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What has happened in terms of llibrary

ibrary since you returned from G
We all are doing our job because we are supposed to be doing it, this is where
we miss the essence of life. After the Exposure visit to Goa we truly came up
with wonderful ideas of doing something different to add essence in our life and

Especially in the library we started giving students the freedom of reading and
incorporating a sense of belongingness and responsibility. Earlier we use to ask
students to read full book but now“Random
now“ Reading” is also being promoted
because this way of reading is more creative and innovative.

The book named “The power of subconscious

subconscious mind” proves that our brain
works more efficiently when the information comes in small chunks and not in
a big dose so “Read for the sake of reading” which is the primary
primary objective of
reading is on the way to be achieved.Equipped with the efficient tools now I can
easily explain my students about the difference between learning and studying.
Library is a place for learning where they will not be tested or judged for what
they are doing.
In terms of library, many new things are added up to give fres
freshness and
newness to the library, keeping in view the six important elements of a library
i.e. values, space, collection, administration,
people, interaction.
1. Values:
1. A separate corner is setup for Book
Hospital, where the students try their
hands on taking care of the books, thereby instilling the sense of belongingness
and responsibility. Provided with the material and guidance they are asked to
turn a “sad book” into a “happy book”. “Book Hospital” corner is now the part
of little free library also in all the classes.

Form the workshop we all have learnt how
too use every nook and corner in an
Innovative way. For the same ’What I read
corner’ is set up where the students are free
to stick the title of the book which they
really like
ke and they want others to read.
Reading Corners in the classroom have
undergone a complete revamp as each and every book is displayed properly in
the Reading Area allowing students to have a widespread access to the name of
the book, its cover page and the author.
Book Displays are one way in which certain books or themes from the
collection are highlighted, in a way that is interactive and compels users to
interact with the Reading Area space.

As we embark a journey in the new session
at Delhi Public School, Ludhiana Librarian
and LEC alumni conducted sessions on
weekly basis with teachers in the Library
and guided them ,how
how to conduct “Book
Talks’ in their classrooms. Through Book
talk, dominoes game, fishing a title game,
teachers were guided about all the browsing games so that they can craft an
interest to pick up the book and read it
Library card making activity was conducted in all the classes thereby telling the
students about the importance of recording things. For the senior classes this
activity was conducted in the library.
Dialogue: Being the most important elementin the profession of a librarian.
Though as Sujata said don’t stick to the rule book, a general talk session was
conducted where students were asked to express their feelings in a form of
small flip book. It was amazing to see, how few students are disturbed due to
loneliness how they feel bad about the ill treatment to their house helpers. After
practically implementing things it made us clearer, how important it is to talk, to
listen and to express. These youngsters are holding many questions in their
mind which need to be answered.
4. PEOPLE: As we all know it’s extremely important to know who the user is.
For the same resources are being segregated according to their age and grade.
Although students are being given full liberty to choose and read any book they
like. This work is still in progress. Age appropriate activities are being
conducted for the students
5. COLLECTION: Knowing our collection is very important. If we are aware of
what we have only then we can guide the users, most of the students are now
familiar with the terms like author, illustrator, publisher etc. Even basic genre’
are being discussed with them .Suggestions are being called up to revamp the
collection especially for the junior wing. Marinating a proper collection is still
in progress.
6. ADMINISTRATION: There is a lot of help and support from the
administration for the smooth functioning of the library as HOS’s were the part
of the workshop. So there is a consistent support from HOS and JWC and LEC
alumni in terms of administrating the library.

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