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Ivonne A. Camacho-Mora, Patricia C. Esquivel-Ferriño, Sandra L. Gracia-Vásquez, Patricia González-Barranco,
Evangelina Ramírez-Lara, Yolanda A. Gracia-Vásquez, Mónica A. Ramírez-Cabrera, Omar González-Santiago
and Lucía G. Cantú-Cárdenas


Underutilization and inadequate disposition of expired medic- Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) system. The difference among the
inal drugs represent an important problem. The objective of this grouped drugs was tested with ANOVA or Chi square as cor-
study was describing the pattern and amount of unused cardio- respond. The cost of each drug identified was obtained through
vascular drugs in Metropolitan area of Monterrey, in the Nuevo the consultation of price in at least three pharmacies. During
León state, Mexico. Through several dissemination ways, inhab- the time of collection, a total of 207963 units were collected, of
itants were invited to deposit their unused medication at sever- which lipid modifying agents were the more abundant, the esti-
al collection centers distributed across the metropolitan area, mated cost of all cardiovascular drugs was of 0.03 USD per in-
the period of collection was of 12 months. Individual drugs were habitant. These results shown that an important quantity of car-
identified, counted, and classified according to the Anatomical diovascular drugs is wasted and represent an important cost.

Introduction domestic product (GDP) (Xu et prevalent diseases and the Econom ic Bu rden of Non-
al., no date). It is estimated most expensive ones. Among communicable Diseases, in
T he u nder utilization of that across Organization for these are cardiovascular dis- 2010, heart diseases cost 863
drugs results in a loss of eco- Economic Co-operation and eases, as reported by Gracia- billion USD worldwide. This
nomic resources and ref lects Development countries in 2013 Vásquez and co-workers. They is estimated to increase by
poor treatment compliance, in spending on drugs correspond- repor ted that cardiovascular 22% by 2030 (Bloom et al.,
addition to representing a risk ed to 20% of the health budget drugs were the second group 2011). In Mexico, cardiovas-
of accidental poisoning in chil- (OECD, 2015). Therefore, one of phar maceuticals with the cular diseases, in conjunction
dren, environmental contami- of the main challenges faced highest u nder utilization i n with mental health conditions,
nation and self-medication by health systems is finding their study (Gracia-Vásquez et are the dominant contributors
( Nar vaez y Ji menez, 2012; the most efficient way to use al., 2015). to the global economic bur-
Koza k et al., 2016; Paut the budget. This involves re- Cardiovascular diseases are den of noncommunicable dis-
Kusturica et al., 2016; Makki ducing losses due to the un- the most prevalent medical eases (Rosas-Peralta, et al.,
et al., 2019). Regarding the derutilization of pharmaceuti- conditions with the highest 2017).
economic aspect, the World cals. To design resource opti- mor tality rate. They caused The objective of this study
Health Organization reported mization strategies, it is neces- 32% of deaths worldwide in was to determine the pattern of
that health spending is increas- sar y to k now the causes of 2019 ( World Healt h unused/expired cardiovascular
ing faster than the rest of the drug underuse, as well as the Organization, 2021) and 20% drugs and estimate their cost
world economy; In 2016, the main types of unused dr ugs of deaths in Mexico in 2017 in a sample of unused drugs
world spent $ 7.5 trillion USD and the costs they represent ( I nst it uto Nacional de collected in the Metropolitan
on health, representing close (West et al., 2014; Bekker et Estadística y Geografia, 2019). area of Monter rey, Mexico
to 10% of the world's gross al., 2018), mainly for the most Accord i ng to T he Global (MMM).

KEYWORDS / Cardiovascular Drug / Monterrey Waste Drugs/ Unused Drugs /

Received:11/09/2021. Modified: 08/13/2022. Accepted: 08/15/2022.

