Customized Computer Parts Compatibility System (Script)

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Customized Computer Parts Compatibility System

*Section (SBIT-3O)
*Group 1

Existing System Flowchart

- Aguiling (Start) For the flowchart, the user has to first choose
if they are an admin or not. If they are not, they will be asked if they are a
guest and if not, they will be asked if they want to close the program. If they
are indeed an admin then maipapakita yung login form for the admin to input
their username and password. If one of them is incorrect then a message box
will be displayed or kapag may text area na walang naka input may message
box rin na lilitaw. If no pa rin then the system will ask once more if they are
guest or admin at kapag none of the above then the option for closing the
program will be displayed. But if they are indeed an admin then need nila
iinput ang username and password for the db to check if it is correct or not.
kapag tama ang username or password, then the admin portal will be
displayed then pwede na makaselect ng category ang admin. Ang mga
categories na available ay AMD CPU, intel, AMD motherboard, intel
motherboard, GPU, or RAM. If the answer to any of the categories are yes
then the data needed will be tetrieved from the database at magdidisplay po
ang manage design interface and then pwede na makaselect ng action to do.

- Barcos ( C ) May other categories din like ROM, PSU, or case

for the system unit at pag walang napili then the system will ask if they want
to logout or close the program.

- Castorico (D) For this module, the system will ask if gusto ng
admin na mag add ng design and kapag yes then the design form will pop up
at lahat ng fields ay need mafill-upan until the message that the new design
has been added. Kapag nag no admin user for the additional design then
tatanungin ng system if they want to select a design. Kapag nag no, they will
be asked if gusto nila mag log out or close the program. For yes, the admin
will be able to search for design. If yes ang sagot ay makakapag search and
select ang user for their preferred design.

- Dayola (H) Sa module na to pinapakita ang pagupdate ng

design pero need muna maretrieve yung needed data from the database to
show the design details. Automatically na mag aask ang system if they want
to discard the design if they don’t want to update their design which the
database will pick up but if they said yes then magbibigay ng update design
form ang system for the admin to fill up and for the database to recognize.

- Danao/Gusto (K) For the system unit recommendation

interface, andito po yung categories for the customer or guest to pick. Ang
categories ay for work, school, or gaming. If the they said no, then the
system will ask if they want to go back or exit. If the they said yes sa kahit
isang category, sila ay magpoporoceed sa system unit packages that they
have to select along with the details. Then magtatanong if gugustuhing
maiprint ang receipt. If no, then the system will ask if they want to proceed
to another option or if they want to go back. If yes then the chosen package
will be printed.

- Irinco (U) For this module, ang customer or guest ay

mamimili ng type ng CPU or motherboard which is between intel and AMD.
The system will ask if pipiliin ng customer or guest ay intel or AMD and if no
lahat, then tatanungin of gustong mag exit ng user.If pinili ng user ang intel
or even AMD, makukuha yung needed data from the database then
automatically na magdidisplay yung list of intel product. Another procedure
will be done if the customer or guest wants to go to another category or want
to go back/exit. If nakapili naman na po ng intel product then madidisplay
yung computer part details.

- (Mendoza) (Q) If pinili ng guest ang AMD then automatically

na magdidisplay yung list of intel product. Another procedure will be done if
the user wants to go to another category or want to go back/exit. If nakapili
naman na po ng AMD product then madidisplay yung compatible part details.
Then papapiliin yung user if they want to print the selected compatible details
and if no, then eventually mag tatanong yung system if they want to close
the program.

- Pimentel (N) Ang categories for this module naman po ay for

PSU or case at kapag nag yes sila, ito ay papasok sa database to retrieve the
data. If the guest said no, then the system will ask if they want to go back or

- Pimentel (X) For this module, madidisplay yung compatible

parts and details and if the guest would want print it or not. Of no then they
will be asked if they want to exit. If yes then it will be printed.

- Villapena (L) Once na nadisplay na yung chosen computer

parts then pwede na pumili yung guest from the given list. If no then mag a-
ask if they want to exit or go back. If the have selected an item from the list,
madidisplay yung compatible parts and details and if the user would want
print it or not. Of no then they will be asked if they want to exit. If yes then it
will be printed.

- Villapena (S) The type of ROM will be displayed at pwede rin

itonng pagpilian. When it comes to HDD, then magdidisplay ng list, which the
database has retrieved, which the users can select one from. If hindi pa sila
nakapili then the system will ask if the want to proceed to another option or
go back/exit. Madidisplay din yung compatible parts and details and if the
user would want print it or not. Of no then they will be asked if they want to
exit. If yes then it will be printed.

