SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II - en El Tren

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SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

En el tren

Total duration: 00:12:06

Number of exercises: 23

Key vocabulary [18 word(s)]

bajar (v.) get off; get down; come down; turn down
billete (sust. masc.) ticket; bank note
estación (sust. fem.) [lugar] station
horario (sust. masc.) timetable (UK); schedule (US); hours
informar (v.) inform
litera (sust. fem.) bunk bed; litter; berth
llegada (sust. fem.) arrival
montar (v.) [subir] get on; get onto
ocupado busy; taken; engaged
parada (sust. fem.) stop; bus stop
pasar (v.) come in; pass; go by; spend [time]; happen; go
past; come
perder (v.) lose; miss; waste
reserva (sust. fem.) [plaza] reservation; booking
retraso (sust. masc.) late; delay; late
revisor (sust. masc.) inspector
separar (v.) separate; split
suplemento (sust. masc.) extra payment; supplement; additional charge;
vagón (sust. masc.) carriage (UK); car (US); wagon

Key grammar explanations [5 grammar point(s)]

1 La concordancia de los tiempos en pasado Sequence of tenses: past

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SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

2 La formación del pretérito indefinido de Construction of the preterite


3 Expresiones con "echar" Expressions with 'echar'

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SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

4 El adverbio "todavía" The adverb 'todavía'

5 El adverbio "ya" The adverb 'ya'

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