Ivonne A. Camacho-Mora. Doctor Sandra L. Gracia-Vásquez. Doctor Yolanda A. Gracia-Vásquez. Doctor Lucía G. Cantú- Cárdenas
of Pharmacy, Nova Southeastern of Phar macy, NSU, USA. of Science, UANL, Mexico. (Corresponding author). Doctor
University (NSU) USA, Professor, UANL, Mexico. Professor, UANL, Mexico. of Phar macy, NSU, USA.
Professor, Universidad Autónoma Patricia González-Barranco. Mónica A. Ramírez- Cabrera. Professor UANL, Mexico.
de Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Doctor of Science, Universidad Doctor of Science, UANL, Address: Av. Universidad s/n,
Patricia C. Esquivel-Ferriño. UANL, Mexico. Professor, Mexico. Professor, UANL, Ciudad Universitaria, CP 66451,
Doctor of Science, Universidad UANL, Mexico. Mexico. San Nicolás de los Garza,
Autónoma de Nuevo León Evangelina Ramírez-Lara. Doctor Omar González-Santiago. Doctor Nuevo León, México; E-mail:
(UANL), Mexico. Professor, of Science, UANL, Mexico. of Science, UANL, Mexico.
UANL, Mexico. Professor, UANL, Mexico. Professor, UANL, Mexico.

AUGUST 2022 • VOL. 47 Nº 8 0378-1844/14/07/468-08 $ 3.00/0 341

Ivonne A. Camacho-Mora, Patricia C. Esquivel-Ferriño, Sandra L. Gracia-Vásquez, Patricia González-Barranco, Evangelina
Ramírez-Lara, Yolanda A. Gracia-Vásquez, Mónica A. Ramírez-Cabrera, Omar González-Santiago y Lucía G. Cantú-Cárdenasg
La subutilización e inadecuada disposición de medicamentos péutica y Química (ATC, por sus siglas en inglés). La diferencia
caducos representa un importante problema. El objetivo de este entre los fármacos agrupados se probó con ANOVA o Chi cua-
estudio fue describir el patrón y la cantidad de medicamentos drado según corresponda. El costo de cada medicamento identifi-
cardiovasculares no utilizados en el área Metropolitana de Mon- cado se obtuvo a través de la consulta de precio en al menos tres
terrey, en el estado de Nuevo León, México. A través de varias farmacias. Durante el tiempo de estudio se recolectaron un total
vías de difusión, se invitó a los habitantes a depositar los medi- de 207963 unidades, de las cuales los hipolipemiantes fueron los
camentos que no utilizan en diversos centros de acopio distribui- más abundantes, el costo estimado de todos los medicamentos
dos en el área metropolitana, el período de acopio fue de 12 me- cardiovasculares fue de 0,03 USD por habitante. Los resultados
ses. Los medicamentos individuales fueron identificados, contabi- muestran que una gran cantidad de medicamentos cardiovascula-
lizados y clasificados de acuerdo con el sistema Anatómica, Tera- res se desperdician y esto representa un costo importante.


Ivonne A. Camacho-Mora, Patricia C. Esquivel-Ferriño, Sandra L. Gracia-Vásquez, Patricia González-Barranco, Evangelina
Ramírez-Lara, Yolanda A. Gracia-Vásquez, Mónica A. Ramírez-Cabrera, Omar González-Santiago e Lucía G. Cantú-Cárdenas
A subutilização e inadequado descarte de medicamentos ven- Terapêutico e Químico (código ATC, segundo suas siglas em in-
cidos representa um importante problema. O objetivo de este glês). A diferença entre os medicamentos agrupados foi testada
estudo foi descrever o padrão e a quantidade de medicamentos com ANOVA ou Chi quadrado, segundo corresponda. O custo de
cardiovasculares não utilizados na área Metropolitana de Mon- cada medicamento identificado foi obtido através da consulta de
terrey, no estado de Novo Leão, no México. Através de vários preços em pelo menos três farmácias. Durante o tempo de estu-
meios de divulgação, os moradores foram convidados a depositar do foram coletadas 207.963 unidades, sendo os hipolipemiantes
os medicamentos que não utilizam em diversos centros de coleta os mais abundantes. O custo estimado de todos os medicamentos
distribuídos na região metropolitana, o período de coleta foi de cardiovasculares foi de US$ 0,03 por habitante. Os resultados
12 meses. Os medicamentos individuais foram identificados, con- mostram que grande quantidade de medicamentos cardiovascula-
tabilizados e classificados de acordo com o sistema Anatômico, res é desperdiçado, o que representa um custo importante.

