Assurance log register
Ice cream mix batch analysis register- Amul
Ice cream mix batch analysis register
Curd analysis register
Pre pack register


Upto 2000 materials stored in warehouse,

Packaging material-25types, Raw material
Register are maintained for updating.
Production Details :
MILK is the normal mammary secretion derived from complete milking of
healthy milch animal without either addition thereto or extraction there
from unless stated in the FSSAI regulations. Milk is the primary source
of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types
of food. Milk is a complete balanced food that provides complete nutrition
in a balanced proportion and is rich in fats, milk proteins, vitamins and
minerals. The most common animals from which milk is derived include
cows, buffalos, goat and sheep. The various types of packaged milk include
full cream, skimmed, toned, double-toned etc., depending on the fat content
and milk solids content of the milk. The common brands of milk in India
include Mother Dairy, Amul, Gopalji, Nandini Milk, among others (Ponlait).
The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 stipulates that the Milk and Milk
Products Order, 1992 shall be deemed to be regulations made under this

Ponlait standards for milk

Class of milk Designation Minimum % milk fat Minimum % milk

solids not fat
Toned Milk Do 3.0 8.5

Special Toned Do 3.5 8.5


The heat treatment for the various designated milk shall be as follows:

Designation Heat treatment

Raw Nil
Pasteurized Pasteurization
Boiled Boiling
Flavored Pasteurization or sterilization
Sterilized Sterilization
Is a process, named after scientist Louis Pasteur, that applies heat to
destroy pathogens in foods. For the dairy industry, the terms
"pasteurization," "pasteurized" and similar terms mean the process of
heating every particle of milk or milk product

Temperature Time Pasteurization type

72° C ( 161°F ) 15 Second HTST ( High Temperature short Time)

Types of Test done For Milk:

1. Lactometer Test
3. FAT – SNF test ( Gerber Method and Milk Analyzer
4. Acidity Test
5. COB
6. Sugar test
7. Salt Test
8. Urea Test
9. Starch Test
10. Maltose Test
11. Carbonates and Bicarbonate test
12. Hydrogen Peroxide Test.
Flavour of Milk
The flavor of milk is mild & slightly sweet. The characteristic mouth-feel is
due to the presence of emulsified fat, colloidally dispersed proteins, the
carbohydrate lactose, & milk salts. Fresh milk contains acetone,
acetaldehyde, methyl ketones, & SFAs that provide aroma.“Flavor
treatment” to standardize the odour and flavour typically follows
pasteurization. In this treatment process, milk is instantly heated to 195 F
(91*C) with live steam (injected directly into the product), and
subsequently subject to a vacuum that removes volatile off-flavours and
evaporates excess water produced from the steam Less desirable, “barny”
or rancid flavours, or other “off-flavours,” may be due to the following:
Slightly “cooked” flavour from excessive pasteurization temperatures.

The liquid left behind after churning butter out of cream. It is beneficial to
health as it contains probiotic microbes also fat content of buttermilk is far
lower than milk or curd. Originally, buttermilk referred to the liquid left
over from churning butter from cultured or fermented cream.
Traditionally, before cream could be skimmed from whole milk, the milk
was left to sit for a period of time to allow the cream and milk to separate.
During this time, naturally occurring lactic acid-producing bacteria in the
milk fermented it. This facilitates the butter churning process, since fat
from cream with a lower pH coalesces more readily than that of fresh
cream. The acidic environment also helps prevent potentially harmful
microorganisms from growing, increasing shelf-life.[4] However, in
establishments that used cream separators, the cream was hardly acidic at
all. On the Indian subcontinent, the term "buttermilk" refers to the liquid
left over after extracting butter from churned cream. Today, this is
called traditional buttermilk

