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Activity 2

Dison B. Flordeliz
What we'll discuss
Give 10 civilizations and identify their
Brief history of the earth and life
based on the video presented in
your fb group.
As a christian. How can you explain
the history of life and earth through
science and religion?
Give 10 civilizations and
identify their
Egyptian civilization
Art and engineering were present in their buildings
Irrigation canals made the area the biggest grain producer in
the ancient world
The origins of the scientific method can also be dated back
to the Egyptians
The manufacture of glass was used on a daily basis and as an
ornament in tombs
They invented sailing as a mode of transport.
Alchemy also originated in ancient Egypt.
They discovered the calendar of 365 and a quarter days, the
most scientific calendar of ancient times.
Mesopotamian culture
The Calendar
The Wheel
The Plow
The Sexagesimal (base 60) System
First code of laws
Astrology and Astronomy
Indian Civilization
They developed the decimal system, which
established the numeric symbols that we use
today. They were the first, along with the Mayas,
to invent the concept of zero. The mathematician
and astronomer Aryabhata determined the value
of “Pi” (the approximate relation between the
circumference and diameter of a circle) and the
spherical shape and rotation of the Earth.
Chinese Civilization
Arts -They created pagodas, which were basically roofs
which overlapped each other. They also manufactured
porcelain and silk items which linked them to the
spiritual world they believed in.
Sciences-There were major inventions, some of the most
important of which being the first compass and the first
Architecture-Their main principles were aesthetic beauty
and functionality. Their houses, for example, were made
from wood whilst the roofs had curved eaves and the roof
tiles were painted in different colors. Their great
creations include the Great Wall of China and the
Terracotta Army.
Greek civilization
Art-In this activity, the Greek concept of “nothing in excess” was practiced,
seen for example in architecture where there were no large monumental
buildings, but instead a series of public buildings linked to daily life in the
Philosophy-The “love of wisdom” began with the Greeks, as can be seen in
their search for the ground substances that the Universe is composed of (for
example, for Tales it was water, however for Anaximenes it was air)
Theatre-This activity emerged in the Greek classical period and is closely
linked to the religious festivities in honor of the God Dionysus (God of wine
and festivities).
Sciences-While the Greeks, in some areas, were not creators, they did focus
on establishing some theorems, such as Pythagoras in mathematics.
The Olympic Games-The Games were considered the most important
religious holiday in the Greek world, where representatives from different
cities would gather to compete in races, fights, discus throwing, and other
Democracy-As explained above, the main political contribution to the
Western world was the development of the democratic system in the polis of
Roman Civilization
Architecture-The Romans constructed buildings with arches, domes, and
vaults, which they adopted from the Etruscans, mixing these elements with
some decorative elements of Greek architecture.
Sculpture-Emperors and Roman generals built arches and columns to
celebrate the memory of their triumphs, which they decorated beautifully with
embossments and statues to remember their feats.
Painting-Roman painting is distinguishable by the frescoes that decorated the
houses in Pompeii and some tombs. Their painting style isn’t just a simple
imitation of Greek painting; it has a uniqueness that is incomparable to any
other style.
Technology-Pure science wasn’t cultivated in Rome; however, technology
was advanced, as it was practical and useful.
Aqueducts-Rome had seven hills and eleven aqueducts. The size of the city
grew proportionally with the water that entered it.
Aztec Civilization
Astronomy-Based on the cycles of the Sun or Venus they
put together a solar calendar that they called the Sun
Stone, which represented the 5 ages of humanity.
Art and Architecture-The State helped a large number of
specialized artisans to develop feather art and precious
metalwork.They built several important constructions
such as theTeocalli.
Language-The language spoken in the Empire was called
Writing-Writing was based upon symbols that described
history and mythology.
Inca Civilization
Roads-Technically speaking, the Romans had already built the world’s first
roads on the other side of the world, although the Incas didn’t know that
communications network-They didn’t exactly invent the internet, but the
Inca’s communication system was remarkable nonetheless! Citizens were
employed by the state to take up positions every mile along major roads and
work as relay runners to pass messages and deliveries across great distances.
accounting system-The Incas had an ingenious record keeping system known
as Khipus which was unlike anything ever conceived by other civilizations
Terraces-The Inca empire began in a mountainous region with limited access
to flat land.
Freeze drying-The Incas were the first recorded people to learn freeze drying
Brain surgery-The Incas worked out that it was possible to save the lives of
their injured men using a primitive form of brain surgery.
effective government-Upon conquering the Incas, the Spanish remarked that
there were very few beggars or vagabonds and that everyone seemed to have a
place in society.
Rope bridges-Inca engineers would shoot arrows across a canyon or river to a
colleague waiting on the other side who then secured the rope into place.
Mayan Civilization
Astronomy-The Mayans developed a calendar
that is as precise as the one we use
today.According to the observation of the
Sun, the Moon, and the stars, they could
predict phenomena such as eclipses and
Astronomy-The Mayans developed a
calendar that is as precise as the one we use
today.According to the observation of the
Sun, the Moon, and the stars, they could
predict phenomena such as eclipses and
Brief history of the earth
and life based on the
video presented in your fb
A brief history of the earth and life based on the video presented in
your fb group.
Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution explains that life on
Earth began with simple organisms. Joel Primack and Nancy
Abrams argue that every society has a centering cosmology to
answer the questions of where its people came from, how they
were created, and for what purpose. Astrophysicist Sandra
Faber asks: Can the earth produce 16 times more food, shelter,
and fuel in the next 80 years? If our purpose has become
growth, it too is about to die, she says. The beginning of our
cosmology is planet Earth and, says Faber, "Earth is finite and
we are ignoring that".

