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CHUYÊN ANH 2021-2022

Section 1

There are 4 parts in this section. You will hear each part TWICE

1.You are going to listen to a TV program about stress in teenagers. Listen and
choose the correct answer for each question.

2.Jerome is a high school student in __________.

Los Angeles

3.What happened when his grades went down?

His parents were angry.
He stopped going to school.
he was dropped from the basketball team.

4.According to Dr. Carson, why do teenagers get depressed?

They eat fast food.
They can’t set priorities.
They play too many sports.

5.What types of schools have students with this problem?

good schools
poor schools
all schools

6.How can teachers help a depressed student?

Give more time for an assignment
Give higher grades
Talk about going to university
7.You are going to listen to Martin talking about his journey from London to
Avignon by car. Listen and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False

8.There’s a lot of traffic in London on Saturday morning.


9.Petrol is more expensive in Britain than in France.


10.The journey through the channel takes an hour.


11.The speed limit on France motorways is 120km/h.


12.French motorways aren’t free.


13.Listen to a conversation and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS AND/OR ANUMBER for each answer.

14.Total number of visits:

15.Best thing about the city:

16.Favourite attraction:

17.Best thing about the destination’s dining options:

18.Method of transport to destination:

19.Age group:

20.Income level:

21.Purpose of visit:    on business


22.Occupation:     __________________________________

                         Write for a travel magazine

23.Opinion of cost of accommodation:

24.You are going to listen to the dialogue and choose the best option to answer
the questions.

25.What is Nancy doing research on?

life in Tokyo
living spaces
life in Japan

26.What place in Tokyo does Nancy describe?

a single home
a block of flats
a hotel
a rented house

27.What point does Nancy make about people living in city centres?
They’ve all got good jobs
They can split bills
Many people can’t afford it
They can pay later

28.Where does the plan that Nancy read about take place?
Japan only
London only
Japan and London
many places in Britain

29.How does Nancy feel about the plan?

She thinks it’s perfect
She thinks it’s a good start

Section 2


30.Joanna was a very dominant mother who tried to ________ her wishes on her

31.________ little we may like it, old age comes to all of us.

32.The new curriculum has been designed to ________ student learning by

combining theory with hands-on practice.

33.We would like to pay ________ to all the artists who made this wonderful
festival possible.

34.________ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is

merely an optical illusion.
The moon which
What the moon
When the moon
That the moon

35.Anyone ________ ticket has been stolen should contact the airline immediately.

36.He managed to finish his thesis under the ________ of his tutor.

37.Toxic chemicals in the air and land, contaminated water and increased water
temperatures have
also ________ many species to the verge of extinction.

38.My watch needs repairing; it ________ over 20 minutes a day.


39.The boy screamed for help but he couldn't ________ because of his low voice.
hear him
make himself heard
make himself hear
make him heard

40.The football match tomorrow evening will be broadcast ________ on TV and


Chủ động: will + V-ing

 Bị động: will be + P2

 simultaneously: 1 cách đồng thời

communally: mang tính cộng đồng

uniformly: 1 cách đồng đều

jointly: 1 cách cùng nhau

41.That’s a nice coat, and the color ________ you well.


Suit (v) phù hợp

Match (v) cái gì hợp với cái gì

Fit (v) vừa vặn về kích thước, hình dáng

Couple (v) buộc nối, kết hợp với

42.Buy me a dozen of eggs on the way back, ________?

will you
may you
do you
can you

Câu hỏi đuôi: trong câu mệnh lệnh, câu hỏi đuôi dùng “will you”

43.The new road under ________ will help to solve the traffic problems in the city

Under construction: đang được thi công, đang trong thời gian xây dựng

Design (v) thiết kế

Designer (n) nhà thiết kế

Designate (v) chỉ định, bổ nhiệm

Progress (v, n) tiến triển, sự tiến triển ~ in progress: đang được tiến hành

Progression (n) quá trình tiến triển, cấp số

Progressive (adj) tiến bộ, tiến lên

(n) người tiến bộ

Construct (v) xây dựng, dựng lên

Construction (n) sự xây dựng, cấu trúc câu

Constructional (adj) liên quan đến xây dựng, thuộc về cấu trúc

Constructive (adj) mang tính xây dựng

Constructor (n) kĩ sư xây dựng

Deconstruct (v) phân tích, phá hủy

44.They turned ________ at the party, despite the awful weather.

