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INT. nates apartment - Evening.

Nate is at home, watching television while eating a leftover bag of chips, watching a noir
detective show like he usually does most days. His apartment is a mess, dirty clothes hanging off
of furniture, dirty plates all over the place.

INT. nates apartment - Later.

Television show scenes go by and detective show wraps up, Nate shuffles through channels, he
glosses over a news channel, skipping over it but turning it back on; catching his eye. He reads
the headline;


Carabao disappearances have been more and more common as of late, two shipment cargos
have been attacked and abducted in the past week. Witnesses claim to have seen groups of men
in black SUVs taking off with said shipments. (Newscaster continues but is cut-off by Nate's train
of thought)


(He thinks to himself.)

Seriously? Missing carabaos? The hell would anyone want with a bunch of overgrown cows?

Confused but intrigued, he goes on his computer to look up recent carabao disappearances, a
much more common practice than he thought.


(He reads.)

Farmers agitated over livestock disappearances over the span of two months.


This country's going to shit.

Nathaniel thinks, but comes to no conclusion, still confused about carabao disappearances but
dismisses it. Nate looks to a letter he had received the day prior, it reads;

Nate's mom

Nathaniel, me and your father have been worried about you. You haven't called back in weeks
and we just wanted to know how you've been doing, how's school going? Better I hope, your
teacher told me your grades have been in decline and that you've had more and more absences
lately. Talk soon. -MOM

Nate puts away the letter and walks to his bedroom.

nathan getting ready to go to bed around 4AM, time skips to day.

INT. nates apartment - Morning.

Alarm clock strikes 8:30AM.

Nathan wakes up, snoozing his alarm clock and staying a little longer in bed. He eventually gets
up, still tired. He makes a bowl of cereal and eats. Nate looks at his shower.


(thinking) I'm already late, is showering even worth it?

Nate changes clothes and heads out the door.

EXT. Street - Morning.

Nate walks toward school, listening to music with his earphones.

music volume lowers, shots of nate walking to school as he monologues. music still playing in
the background.


(He narrates) My name's Nate, I'm turning 20 in a couple days. I like detective fantasy movies
and I like Radiohead, I hate my college course and I wish I wasn't so fucking tired all the time. I
kinda hate my life right now, I'm broke and my parents put me on anti-depressants and Adderall.
Who knew a "gifted kid" with ADD would have such a hard time in college. I fucking hate this

Nate arrives at school, unmotivated and tired.

EXT. school - Morning.

Nate walks to class, almost limping from his lack of sleep. While walking to class, Nathaniel
walks into another student, almost making them drop their stuff, the student mocks him and tries
to provoke Nathan, but he shrugs him off, almost ignoring the other student.


Fuck off...
Nate proceeds to class unbothered.

INT. Econ Class - Continious.

Nate is late to class, the professor already having started the discussion, Nate doodles on his
notebook, until he falls asleep on his desk.

timeskip - clock hits 10am and the bell rings.

Nate wakes up and packs his stuff, as he leaves; the professor asks for him to stay back and has a
word with Nate.


Sleeping again in my class, huh? Keep that up and you might have to retake my class next year.


Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry, I'll try getting my shit together. I just have a lot going on right now, I'll get
my work done.


Look, I'll say this as a concerned adult; get it together and start thinking about your life, Nate

Nate nods, although he knows he won't get anything done in time. He walks out of class.


EXT. School Cafeteria - Later.

Nate meets up at a table with some of his friends, Tony and some of Nates friends stop talking
amongst each other.


What was that about?


Ahh... It's nothing, just mister douche being a douche. Something about my grades getting bad.

Whatever, we're gonna go out after class, if you're up for it.


Sure, do you mind driving me to the pharmacy beforehand?


Sure dude.

tony and nate's friends talking and laughing at eachother. shots of tony as nate monologs.


(He narrates) That's Tony, short for Anthony. Known him my whole life, I think we were friends
in elementary, stuck together ever since. We used to be closer though, until he grew abs for
brains and became mister popular. I've always hated how me and him turned out, I'm sure he
feels the same way about our friendship.

They finish their food and talk, Nate focusing on eating while his friends talk and laugh. Audio


Nate and Tony are in the car listening to music, barely saying words to each other. They arrive at
the pharmacy.


Okay... uhh , give me like 5 minutes.


Alright dawg.

INT. Pharmacy - Afternoon.

Nate walks into the pharmacy, the guard checks him out. Nate pulls out a proscription for
Adderall; supposedly to focus in school, and hands it to the pharmacist.


I.D please.

Oh yeah, here, sorry.