Darwin's principle of evolution is summarized by the following

facts. All life tends to increase: more organisms are conceived,
born, hatched, germinated from seed, sprouted from spores, or
produced by cell division. Those alive today have been selected
relative to similar ones that never survived or procreated.

is Earth rare? To maintain its atmosphere, a planet must have

geo-dynamics, a magnetic field to deflect the solar winds and
its damaging particles. The planet must also have plate
tectonics, or convection cells lubricated by water that
"recirculate" material from the planet's core to the crust. Faber
believes that we will find the Earth is rare.

A brief history of the earth and life based on the video presented in
your fb group.
The history of Earth concerns the development of
planet Earth from its formation to the present day.
Climate is often defined as "average weather" and is
usually described in terms of the mean and variability
of temperature, precipitation and wind over a period of
time ranging from months to millions of years. The
Hadean eon represents the time before a reliable
(fossil) record of life. It began with the formation of
the planet and ended 4.0 billion years ago. The
following Archean and Proterozoic eons produced the
beginnings of life and its earliest evolution.

The origin of life is one of the great mysteries in the

Universe. It is estimated that 99 percent of all species
that ever lived on Earth, over five billion, have gone
extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current
species range from 10 million to 14 million. Life as we
understand it must have water. This general rule is true
on Earth and thought to be true elsewhere in the solar
A brief history of the earth and life based on the video presented in
your fb group.
Currently, life is being sought on Mars where
water may have once flowed on the surface and
Europa where a subterranean sea of water may
exist beneath its icy surface. In a tree of life,
organisms are grouped based on their common
(or disparate) properties. For example, mule
deer and whitetail deer are more closely related
than grizzly bears. In either case, it appears the
earliest form of life in the tree were
thermophilic or hyperthermophile organisms.

Scientists believe the Earth began its life about

4.6 billion years ago. Most of the Earth's early
atmosphere was created in the first million years
after solidification. Oxygen began accumulating
in the atmosphere through photo-dissociation of
O2 from water, and by way of photosynthesis
As a christian. How can
you explain the history of
life and earth through
science and religion?
As a Christian. How can you explain the history of life and earth
through science and religion?
as a Christian i can only explain the earth
and life by reading the bible because it says
in the bible the beginning created the
heavens and the earth before there were
people the heavens and the earth were
created first followed by the environment
and then the people but because of the
temptation that the Lord gave eternal life
was lost because we ate the fruit of having
the wisdom to know good and evil now we
will have eternal life if we believe in the Lord.
Thank You for

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