- Villar (Y) When it comes to SSD at nag yes ang guest, then
magdidisplay ng list which the users can select one from. If hindi pa sila
nakapili then the system will ask if the want to proceed to another option or
go back/exit. If nag yes, madidisplay yung compatible parts and details and if
the guest would want print it or not. If no then they will be asked if they want
to exit. If yes then it will be printed. But if nag no from the SSD part, the
guest will be asked if mas gugustuhin nila ang M2 SSD. If nag yes ang guest ,
then magdidisplay ng list which the guests can select one from. If hindi pa
sila nakapili then the system will ask if the want to proceed to another option
or go back/exit. If nag yes, madidisplay yung compatible parts and details
and if the guest would want print it or not. If no then they will be asked if
they want to exit. If yes then it will be printed.

- Aguiling (T) For the system computer parts category, andito

po yung categories for the guests to pick. Ang categories ay for motherboard,
GPU, RAM, ROM, PSU or case and if they said yes then the database will
retrieve yung needed data. If the guest said no, then the system will ask if
they want to go back or exit. If the guest said yes sa kahit isang category, sila
ay magpoporoceed until the system will ask the type of CPU or motherboard.
If pinili ng user ang intel then automatically na magdidisplay yung list of intel
product. Another procedure will be done if the guest wants to go to another
category or want to go back/exit. If nakapili naman na po ng intel product
then madidisplay yung computer part details. the system will ask if gusto ng
user na I add ang item, if no then the system will ask the guest if they want
to exit, kapag yes then a message will be shown na nagsasabi na successfully
added na ang item.

- Barcos (V) If pinili ng guest ang AMD then automatically na

magdidisplay yung list of AMD product. Another procedure will be done if the
guest wants to go to another category or want to go back/exit. If nakapili
naman na po ng AMD product then madidisplay yung computer part details.
the system will ask if gusto ng guest na I add ang item, if no then the system
will ask the guest if they want to exit, kapag yes then a message will be
shown na nagsasabi na successfully added na ang item.

Existing System - Flowchart System

- Castorico Ang mga problema po na kinaharap po with the
exisitng flowchart is there is no way for proper validation and verification, in
short security. Yung mga built-in compatible parts din po ay auto generated
by the system.

Proposed System Flowchart

-Dayola(Start) Mamimili po kung admin or user. But first need po na
magcreate ng account pero kapag may account na, pwede na mamili kung
admin or user. If no to both options then magbibigay po ng message if mag
eexit na ba ang user. If wala pa pong account in the first place, magdidisplay
yung signup form which you have to enter the necessary details at once na
nafillup-an na lahat, the data will be sent to the database then a verification
via sms or email will be sent. Ang verification method po is OTP and same
process lang wether via sms or email. Kapag may account naman po yung
user, then magdidisplay ng login form which they would have to correctly
insert their email and passowrd. Kapag tama po, magsesend po ng
verification ulit via sms or email at kapag naverifiy na then they can access
the system. If the password or email is not correct or empty then may option
na pwede piliin which is forget passwrd. Makakapag change password sila
once na yung OTP verification is inputted at tama. Like all change password
process, ganun din po yung dadaanan na method. After itype ang new
password, kailangan ulit ire-type for the database to properly record and
update the new password.

- Danao/Castorico(A) This module has the display dashboard,

and once on the dashboard, there will be the interface for the build assist
which the guest has to pick if they would want to proceed. Kapag pinili nila
yung yes, the system will display the CPU and it’s choices. Intel po ba or AMD.
Need mag yes to either one of those. If intel ang pinili, lalabas yung list ng
intel cpu at need na mamili ng user to generate the compatible parts. Kapag
okay na, the database will retrieve the needed data at madidisplay na yung
list at magtatanong ulit yung system if gugustuhin ba ng user na ilagay na
yun sa cart niya. If no then babalik siya sa dashboard para ulitin ang choosing
process. Kapag yes naman po, magdidisplay ang message na successfully
added to your cart.

- Gusto(D) Sa part po na ito ng flowchart, dito pinapakita yung

pag build ng system unit. Pipili ng CPU, motherboard, RAM, GPU, ROM, and
ng case. At the top po, after madisplay yung system unit builder, the user has
to add CPU or let the system generate a compatible part and the database
needs to recieve the data. Kapag yes need makita yung list and choose one of
their choice at kapag satisfied na, it will be added sa form kung saan makikita
lahat ng parts na napili. If no, then the system will generate the compatible
CPU. Ididisplay din po and will let the user decide if they are satisfied with the
pick then add to form. For the other parts, it will process in the same way. If
they want to pick their own parts then they can do so, pag hindi naman po,
they can let the system generate the build that are preferrable.

