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SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

En el aeropuerto

Total duration: 00:06:06

Number of exercises: 20

Key vocabulary [18 word(s)]

aeropuerto (sust. masc.) airport
área (sust. fem.) area; hall; field; service station [with de servicio]

avión (sust. masc.) airplane (US); aeroplane (UK); plane; aircraft

billete (sust. masc.) ticket; bank note
chárter charter
despegue (sust. masc.) takeoff
destino (sust. masc.) destination; destiny
embarque (sust. masc.) boarding; boarding pass
equipaje (sust. masc.) luggage (UK); baggage (US); hand luggage
(UK); carry-on baggage (US)
exceso de equipaje (sust. masc.) excess
facturar (v.) charge; invoice; register (UK); check (US)
pasajero (sust. masc.) passenger
pasaporte (sust. masc.) passport
puerta (sust. fem.) door; gate
reservar (v.) book (UK); reserve (US); keep
tripulación (sust. fem.) crew
visado (sust. masc.) visa
vuelo (sust. masc.) flight; gliding

Key grammar explanations [2 grammar point(s)]

1 La acentuación de los diptongos Stressing diphthongs

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SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

2 El gerundio como complemento The gerund as an adverbial phrase


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