Materials and Methods under the Anatomic Health for classification and the ATC System; in addition,
Therapeutic Chemistry (ATC) registration based on stratified the following information was
The study was conducted in system, (5) accounting and reg- random sampling with propor- included: brand, generic name,
northeast Mexico, in the MMM istration of solid drugs (tablets tional allotment. Once classi- potency, pharmaceutical formu-
in Nuevo Leon state. During 12 and capsules) from the cardio- fied, the medicines were sepa- lation, administration route,
months, a group of professors vascular group, and (6) cost rated from their primary and origin, expiration date, and
and students from the School estimation of non-utilized and/ secondary packages and kept unit quantity.
of Chemical Sciences of the or expired medication and anal- stored under the custody of the The medications’ cost was
Universidad Autónoma de ysis of the results. Ministry of Health until final estimated by averaging the
Nuevo León, in collaboration Program dissemination con- disposal. The packaging mate- commercial cost of three med-
with the State Ministr y of sisted of news bulletins that rials were treated according to icines containing the active
Health, collected and classified invited the public to deliver the Official Mexican Standard ingredient (patented and gener-
medical dr ugs from several unnecessar y, expired, or (Norma Of icial Mexicana) ic); the latter information was
collection centers. The overall non-utilized medication to col- NOM-161 that establishes the consulted by telephone call or
process included six different lection centers. The collection criteria to classify the special through the web pages of dif-
stages: (1) “Final disposal of was conducted with containers handling of waste (SEMARNAT, ferent Mexican pharmacies.
non-utilized and/or expired specifically designed for the 2013). Upon final disposal, the The medicine’s unit cost was
medication” program dissemi- study; these were gathered at medication was incinerated, ac- obtained by dividing the cost
nation, (2) drug collection from 28 different collection centers cording to the provisions of the of the commercial package by
homes in Monterrey’s metro- across several pharmacies in Official Mexican Standard the number of units (tablets/
politan area (Nuevo Leon, the region. NOM-098-SEMARNAT 2002 capsules) contained in the com-
Mexico), (3) random sampling The collected medication (SEMARNAT, 2004). mercial package. The commer-
of 30% of collected medication, was transported to the state The cardiovascular dr ugs cial value of the total sample
(4) medication classification delegation of the Ministry of were classified according to (expired and/or unused