Nate hands his I.D to the pharmacist and she gives him a vial of Adderall, Nate pays and leaves.

Door closes


Tony and Nate drive along the highway, leaving the city. They arrive at an old abandoned drive-
in that they usually like to hangout at.

EXT. Drive-In - afternoon.

Their friends already settled in, pull out a crate of beer and more bottles of liquor.


You want a beer?


I'm on meds man, I don't think that'd be a good idea.


Come on, we don't ever get to do this with you anymore.


I seriously don't think it's a good idea.


Okay... fine, but if you change your mind, there's more bottles waiting for you.

Nate nods but dismisses what his friend had to say, he sits down and looks for ways to distract

EXT. Drive-In - Later.

Tony and his friends are getting drunk, Nate is bored and doesn't know what to do with himself.
He decides to walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for a ride.

nate walks off as his friend continue to party

EXT. Highway - Later.

Nate has his earphones in, listening to music and watching cars go by him as he walks. As he
nears a remote bus station, a cargo of Carabaos drives past him, soon being followed by blacked
out SUVs that surround and stop the cargo truck. The men in the SUVs come out of the car and
force the cargo driver out; knocking him out and leaving him on the ground. The men then take
the cargo truck and drive off, as they do; a white beam of light blinds everyone; almost like a
flashbang. When the white settles off, the black vans, the men, and the cargo disappear.


(he thinks to himself) What? The fuck? What just happened? Did the pharmacy give me
something else? This can't be Adderall.

Nate walks over to where the cargo was ransacked, he sees the driver still on the ground.


Sir, are you okay?

Cargo driver

Yeah, I just... Wait where's my truck? I'm gonna lose my fucking job!

The driver paces around, stressed out. Nate is confused with the whole situation, trying to
understand what happened.


Wait! I saw what happened, your truck was taken by men in black SUVs and a white light
covered my eyes and they just vanished out of thin air!

Cargo driver

What do you mean? A white light? Are you snorting glue? You're gonna have to give me more
than that, and you're gonna talk to the cops.


Fine, but that's all I saw.

EXT. Bus Stop (outside of town) - dusk.

Nate is talking to the police, telling him what happened and how the truck had just vanished. The
cops don't believe him and think that he had taken something to alter his mind and vision, the
truck driver just waiting and listening.

A white light?


Yeah that's what I keep telling you, and no I'm not high.


Alright kid; we'll take you home, but if you recall anything from the incident, make sure to let us

Nate nods and walks to the police officers car.

EXT. Police car - night - moving.

Nate thinks about what he saw earlier today, trying to understand what happened. He eventually
falls asleep and starts to dream.

EXT. nates dream - bus stop - unknown time.

Nate is dreaming the sequence from earlier, yet he feels different. He hears whispering in the
back of his head, almost as if someone was trying to talk to him.

unknown voices

(cow noises) MmmoOOooooooo



unknown voices

Hear me and do as I tell you.

Nate unable to form words with his mouth, listens and tries to speak, but ends up only being able
to mumble words.

unknown voices

Go to the drive-in, help us and I will reward you. All of the knowledge you seek, and
unimaginable power.

Nate is drowsy and nauseous, he falls down and passes out.

EXT. Police car - night - stopped.

Nate wakes up; disturbed, the car pulls up to his apartment and the officer looks at him.


This is your place?




Alright, if you can recall anything else, feel free to notify and contact me.

The officer hands him a business card with his number on it. Nate takes it and nods to the officer,
thanking him for the ride before leaving the car.

police car takes off as nate walks away from it.

INT. nates apartment - Night

Nate is unable to sleep, constantly wondering what the voices meant by what they whispered to
him. He notes down what the voices told him, falling asleep on his computer.

INT. nates apartment - Morning.

sun rises.

Nate wakes up, and he leaves his house with his bicycle.

INT. school - later.

Shots of nate in different classes and parts of school

Nate is having lunch, he is eating alone. Tony walks up to Nate.


Hey man, where'd you go last night?


I walked home, I wasn't feeling well.

I could've given you a ride, man.


No, it's all good. I'm gonna skip class, I have stuff to take care of.


You want me to come with you?


Nah, it's nothing; don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow.

Tony is hesitant and unconvinced.


If you say so, see ya later then.

EXT. School parking lot - Later.

Nate takes off, taking his bicycle.

pedaling away.

EXT. Highway - Later.

Nate has his earphones in as his pedals his way towards the abandoned drive-in, listening to

EXT. Drive-In - afternoon.

Nate arrives at the drive-in and he drops his bicycle on the ground, looking around for anything
that could answer his questions.