Dahi or curd means the product obtained from pasteurized or boiled milk
by souring, natural or otherwise, by a harmless lactic acid culture or other
harmless bacterial culture may also be used in conjunction with lactic acid
bacteria cultures for souring. Dahi may contain added cane sugar. Dahi
shall have the same minimum percentage of milk fat and milk solids-not-fat
as the milk from which it is prepared. Where dahi or curd is sold or offered
for sale without any indication of class of milk, the standards prescribed for
dahi prepared from buffalo milk shall apply. Milk solids may also be used in
preparation of this product. prepared by cooling boiled milk to body
temperature & adding 5-10% starter. After 6-8 hours an acidity of 0.9-1%
is formed which coagulate the casein & curd is set. Easily digested than
normal milk. Contains more vit B than milk. Used as marinating & souring
agent in cookery.
Sweat Curd
Same Procedure follow up for Sweat curd only added there sugar and Skim
Milk Powder.
Test for Curd:
1. Acidity test
2. PH

Curd Preparation Procedure:

Curd & Sweat Curd

Take Milk

Heat milk with 90 °C and hold for 5 min

Cooling Till Temp. 40°c

Add Culture

Transferred to Packaging Unit

Filled and Sealing in cup size

Stored at Room temp. for 6-8 hrs

Finally Transfer to Cold Storage
Ghee is a class of clarified butter
that originated in ancient India and is
commonly used in South Asian
cuisines, traditional medicine, and
religious rituals. Ghee is prepared by
simmering butter, which is churned
from cream, and removing the liquid
residue. Spices can be added for
flavor. The texture, color, and taste of
ghee depend on the quality of the
butter, source of the milk used in the process and the duration of the
To see if butter/ghee has been adulterated with vegetable oil, there's
a fairly simple test, but it requires that you get your hands on hydrochloric
acid (the acid that the stomach uses to digest food). Melt a teaspoon of
butter/ghee in a test tube or small glass. Add one teaspoon of hydrochloric
acid and a pinch of salt. Shake the container for one minute (watch out for
the acid!) and let it sit for one more minute. If there is vegetable oil in the
butter/ghee, you will see a red layer (the vegetable oil) in the bottom of the
test tube or glass. No red color means that the butter/ghee is pure.

Paneer or chhena means the product obtained from the cow or buffalo
milk or a combination of thereof by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid
or citric acid. It shall not contain more than 70% moisture and the milk fat
content shall not be less than 50% of the dry matter.
At a time 60ltrs of milk was allowed to boil.

When the temperature reached 90* Celsius.

Hold for 5 minutes.

Transferred to another container by straining with muslin cloth.

Previously prepared 2ltrs citric acid solution (180gm of citric in 2ltrs of
water) was added slowly by gently stirring.

Again it was allowed for 2 minutes.

strained through muslin cloth end kept in mould for shape.

Pressed mechanically

Cold storage.

Means the product obtained by freezing a pasteurized mix with or without
the addition of nutritive sweetening agents, fruit and fruit products, egg
and egg products, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, condiments, spices, ginger and
nuts and it may also contain bakery products such as cake or cookies as a
separate layer and/or coating. This product may be frozen hard or frozen
to a soft consistency.
160ltrs of milk was boiled for 1 hr followed by occasional stirring.

3kg of khova and 37kg of sugar was added to it.

It was cooked for further 1.5hr by continuous stirring.

800gm of nuts was added to it by continuous stirring.

After 10 minutes of cooking, it was transferred to separate container.

Then after adding desired colour and flavoured, it was stored at
refrigerator temperature.

By whatever variety of names it is sold such as Pindi, Danedar, Mawa or
Kava means the product obtained from cow or buffalo or goat or sheep
milk or milk solids or a combination there of by rapid drying. The milk fat
content shall not be less than 30 percent on dry weight basis of finished
product. It may contain citric acid not more than 0.1% by weight. It shall be
free from added starch, added sugar and added colouring matter.
60ltrs of milk boiled followed by continuous stirring till condensed.

When it reached to appropriate semi-dry consistency, add 4kg of sugar

After continuous stirring & mixing for 5 minutes, removed from heat.

Resulted 8-8.5kg of khova , then transferred to khova-tray, allow to set.