342 AUGUST 2022 • VOL. 47 Nº 8

medications) was determined programs that reduce economic
by multiplying the unit cost by loss, reduce the risk of
the total number of tablets or self-medication, and avoid envi-
capsules. ronmental contamination associ-
Results were grouped ac- ated with inappropriate disposal.
cording to the ATC system and The cost of drug waste is high,
expressed as the number of in the United States, one of the
units, percentages, and unit world’s top medical waste-pro-
cost. The difference between ducing nations, annually pro-
groups was analyzed with chi- duce over 3.5 million tons of
square or ANOVA as corre- medical waste with an average
sponded. The correlation be- disposal cost of $790 per ton
tween the unit cost and the (Bakiu and Durmishaj, 2018).
number of units unused/expired The results showed that
Figure 1. Units and cost of underused cardiovascular drugs classified by
was analyzed with Spearman´s the ATC system. C01: Cardiac therapy, C02: Antihypertensives, C03: among CVD, the drugs that
correlation, and a cost estima- Diuretics, C04: Peripheral vasodilators, C05: Vasoprotective, C07: Beta- reduce serum lipids (ATC-C10)
tion at the state and national blocking agents, C08: Calcium channel blockers, C09: Agents acting on were the most wasted followed
levels was performed. For this, the renin-angiotensin system, C10: Lipid modifying agents. by drugs that act on the re-
first, the cost of all samples nin-angiotensin system
was divided by the total popu- (ATC-C09). Both drug types
lation of municipalities where are included in some combined
the sample was collected, ob- regimens to prevent or treat
taining the cost per inhabitant. 121,836 USD. This corresponds Discussion cardiovascular diseases in
The next step was to multiply to 0.03 USD/per inhabitant. which they have been demon-
the state or national population Considering the state and na- In this study, a description of strated to be cost-effective
by the cost per inhabitant. tional population, the cost of the pattern and estimated costs (Yusuf et al., 2014). This find-
wasted cardiovascular drugs of unused cardiovascular drugs ing could be explained by the
Ethics approval could be 135,000 and 3,810,000 in MMM, the second most im- high prevalence of hypertension
USD, respectively. The unit portant metropolis of Mexico, and dyslipemia in Mexico and
Due to the descriptive nature cost for each group of is presented. According the lit- probably the poor adherence to
of the study and considering Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) erature, the most frequently treatment by this patients.
that there was no human par- is presented in Figure 1. The underused drugs are analgesics Similar results have been re-
ticipation, we did not seek an group with the lowest cost was (23.3%), antibiotics (18%), and ported by Schuh and Hewuse
ethics committee approval. C04, while the group with the those used for chronic condi- (2015), where antihypertensive
highest cost was C01 (p< tions (17%) and mental health and lipid-lowering drugs occu-
Results 0.05). According to the active issues (8.3%). Although causes pied the second and fourth po-
principle, pravastatin was the of medicine non-utilization can sitions of the most underuti-
The amount of expired and most economic drug while the vary greatly, the most prevalent lized drugs (Schuh and
unused medications in the sam- most expensive drugs were the are related to the patient’s Hewuse, 2015).
ple was 1,463,499 units, of combinations amlodipine/ator- health improvement (42.4%), While the estimated cost of
which 207,963 units (14.2%) vastatin, and verapamil/ adverse effects (0.5%), and for- unused CVD in MMM was
corresponded to medications to trandolapril. getfulness (5.8%) (Law et al., 121,836 USD, the real cost
treat cardiovascular diseases A correlation between unit 2015). could be much higher, since the
(ATC-C). The number of units cost and the number of unused Knowing the degree of un- amount of collected drugs is
and the respective cost of each units was not found (p>0.05), derutilization of prescribed likely a fraction of what re-
group of cardiovascular drugs so the price seems to not affect drugs can be useful for several mains in patients' homes
are presented in Figure 1. A the wasted drugs. reasons; mainly to define (Schuh and Hewuse, 2015).
signif icant difference was
found among the groups (p <
A mong ca rd iovascula r TABLE I
drugs, lipid modifying agents MAIN DRUGS UNDERUSED PER ATC GROUP
(ATC- C10) were t he more Group Protein Total amino acids Total phenols
abundant, followed by drugs C01 isosorbide dinitrate (7,692) glyceryl trinitrate (4,026) digoxin (3,380)
that act on the renin-angio-
C02 prazosin (4,005) methyldopa (433) clonidine (40)
tensi n system (ATC- C09)
with a total of 57,593 (27.7%) C03 hydrochlorothiazide (9,893) furosemide (9,717) chlorthalidone (7,889)
and 44,816 (21.5%) units, re- C04 bufenin (666)
spect ively. T he C04 g roup C05 diosmin (872) diosmin/hesperidin (809) calcium dobesilate (340)
was the least frequent. The C07 metoprolol (18,188) propranolol (3,619) atenolol (1,808)
three most abundant drugs of C08 nifedipine (15,804) amlodipine (3,373) verapamil (2,284)
each subclass are presented in C09 enalapril (18,854) captopril (10,442) losartan (8,085)
Table I. C10 pravastatin (27,902) bezafibrate (23,976) atorvastatin (1,222)
The estimated cost for the C01: Cardiac therapy, C02: Antihypertensives, C03: Diuretics, C04: Peripheral vasodilators, C05:
total sample of all cardiovascu- Vasoprotective, C07: Beta-blocking agents, C08: Calcium channel blockers, C09: Agents acting on the renin-
lar dr ugs in MMM was -angiotensin system, C10: Lipid modifying agents.

AUGUST 2022 • VOL. 47 Nº 8 343

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