Phrasal verb

Turn up: xuất hiện (=show up)

Turn round: thay đổi, chuyển hướng

Turn in: đi ngủ, đăng nhập, gửi đi

Turn back: quay trở lại theo hướng ban dâud

45.There is a rumor that the National Bank is going to ________ the company I am
working for.
take on
take up
take off
take over

Phrasal verb

Take over: đảm nhận, điều hành

Take on: nhận trách nhiệm, tuyển dụng

Take up: bắt đầu 1 thói quen, sở thích, chiếm chỗ

Take off: khởi hành, cởi trang phục

46.The old woman came in, ________ by a young man.

to be accompanied

Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động  dùng p2

Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng chủ động  dùng V-ing

Accompany (v) hộ tống, đệm đàn

Accompanist (n) người đệm đàn

Accompaniment (n) nhạc đệm, vật kèm theo

47.Three ________ the maximum length of time allowed for the provincial test for
gifted students.
hour is
hours is
hours are
hour are

Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ

Khoảng cách, thời gian, số tiền, đơn vị đo lường + động từ chia ngôi thứ 3 số ít

provincial test: bài thi tỉnh

gifted students: học sinh chuyên
48.A part-time job gives me freedom to ________ my own interests.

Pursue one’s own interests: theo đuổi sở thích cá nhân

Chase (v) đuổi theo

Seek (v) tìm

Catch (v) bắt

Part-time job: công việc bán thời gian

Give sb freedom to V: cho ai tự do làm gì

49.Mr.Henry was given the highest honor medal in ________ of his service to the
In recognition of sth: để ghi nhận, công nhân

Gratitude (n) lòng biết ơn

50.Use the word given in CAPITAL at the end of each lineto form a word that fits
in the space in the same line.

51.Nordic walking is an (1) __________ technique that uses poles to bring the upper
body into more use and boost the calorie-burning effects of walking.      

52.It was (2) __________ devised in Finland by elite cross-country skiers as a way to
keep their fitness levels up during the summer.          ORIGIN

53.At first (3)__________, Nordic walking may look like skiing without the skis – or
the snow.       SEE

54.But although, to the (4) __________ eye, striding around the local park with a
pair of poles may look a bit silly,           TRAIN actually offers a serious (5) __________for people of all ages and abilities.         

56.You don’t (6)__________ have to go faster to get more out of it – just put in
more effort with the poles.          NECESSARY

57.The poles, which can be made from aluminum or carbon fibre, are specially
designed to (7)__________ the work done by the upper body.             MAXIMUM

58.And because Nordic walking is also a weight-bearing exercise, it’s great for (8)
__________bones and joints.        STRONG

59.But the best news is that because the effort is spread across the (9) __________
of the body,      ENTIRE

60.Nordic walking can actually feel (10) __________ and less tiring than normal
walking.        EASY
61.Fill in the gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or

62.First came steam and the first machines that mechanized some of the work
our ancestors did. Next was electricity, the assembly line and the birth of mass
production.  The third era of industry came about with the advent (1) _________
computers and the beginnings of automation, when robots and machines began
to replace human workers on those assembly lines.

Correct answers: of

63.And now we enter Industry 4.0, in which computers and automation will come
together (2)_________ an entirely new way,

64.with robotics connected remotely to computer systems equipped (3)_________

machine learning algorithms that can learn and control the robotics with very
little input from human operators.

65.There are differences (4) _________ a typical traditional factory and an Industry
4.0factory. In the current industry environment,
66.providing high-end quality service or product with the least cost is the key (5)
_________ success and industrial factories are trying to achieve as much
performance as possible to increase their profit as well as their reputation.

67.In this way, various data sources are available to provide worthwhile
information (6)_________ different aspects of the factory.

68.In this stage, the utilization of data for understanding current operating
conditions and detecting faults and failures is an important topic to research. e.g.
in production, there are various commercial tools available to provide overall
equipment effectiveness (OEE) information to factory management (7)_________
order to highlight the root causes of problems and possible faults in the system.