- Irinco(F) Dito naman po sa module na to, the categories for

the pc are talked about. Yung categories po ay for work, school, or gaming. If
the said yes to one of those categories then the user would have to input
their price range for a more specific build. A system unit package na preferred
for them will be shown at kapag satisfied naman sila, they can view the
details. If they want to purchase it, pipiliin nila yung add to cart which will
then show that it is indeed added. Kapag no, they will be redirected sa display
- Mendoza (G) Dito naman po makikita yung process sa cart.
If the user wants to check out, need pa nila maginput the payment details at
pumili ng mode of payment which is online or COD. If they picked online
payment, magfifillup ng payment form and details yung user. Magsesend ng
confirmation code yung system to confirm na sila nga yung magpupurchase
at kapag tama yung confirmation code, then sasabihin ng user if enough ba
yung balance na ginamit for online payment. Once na enough ito, the user
can pick what type of courrier they would want to deliver their package and
then pwede na magproceed sa checkout after the database has stored the
data to complete their order. If the user picked COD for their mode of
payment, they would only have to pick kung anong courrier yung gusto nilang
magdeliver sa kanila.

- Pimintel (B) Kapag may account naman po yung admin, then

magdidisplay ng login form which they would have to correctly insert their
email and passowrd. Kapag tama po, magsesend po ng verification ulit via
sms or email at kapag naverifiy na then they can access the system. If the
password or email is not correct or empty then may option na pwede piliin
which is forget password. Makakapag change password sila once na yung
OTP verification is inputted ay tama at naverify din ng database. Like all
change password process, ganun din po yung dadaanan na method. After
itype ang new password, kailangan ulit ire-type for confirmation and proper

- Villapena ( C ) This is the admin form where they can

manage either their product, delivery, or report summary. If they want to
manage their product, they will pick if they want to add a product. Need nila
mag fill up ng product details and make sure na filled up lahat ng fields for
the databse to recognize and to completely add yung product. If they said no
to adding a product, then magbibigay ng choice yung system if they want to
search a product. Kapag manage delivery naman po, nasa off page connector
J. If they want to view the summary report, then they would simply have to
pick yes.

- Villar (H) This is for editing a product. Need iinput yung

product name and wait for it to search and display then they would have to
answer kung mag eedit sila ng details. If nag yes then they would have to fill
up yung edit form with the needed details for the database to recognize the
newly added details at kapag kumpleto then the details would have been
edited successfully. Kapag hindi naman mag eedit but instead ay
magdedelete, then the system would ask if they are sure that they want to
delete the said product.

- Aguiling (J) Ipapakita po dito yung delivery form to view

yung product shipment location which would notify the user.
Existing Use Case Diagram
- (Barcos)Pagdating sa existing use case diagram sa system na
Customized Computer Parts Compatibility System, makikita ang multiple
functions available for the admin and guest to do. Sa customer po, they
would be able to view product list along with be able to customize the specific
build they want to achieve. Kasama na rin po dito yung pag view ng receipt.
Sa admin side po, sila lang po yung may kakayahan na mag login and register.
Namamanage ni admin yung products, in terms of the word managing, CRUD
funtion is applied po. Same as sa guest po, they can view the receipt as well.
Sa receipt po, doon nakikita yung computer parts of the build.

Exisitng System - Use Case Diagram Problem

- (Castorico) For the problem faced with the exisitng system,
ito po ay ang not being able to create an account at once again sa compatible
parts module.

Proposed System - Use Case Diagram

- (Danao/Mendoza) Sa proposed use case diagram po, it would be
online based so naturally, need mag log in ng user or if they do not have an
account, they can create one for themselves. Hindi lang po ito magiging
online based, pati na rin POS type of system. And POS types of systems can
show their products for the users to view and choose. Yung user po ay
maaaring pumili whether gusto nila na mag generate ng build ang system for
them or they can customize their own builds. They can fill up their billing
payment at maview ang delivery details. Pagdating naman po sa admin side,
they can log in or create an account as well. Namamanage din ng admin ang
delivery at product available within the system and that includes being able to
view yung sales report po.

Existing ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

- (Dayola) For the existing ERD, pinapakita po ang one to many
relationship connecting the tables. Lahat ng tables has the details which
includes the name, model, specifications, and the image displayed on the user
interface. Yung mga subtables po around the middle table are all connected
to the table in the center. Yung table sa gitna yung pinaka general table,
which means na all data from the subtables will be directly thrown into the
middle table po. All the data from the SUB table will be stored within from the
surrounding tables.

