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I. Warm- up

Bài 1, 2, 3/ 10 – IELTS TRAINER.


II. Part 2:


III. Part 3:




Bạn ở mức:

3.0: nếu bạn chỉ có thể hoàn thành được phần warm-up, và vẫn có lỗi sai

4.0-5 nếu bạn làm được tới phần 3, nhưng vẫn còn sai.

5.5+ nếu bạn làm được hết tới cuối cùng, nhưng vẫn còn sai.


Hướng dẫn cách chấm:

Mặc dù, IELTS không chấm ý đúng ý sai của người thi nhưng họ vẫn chấm dựa trên liền mạch, mạch
lạc của tư tưởng của người nói.

Riêng cho speaking part 1: các câu trả lời của speaking part 1 phải thật liền mạch, ý tứ hỗ trợ nhau,
không được phép thiếu nhất quán trong bài trả lời.

Riêng cho speaking part 2+3: vì lý do phần 3 sẽ có ý liên quan tới phần 2, nên việc câu trả lời của phần 3
sẽ có xu hướng dựa trên phần 2, nếu học sinh thiếu khả năng liên kết lấy ý tưởng từ phần 2 và thể hiện
sự mạch lạc và chắc chắn trong bài của mình, thì chắc chắn hs đó sẽ không được con 6.

 Chấm điểm pronunciation như sau:

- Bạn trả lời quá nhanh dẫn tới méo hoặc nuốt âm xuyên suốt bài kiểm tra
- Có quá nhiều lần bạn nói nhỏ tới mức giảm khảo không nghe được, hoặc không nghe được
những âm tiết cần thiết để hiểu được từ vựng đó.
- Chú ý vào các từ vựng có âm tiết /s/ và /z/, nếu trong lúc giao tiếp bạn không kiểm soát
được và thể hiện sự khác biệt chính xác giữa các cặp âm tiết nêu trên thì coi như fail.
- Nếu bạn có: 3 yếu tố bên trên = 4.5, nhưng chỉ có 1 hay 2 yếu tố bên trên thì 5-5.5
 Chấm từ vựng và ngữ pháp: dựa chủ yếu vào yếu tố chính xác trong miêu tả ý tưởng, học sinh ở
band 4-5.5 sẽ thường không áp dụng được chính xác cũng như hs sẽ thường không dùng các
phrasal verbs, idioms, và discourse markers để trả lời liên tục được. Nếu các bạn có xu hướng
dùng nhiều phrasal verbs để trả lời, và chính xác trong cách dùng, chấm bạn đó ở band 6+ trong
phần này.

Hình: Discourse markers

Đề mẫu:

Part 1:
Did your parents choose your name(s)?
How did your parents choose your name(s)?
Does your name have any special meaning?
Is your name common or unusual in your country?
If you could change your name, would you? [Why/Why not?]

Part 2: Describe an environmental problem or event.

You should say:
What is it
Where is it happening
What problems does it cause
Part 3:
What are the main environmental problems in your country?
Why should people be concerned about the environment?
How can people protect the environment?
Do you think money should be spent on protecting animals?
Do you think more should be done to protect natural beauty spots in your country?
What can a government do to encourage people not to harm the environment?


The Pueblo Indians were a major cultural influence in the United States' Four Corners region for
over one thousand years. Initially, the civilization was based in individual homesteads in the
Colorado Plateau's highlands, where its members farmed and developed various handicrafts,
such as pottery and blankets. However, during the 11th and 12th centuries the Pueblo moved into
the neighboring canyons and built the massive multifamily dwellings from which their names are
derived. Archaeologist Kristen Kuckelman believes this occurred after persistent droughts made
farming on plateau lands impossible. She believes that the region's inhabitants moved into the
valleys because they were less impacted by the droughts. After they migrated, they had to learn
how to produce food more effectively on less land, so they implemented a system of agricultural
cooperation that eventually led to specialism. Once they settled in the canyons, the civilization
became increasingly more communal in order to maximize the returns on its labor.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts with the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1. The Pueblo got their names from their style of housing.
2. The Pueblo people moved into neighboring communities with more farmland.