69.(8)_________ contrast, in an Industry 4.0 factory, in addition to condition

monitoring and fault diagnosis, components and systems are able to gain self-
awareness and self-predictiveness,
70.which will provide management (9) _________ more insight on the status of the

71.Furthermore, peer-to-peer comparison and fusion of health information from

various components provides a precise health prediction in component and
system levels and force factory management to trigger required maintenance
(10) _________ the best possible time to reach just-in-time maintenance and gain
near-zero downtime.

Section 3

72.Read the text and choose the best option for each question.

73.An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory
about the sudden end of their empire. (1) ___________ to Professor Richard
Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of California,

74.the (2)___________ of the Mayan civilization in central American


75.was (3)___________ about by the Mayans themselves.


76.Their object was to display their (4) ___________ and power by making their
buildings and decoration as beautiful as possible.

77.This involved using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to
make them smooth. (5) ___________, the creation of lime is a process which
requires intense heat, and they therefore had to cut down huge numbers of trees.

78.This (6)___________ the quality of the soil, and it became almost impossible to

79.Professor Hansen, who has just returned from an excavation in the El Mirador
region of northern Guatemala, told a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia
that the Mayas, having made this mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600
years later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food (7) ___________ among
the Mayas created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War

80.which ravaged (8)___________ Greece.


81.However, (9)___________ the Greek civil war, which only lasted for 27 years,

82.the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities
and temples (10)___________.

83.Read the text and choose the correct heading for each paragraph, from the list
of headings below. Write the corresponding letter A-G in the appropriate space.
There are 3 redundant headings. Paragraph A and G have been done for you.
                                                                 List of headings
I.       Why some early social science methods lost popularity
ii.      The cost implications of research
iii.      Looking ahead to an unbiased assessment of research
iv.      A range of social issues that have been usefully studied
v.       An example of a poor decision that was made too quickly
vi.      What happens when the figures are wrong
vii.     One area of research that is rigorously carried out
viii.    The changing nature of medical trials
ix.      An investigate study that may lead to a new system
x.       Why some scientists’ theories are considered second-rate

Example:     Paragraph A:                ______x______ 

                   Paragraph G              ______iii______
1. Paragraph  B               ______________

2. Paragraph  C              ______________

3. Paragraph  D              ______________

4. Paragraph  E              ______________

5. Paragraph  F              ______________


84.B. Governments require sellers of new medicines to demonstrate their safety

and effectiveness. The accepted gold standard of evidence is a randomized
control trial, in which a new drug is compared with their best existing therapy (or
with a placebo, if no treatment is available). Patients are assigned to one arm or
the other of such a study at random, ensuring that the only difference between
the two groups is the new treatment. The best studies also ensure that neither
patient nor physician knows which patient is allocated to which therapy. Drug
trials must also include enough patients to make it unlikely that chance alone
may determine the result.

85.C. But few education programs or social initiatives are evaluated in carefully
conducted studies prior to their introduction. A case in point is the “whole-
language” approach to reading, which swept much of the English speaking world
in the 1970s and 1980s. The whole-language theory holds that children learn to
read best by absorbing contextual clues from texts, not by breaking individual
words into their component parts and reassembling them (a method known as
phonics). Unfortunately, the educational theorists who pushed the whole-
language notion so successfully did not wait for evidence from controlled
randomized trials before advancing their claims. Had they done so, they might
have concluded, as did an analysis of randomized studies carried outby the US
National Reading Panel in 2000, that effective reading instruction requires
86.D. To avoid the widespread adoption of misguided ideas, the sensible thing is
to experiment first and make policy later. This is the idea behind a trial of
restorative justice which is taking place in the English courts. The experiment will
include criminals who plead guilty to robbery. Those who agree to participate will
be assigned randomly either to sentencing as normal or to participation in a
conference in which the offender comes face to face with his victim and discusses
how he may make emotional and material restitution. The purpose of the trial is
to assess whether such restorative justice limits reoffending. If it does, it might be
adopted more widely.