Proposed Entity Relationship Diagram

- (Gusto)For the proposed ERD, pareho lang sa exisitng, it is
naturally has a primary key for each table. There are tables for the CPU,
motherboard, RAM, ROM, PSU, case, and GPU which has fields that will give
more thorough definition and specifications. There is also a table for the
computer parts which is connected to the cart table which is responsible for
the storage of the selected or generated computer parts. There are also other
tables below and one of them is the table for user which naturally has a user
ID and password. The user information is for where the user’s inputted
information will be stored. The remaining four tables are all connected for the
payment and delivery. The payment detail tables is responsible for the mode
of payment of the user while the order detail has the user information. The
delivery has the order detail from the previous table and the sales report has
the delivery ID and purchase date. The cardinal relationships of all of this is
one to many.

Exisitng Dataflow Diagram (DFD)

-(Irinco)Sa existing DFD, may two child nodes which is the
guest and admin portal. Sa guest portal, meron siyang three child which is
the view build assist interface, view system unit builder interface, and lastly,
the view recommendation interface. Pagdating po sa view build assist
interface, sa baba po ay iniispecify na pwedeng ma view anf computer parts
category, chosen computer parts, compatible part details and maprint din. Sa
system unit builder interface naman ay pwedeng maview ang computer parts,
chosen computer parts and its details pati na rin ang additional parts which is
pwedeng maprint. Sa recommendation interface ay may three child which
consists of viewing the list of packages, its details, as well as print it. Pag
bumalik na po sa admin portal, merong Create account, login, at view
manage design interface and with the latter, merong kalakip na ability to view
computer parts category and add, update, and delete design.

-(Pimentel)The admin would be able to create account or login

po with the use of username and password. Once inside, pwedeng makita ng
admin yung manage design interface pati yung computer parts category. New
computer parts details to add ay pwede ring makita ng admin and update, as
well as delete na rin po.

-(Villapena) This part is part of the admin portal as well.

Pwede mag update ng name, model, specifications and image used. You can
also fully delete a computer part.

- (Villar) The guest would be able to view the build assist

interface which is composed of the different parts of possible builds. Pwede
rin makapili ng computer parts category na pwedeng piliin for the build. At
kapag nakapili na, maviview ng guest yung chosen computer parts along with
the specifications, kasama na rin dun yung compatible parts and eventually
print po yung details.

- (Aguiling) The guest would be able to view the system unit

builder interface which is composed of the different parts of possible builds.
Pwede rin makaview ng computer parts category na pwedeng piliin for the
build. At kapag nakapili na, maviview ng guest yung chosen computer parts
along with the specifications, kasama na rin dun yung compatible parts. Once
na gusto pang magmodify, pwede rin mag add ng computer parts ang user
and eventually print po yung details.
-(Barcos) The guest po ay pwedeng mamili ng sa
recommendation interface. Maaari din po na makapili ng package from the list
that the system will show at of course, one napakita ang package, kasama na
po dun yung package details. Once done, makakapagprint na yung system to
show and present to the guest.

Proposed Data Flow Diagram

-(Castorico) For the proposed DFD, pareho pa rin po na
merong guest and admin portal. Sa guest portal, meron siyang four child
which is the view build assist interface, view system unit builder interface,
view recommendation interface, and view cart interface. Pagdating po sa view
build assist interface, sa baba po ay iniispecify na pwedeng ma view anf
computer parts category, chosen computer parts, compatible part details and
delivery details. Sa system unit builder interface naman ay pwedeng maview
ang computer parts category, chosen computer parts and its details pati na
rin ang additional parts as well as the finalized customized system unit. Sa
recommendation interface ay may three child which consists of viewing the
list of packages, its details, as well as print it. Sa last child ng guest portal na
view cart interface, mayroon itong view order details and delivery details. Pag
bumalik na po sa admin portal, merong Create account, login, view manage
design interface, manage delivery, and manage delivery report. Sa view
manage design interface, may kalakip na ability to view computer parts
category and add, update, and delete design. Sa manage delivery ay may
isang child which is tracking the order. Sa Manage delivery report ay may
ability to view the summary report and cancelling of order.

-(Dayola) The admin would be able to create account or login

po with the use of username and password. Once inside, pwedeng makita ng
admin yung manage design interface pati yung computer parts category. New
computer parts details to add ay pwede ring makita ng admin and update, as
well as delete na rin po.

-(Danao/Villapena) Ang guest po ay magkakaron na rin ng

kakayahan mag create account at login with the use of username and
password. The guest po maviview yung build assist interface that has the
different parts of computers as well as maviview rin po yung computer parts
category. Sa list of chosen computer parts at compatible part details ay kung
saan makikita ang chosen parts and shown to the user. Sa details delivery
naman nakapaloob ang order detail which can be viewed by the guest.

- (Gusto)The guest rin po ay maviview yung system unit builder

interface. And different computer categories. The list of chosen computer
parts can also be viewed and displayed by the system.

- (Gusto) The guest would be able to view and add computer

parts based to their liking. Pati na rin po yung customized system unit ay
avilable for viewing as well.

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