Charles Ives

Born in 1874, modernist composer Charles Ives studied music as a child and served as a church
organist during his youth. Influenced by his father, who was a bandleader in the army, he went
on to compose religious choral pieces at Yale University. Yet despite his talent and penchant for
music, Ives was a businessman for most of his life. Ives joined the insurance agency Charles H.
Raymond & Co. in 1899 but left to found an insurance business of his own with one of his
colleagues, Julian Myrick, in 1907 Ives quickly earned a reputation among his peers for being a
shrewd businessman who was adept at making money. However, believing that insurance was,
first and foremost, a means of benefiting the public, he upheld the humanitarian ideals of the
industry and had no involvement in the corruption scandals prevalent within it during his time.
When he retired in 1930, lives and Myrick's firm was the largest of its kind in America.

Ives' business success so overshadowed his musical endeavors that some of his friends were
entirely unaware that he was a composer. Publishing pieces at his own expense and having them
performed in obscure places by little-known musicians, Ives kept his distance from the
mainstream musical community. His doing so gave him the confidence to experiment, borrowing
elements from a variety of musical genres. For instance, he integrated the popular music and
religious choral pieces of his teenage and college years with European concert music. It was his
creativity and ability to mix genres that ultimately brought him renown among music critics.

The work that best epitomizes his talent for synthesis is Piano Sonata No. 2, more commonly
known as Concord Sonata. The piece was inspired by the American transcendentalist writers of
the 19th century, who were active in the vicinity of Concord, Massachusetts. One of the central
tenets of transcendentalism was that personal intuition, rather than society and its various
institutions, opened the gateway to imagination. Utilizing quotations from Beethoven, excerpts
from popular and religious music, and sounds from everyday life, such as trains, Ives attempted
to capture this spirit in his sonata. Public performances of the work also included an
experimental dimension: before each of the four movements, Ives read from the works of the
authors that inspired them - Emerson, Hawthorne, the Alcott family, and Thoreau. The sonata
had a triumphant premiere in 1938 - more than 20 years after it had been completed and news of
his work soon spread.

9 years later, in 1947, Ives rose to the very forefront of classical music when he was awarded the
Pulitzer Prize for Symphony No. 3. Despite gaining this acknowledgement for his musical
contribution during his lifetime, he did not live to see many of his works performed live, and
Ives' fame among the public was mostly posthumous. Today, Ives is regarded as a pioneer in
American musical history, and his reputation continues to grow. In the last 15 years of the 20th
century alone, at least twenty books were released about his life and work.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts with the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
3 Corruption was widespread among insurance firms during Charles Ives's time.

4 The mainstream musical community was strictly against experimentation.

5 Ives did not use popular and religious music in his sonata.

6 Charles Ives received no recognition for his work until after he had passed away.

With an estimated 440 million consumers worldwide now spending approximately $1.2 trillion a year on
top-of-the-line products like watches, jewelry, clothing, handbags, and cars, the luxury goods retail
market is steadily expanding. Yet, as a large portion of these consumers is not among the very wealthy, it
has become clear that people are spending beyond their means. What then, is driving them to do so?

According to professors Niro Sivanathan and Nathan Petit, luxury items are indicators of success and
thereby boost self-confidence. They have even conducted a survey that substantiates this idea.
Participants in their study who had recently ended a relationship or missed out on a promotion, for
instance, demonstrated much more of a desire to shop for high-end items as a means of consolation than
those who were generally happy. The participants thought that purchasing luxury items would help them
forget their failures and make them feel more successful. Retail therapy notwithstanding, many
consumers simply believe that you get what you pay for that the most expensive items are of the highest
quality and last the longest. For this reason, they are in high demand among shoppers. They feel that
splurging on an item rather than buying a reasonably priced generic brand will result in significant
savings on repair and replacement costs in the long run.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

The main topic discussed in the text is

A worldwide production of luxury goods.

B the growth of a wealthy consumer class.

C factors influencing reckless spending.

D the role psychology plays in retail marketing.

Buying a luxury item instead of a similar, cheaper one can

A boost the economy.

B lead to people buying multiple luxury items.

C save money that would have been spent fixing it.

D increase demand for other affordable items,

Answer key passage 4 27. H

28. L
29. A
30. C
31. F

Nếu làm đúng 6 câu trở lên, các bạn đang ở band 5.5+

Từ 4 tới 6 câu đúng, các bạn đang ở band 4.5-5

Dưới 4 câu, các bạn đang còn hơi yếu.

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