87.E. The idea of experimental evidence is not quite new to the social science as
sneering natural scientists might believe. In fact, randomized trials and systematic
reviews of evidence were introduced into the social sciences long before they
became common in medicine. An apparent example of random allocation is a
study carried out in 1927 of how to persuade people to vote in elections. And
randomized trials in social work were begun in the1930s and 1940s. But
enthusiasm later waned. This loss of interest can be attributed, at least in part, to
the fact that early experiments produced little evidence of positive outcomes.
Others suggest that much of the opposition to experimental evaluation stems
from a common philosophical malaise among social scientists, who doubt the
validity of the natural sciences, and therefore reject the potential of knowledge
derived from controlled experiments. A more pragmatic factor limiting the
growth of evidence-based education and social services may be limitations on
the funds available for research.

88.F. Nevertheless, some 11,000 experimental studies are known in the social
sciences (compared with over 250,000 in the medical literature). Randomized
trials have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of driver-education programs,
job-training schemes, classroom size, psychological counseling for post traumatic
stress disorder and increase investment in public housing. And where they are
carried out, they seem to have a healthy dampening effect on otherwise rosy
interpretations of the observations.

89.Read the following passage then choose the best answer for each question. 

As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning
to night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and
Stress is natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is
not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to
provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of
control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the
individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are
obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the
first signs of unusual difficulties. When, exposed to stress, in whatever form, we
react both chemically and physically. In fact, we make a choice between “flight
and fight” and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between
life and death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme. But
however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a
reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes
endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases
have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (it
would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.

90.People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because
they do not know how to enjoy themselves
they do not believe that relaxation is important for health
they are traveling fast all the time
they are becoming busier with their work

91.According to the author, the most important character for a good manageris
his ___________.
not fearing stress
knowing the art of relaxation
high sense of responsibility
having control over performance

92.Which of the following statements is true?

We can find some ways to avoid stress
Stress is always detrimental to people
It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work
Different people can withstand different amount of stress

93.The phrase “such a reaction” in the passage refers to ___________.

making a choice between “flight and fight”
reaction to crises both chemically and physically
responding to crises quickly
losing heart at the signs of difficulties

94.In the last sentence of the passage, the phrase “do so” mostly means
expose ourselves to stress
find ways to deal with stress
remove stress from our lives
establish links between diseases and stress

95.Read the following passage then choose the best answer for each question. 

The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City. Fora long
time, it has been the newspaper of record in the United States and oneof the
world’s great newspapers. Its strength is in its editorial excellence;it has never
been the largest newspaper in terms of circulation.
The Times was established in1851 as a penny paper whose editors wanted to
report the news in a restrained and objective fashion. It enjoyed early success as
its editors set a pattern for the future by appealing to a cultured, intellectual
readerships instead of a mass audience. However, in the late nineteenth century,
it came into competition with more popular, colorful, if not lurid, newspapers in
New York City. Their publishers ran sensational stories, not because they were
true, but because they sold newspaper. Despite price increases, the Times was
losing £1,000 a week when Adolph Simon Ochs bought it in 1896.
Ochs built the Times into an internationally respected daily. He hired Carr Van
Anda as editor. Van Anda placed greater stress than ever on full reporting of the
news of the day, and his reporters maintained and emphasized existing good
coverage of international news. The management of the paper decided to
eliminate fiction from the paper, added a Sunday magazine section, and reduced
the paper’s price back to a penny. In April 1912, the paper took many risks to
report every aspect of the sinking of the Titanic. This greatly enhanced its
prestige, and in its coverage of two world wars, the Times continued to enhance
its reputation for excellence in world news.
In 1971, the Times was given a copy of the so-called “Pentagon Papers,” a secret
government study of U.Sinvolvement in the Vietnam War. When it published the
report, it became involved in several lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court found that
the publication was protected by the freedom of the press clause in the First
Amendment of the U.S Constitution. Later in the 1970s, the paper, under Adolph
Ochs’s grandson, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, introduced sweeping changes in the
organization of the newspaper and its staff and brought out a national edition
transmitted by satellite to regional printing plants.

96.What is the main idea of the passage?

The New York Times publishes the best fiction by American writers.
The New York Times became highly respected throughout the world
The New York Times broadcasts its news to TV stations via satellite.
The New York Times lost its prestige after the Vietnam War.