Ice cream is a frozen blend of a sweetened cream mixture and air, with
added flavorings. A wide variety of ingredients are allowed in ice cream,
but the minimum amounts of milk fat, milk solids (protein + lactose +
minerals). Ice cream must contain at least 10% milk fat, and at least 20%
total milk solids, and may contain safe and suitable sweeteners, emulsifiers
and stabilizers, and flavoring materials. Ice cream is sold as hard ice cream
or soft serve. After the freezing process only a portion of the water is
actually in a frozen state. Soft ice cream is served directly from the freezer
where only a small amount of the water has been frozen. Hard ice cream is
packaged from the freezer and then goes through a hardening process that
freezes more of the water in the mix.

Blend Ingredients

Pasteurize Mix

Homogenize- homogenized (2500 to 3000 psi)

Age Mix- aged at 40°F (5°C) for at least 4 hours or overnight

Add Liquid Flavours and Colour


Add Fruits, Nuts, and Bulky Flavourings


Harden- holding temperature of less than -13°F(-25°C).
The word "cassata" literally means "little
case" due to its brick shape. Cassata is an ice-
cream, shaped like a brick, consisting of layers of
ice-creams of different flavors on liqueur soaked
sponge. This is the Sicilian version of the dessert.
I have chosen ready-made ice-cream to make a
quick dessert. You may make the ice-cream
yourself at home. You can prepare the cassata up
to 2 to 3 days in advance and keep it frozen. A great dessert for a great
evening! Cassata may also refer to a Neapolitan ice cream containing
candied or dried fruit and nuts. Cassata consists of round sponge cake
moistened with fruit juices or liqueur and layered with ricotta cheese,
candied peel, and a chocolate or vanilla filling similar to cannoli cream.

Ice Candy is one of the usual summer
treats of the Pinoys, especially the kids. It is
a frozen juice or shaked fruits in little ice
bags where one would have to nibble at the
end of the plastic to sip or bite the ice candy.
Ice Candies comes in different flavors. Most
common are orange, mango, strawberry and
For making ice candies – water, sugar,
stabilizers, flavor, citric acid, acidity regulator is needed. Everything will be
mixed together thoroughly and transferred into the ice candy shapers and
freezed at -10º.

The very nature of the different operations involved in dairy, irrespective
of the products size, generate waste water of different magnitude. Effluent
Treatment Plant for Dairy is one of the major contributors among the
food industry both in terms of value and effluent. The biggest share comes
from cheese and ice cream factories. The relatively high concentration of
organic matter in the dairy effluent makes it peculiar in its class and this
results in a higher biological oxygen demand (BOD). This kind of effluent
should not be allowed to mix up with the municipal waste as it will result
in a shock load.
Great care has to be exercised while discharging the dairy waste water into
the general pool as they impose relatively high oxygen demand. Lactose is
converted into lactic acid resulting in decrease in its concentration, when
dissolved oxygen is insufficient for oxidation. This in turn will lower the pH
to a point when casein is precipitated (The iso electric point of casein is at
pH 4.6). Due to economic reasons involved in the effluent treatment, the
dairy industry is very slow in taking up the treatment aspects. With
increasing social awareness about the environment, the dairy industry is
forced to treat its effluents effectively and efficiently before disposal into
the public drainage.
 Reduced (Maximum reduced) sludge generation.
 Anaerobic systems are used to reduce power consumption.
 Ultra filtration in final state to reduce FP (fouling potential) of
 Due to good quality raw material used it results in enhanced

 Building & surrounding area/ premises must be maintained well,

from dust free.
 Parking lot surface broken, foreign objects & Outside walk is not
good condition, curb edges distinct.
 Employee Health, Hygiene & Training- Employee illness log to be
maintained .
 Employees restricted from bare hand contact.
 Wiping cloths properly used & stored in sanitizing solution.
 Floor found damaged.
 Entry of employees are uncontrolled.
 Inner walls are have cracks, rain water seepage & premises.
 Lunch room facilities are not maintained in a manner.
 Water stagnant in processing area.
 Need to follow Environment policy.
 Lab equipments need to be advanced .
 For confirmation of zero microbial hazards, the products should go
for microbiological analysis.
 For maintaining hygiene the workers should apply gloves while
 Follow Dress code.
 Improve in GMP, GHP.

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