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Platonic love does not have sexual feelings.

With sexuality being a very open subject these days

many people are comfortable having “friends with benefits” situations which can blur this line.
True love is a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy,
passionate and fulfilling relationship. An example of true love is the emotion shared between a
couple who has been married for 40 years and who are still passionate about each other and care
deeply for each other. noun.
Past time is something that amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably.
Familial Love is when people who we are related to or who we spend a lot of time with tend to
be quite close. If they are close as your family, you may feel familial love for them. This type of
love is very strong and protective. You do not feel romantic feelings for these people, but you do
feel a type of connection that is different than people who are simply “friends.” Familial love is
very relaxed and comfortable; you may be more open with someone you feel familial love for
because there is also a deep amount of trust there. Familial love can be frustrating at times
because you may feel familial love but have bad experiences with that person which can make it
conflicting. Familial love is the first type of love we experience and if it is not in a healthy way it
can affect how we give and receive love as we get older.

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