97.It can be inferred from the passage that the circulation of the Times is
not the largest in the world
not the best in the world
the smallest in the world
the worst in the world

98.Which phrase is closet in meaning to the word “restrained” in paragraph 2?

put in prison
in handcuffs
without education
with self-control

99.According to the passage, what caused the loss of money at the Times?
Other newspapers were more colorful.
Other newspapers had better reporters.
Other newspapers added a Sunday magazine.
Other newspapers were better manage

100.What word or phrase does the word “his” in paragraph 3 refer to?
Van Anda
News of the day
International news

101.Which word or phrase is closet in meaning to the word “enhanced” in

paragraph 3?
made the best of
made worse

102.To improve its circulation, the management of the Times didall of the
following EXCEPT
emphasized good coverage of international news.
added a Sunday magazine section.
increased the number of lurid stories, even if they were not true.
eliminated fiction from the paper.

103.The passage implies that the newspaper’s reputation ___________.

decreased when it lowered its price to a penny.
grew because Adolph Ochs bought it in 1896
increased because of its coverage of the Titanic’s sinking
decreased because it could not compete with other New York papers.

104.What word or phrase does the word “publication” in paragraph 4 refer to?
The Times
“The Pentagon Papers”
The report
The Constitution

105.According to the passage, the Times has a national edition that is ___________.
protected by the Supreme Court
printed in the form of a Sunday magazine
shipped by train and air transport daily
transmitted by satellite to regional printing plants

106.Read the following passage then choose the best answer for each question. 

Hepatitis C is an illness, unknown until recently, that has been discovered in many
individuals. It has been called an epidemic, yet unlike most illnesses with that
designation, it is not easily transmitted. It is accurately referred to as epidemic in
that so many people have been discovered with the illness, but itis different in
that these people have actually carried the virus for many years. It is only
transmitted by direct blood-to-blood contact; casual contact and even sexual
contact are not believed to transmit the illness. Hepatitis means an inflammation
or infection of the liver. Hepatitis C is generally chronic, as oppose to acute. This
means that it continues to affect the patient and is not known to have a sudden
onset or recovery.
The great majority of people infected with the illness either had a blood
transfusion before the time that the disease was recognized in donated blood, or
experimented with injecting illegal drugs when they were young. Many victims
are educated, financially successful males between the ages of 40 and 50 who
experimented with intravenous drugs as teenagers. There are frequently no
symptoms, so the illness is discovered through routine blood tests. Most
commonly, people learn they have the illness when they apply for life insurance
or donate blood. The blood test reveals elevated liver enzymes, which could be
caused by any form of hepatitis, by abuse of alcohol, or by other causes. Another
test is then performed, and the result is learned. Because the illness produces no
symptoms, it of itself does not affect the victim’s life, at least at first. But the
constant infection in the liver can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which is
scarring and death of portions of the liver. The cirrhosis in turn can lead to liver
cancer and, ultimately, death. Severe cases can be reversed with a liver transplant.
Yet, because the virus may exist in the body for more than 20 years before being
discovered, after reviewing the condition of the liver, doctors often suggest
waiting and periodically checking the condition rather than performing radical
treatment procedures. The liver’s condition is determined by a biopsy, in which a
device is inserted into the liver and its condition is viewed. If there is little or no
cirrhosis, it is more likely that treatment will be postponed. Treatment frequently
causes more discomfort than the illness itself. It consists of some form of
chemotherapy. Currently, the most frequent treatment is a combination therapy,
with one drug injected three times a week and another taken orally, costing
hundreds of dollars a week. The therapy causes the patient to have symptoms
similar to influenza, and some patients suffer more than others. Unfortunately,
many patients do not respond, or do not respond completely to the therapy.
There is no alternative therapy at this time for non-responders, although
researchers are continually trying to find a cure.

107.The author implies that___________.

physicians have been treating patients for hepatitis C for over 20 years
other forms of hepatitis were known before the hepatitis C strain was discovered
hepatitis C is generally seen as an acute illness
hepatitis C is easily transmitted through any type of contact

108.The word “onset” at the end of paragraph one isclosest in meaning to


109.The best title for this passage would be ___________.

Treatment Choices for Hepatitis C
The History of Different Forms of Hepatitis
Hepatitis C - Its Characteristics and Treatment
The Causes and Symptoms of Hepatitis C

110.The word “great” at the beginning of paragraph two is closest in meaning to

111.The word “routine” in paragraph one is closest in meaning to ___________.

112.The author implies that ___________.

patients usually learn of the illness because they have severe symptoms
liver transplants are a very common form of treatment
many people with hepatitis C were not addicts but simply experimented with illegal
people are still in danger of acquiring the illness from blood transfusions

113.The author indicates that a biopsy is performed in order to ___________.

prepare for a liver transplant
determine whether one has the virus
learn the degree of damage to the liver
decide which form of drug to prescribe

114.The author implies that hepatitis C ___________.

attacks rapidly
does not affect many people
only rarely results in liver cancer
attacks the central nervous system

115.The author states that people sometimes choose not to take treatment for
hepatitis C for all of the following reasons except ___________.
the medicine must be taken intravenously
the treatment does not work for everybody
often the level of illness is not severe
the side effects of the medicine are sometimes worse than the symptoms of the illness

116.The word “its” in the third paragraph refers to ___________.


Section 4

117.Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the

118.The only way you can become a good student is by studying hard every day.
-> Only by

119.My new boss has difficulty getting up early in the morning.

-> My new boss is

120.We cannot make any comparison with her sacrifice.

-> Nothing

121.“Why don’t we buy a new computer?” said Bill.

-> Bill

122.He snatched up the fire extinguisher after he read the instruction.

-> Having

123.Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for cancer.

-> Enormous
124.He thought that it was too difficult for him to finish his job by lunchtime.
-> He found

125.Good working relations depend on effective management.

-> The more

126.You have disobeyed, you will therefore be punished.

-> As a result

127.A new flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year.
-> They

128.Adrian was the only person who didn’t enjoy the party.           WITH
-> Everyone enjoyed the party_________________________________________ Adrian.

129.Sam said that the situation at work was like a family argument.          
-> Sam__________________________________________________ a family argument.

130.I always find chess problems like that quite impossible.         DEFEAT
-> Chess problems____________________________________________________ me.

131.I thought I could count on your support at the meeting.          UP

-> I had hoped______________________________________________ at the meeting.

132.Please read the instructions carefully before you use this appliance.         
-> Before ________________________________,please read the instructions carefully.

133.Only the usual, everyday things happen here.          OUT

-> Nothing_________________________________________________________ here.
134.He did everything possible to save his marriage.         POWER
-> He did________________________________________________ save his marriage.

135.I promised her that the situation would not be repeated in the future.         
-> I__________________________________ no repetition of the situation in the future.

136.No matter what happens, Jane will never forgive Mark for what he did.         
-> Under_____________________________________________ Mark for what he did.

137.They were never aware at any moment that something was wrong.           
-> At____________________________________________ that something was wrong.

138.As long as he could see, Kevin really didn't mind where he sat in the
stadium.       DIFFERENCE
-> As long as he could see, it ____________________________________where he sat in
the stadium.

139.Brian was ill yesterday so she didn’t go to work.     WEATHER

-> Brian was _______________________________________________________ so she didn’t go
to work.

140.This is the first time I have travelled by air.       NEVER

-> I have

141.Jane's family persuaded her to enter the competition.          TALKED

-> Jane was ___________________________________________________ the competition by
her family.

142.I think that you should see the dentist about that tooth.          WERE
-> If I  __________________________________________________________ the dentist about
that tooth.
143.Flooding in this region was the result of heavy rain.        RESULTED
-> Heavy rain _________________________________________________________________ in
this region.

144.The Embassy said that it was not necessary for me to get a visa.          NEED
-> The Embassy said that ____________________________________________________ me to
get a visa.

145.The two theories appear to be completely different.      COMMON

-> There is _______________________________________________________________the two

146.He doesn’t have money to go on holiday. He doesn’t have time, either.     

-> He has ___________________________________________________________________to go
on holiday.

147.My grandfather was sixty when he learnt to drive.        AGE

-> My grandfather learnt to drive

148.He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out.       

-> _________________________________________________________________________

149.He died, having nothing of his own.         NAME

-> _________________________________________________________________________

150.Have a look at this picture. It may help you to remember something.           

-> _________________________________________________________________________

151.Motorists are jamming the streets as they slow down to see the wall
paintings.         HOLD UPS
-> _________________________________________________________________________
152.He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer.                NAME
-> _________________________________________________________________________

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