He walks around the drive-in and can't find anything, he paces around the lot and he starts to
hear whispers near the corner of the drive in. As he approaches the whispers, he starts to see a
transparent ward. As he comes closer, the ward starts to shiver, Nate is concerned and doesn't
know whether to walk through it or not. Curious to see what happens, Nate puts his hand through
the ward; he is then pulled into it.

INT. utopia - unknown.

Nate finds himself in a grassy, flowery, and overall peaceful place, almost like a oasis or utopia
of sorts. He sees animals walking around and living peacefully, trees full of fruit and vibrant
evening skies. He walks around and sees the cargo truck from the night before, along with the


What? What is this place?

He walks over and investigates the stolen vehicles, the men and carabaos nowhere to be found.
Nate walks around a little more, he sees trees and structures; almost forming a throne. Nate
walks over and senses a larger presence around, feeling like someone is watching him from
above and starting to hearing the whispers engulfing his mind again.

unknown voices

Follow my voice Nathaniel.


How do you know my name? What is this place?

unknown voices

You're in the Utopia, a face place away from mankind; a place outside of time.


What do you want from me? Why won't you show yourself?

unknown voices

Find the man responsible for the carabao disappearances, put an end to his plans and destroy
whatever it is that they are building.


And what if I don't help you?

A large, human-like figure lands in a shadow on the ground where Nate stands. The ground
shakes, Nate is terrified but curious to who the figure is.

The figure walks toward Nate, the light revealing it's appearance. Nate had never seen such a
creature before, resembling a minotaur. Nate falls to the ground, scared for his life. He sees the
creature of legends, the one he reads from books and mythology; hoping his fate is not to die.
Nate tries to wake up, thinking that he's asleep and that he's in a nightmare of sorts. The carabao
minotaur walks over to him, lending his hand to help Nathan up from the ground.

Worry not, for I am not your foe. I take it that you've never seen one of my kind before?


This isn't real, I need to wake up!


Everything you see is real, you're not in a dream. Calm yourself.

The minotaur walks over to a fountain nearby, filling a cup with juice. He walks over to the
terrified teenager and hands him the cup.



Nate chugs the juice from goblet, helping him settle in and giving him time to take in the
situation. The minotaur and Nathan speak more and the minotaur fills him in about the situation.

nathaniel and the minotaur discuss the plan.


Okay so, you want my help to track down the man responsible for the carabao disappearances
and make it stop?


Yes, I managed to secure the cargo that you saw disappear, along with the men that tried to steal
said cargo.


Where are they now?


Somewhere safe, somewhere they can't leave or escape.


Could you take me to them?

The minotaur turns around and walks over to a carpet, moving it reveals a trapdoor. Nate follows
him down the chute, the room down is dark and cold.

INT. Basement - unknown.

The minotaur pulls out a torch, lighting it afire. They walk down a long, dark hallway until they
reach a brown, heavy, and reinforced door. The minotaur unlocks it and the captives plead for
help, their voices almost sounding like loud whispers, almost haunting. Nate is visibly
uncomfortable, but proceeds to follow the minotaur into the room. They walk up to a man in
shackles, almost beaten to death.

Torture victim/Mercenary

He... Help... Please help...


What did you do to him? He's almost dead!


This is the torture room, cursed with the power of immortality, those who reside in it simply
cannot die, cursed to live in pain and hunger until being thrown out. Do with him as you please.


This is messed up, you're messed up, man.

Minotaur shrugs.

Torture victim/Mercenary

Please... I just... I wanna see my kids again...


Well, maybe you should've thought of that before embarking on a life of crime! You piece of

The torture victim starts to breakdown, crying.


Don't you think this is going too far?

Nothing is too far to protect and save my people.


Seriously? Look man, if you just tell us who you're working for, maybe we could work
something out.


Watch and learn, Nate.

Minotaur breaks the mercenary's arm, dislocating his elbow. The mercenary pleading for them to

Torture victim/Mercenary

Please stop! I'm tell you anything! Just let me go! Make it stop! Please!


See? Works like a charm.


Who are you working for?

Torture victim/Mercenary

I don't know his real name, he goes by Achilles. But we don't ever get to see him, his kid is the
one that orchestrates the jobs and wires us the money and we just do as we're told.


And who would that be?

Torture victim/Mercenary

His name's Anthony... I'm trying to remember... Anthony something...


(Thinking to himself) Tony? It can't be him, it has to be someone else.


Torture victim/Mercenary

(Cries) I'm trying!

Nate looks at Minotaur, hoping his bestfriend isn't involved.

Torture victim/Mercenary

Dela Cruz! Anthony Dela Cruz! That's the kid's name! Now please, let me go!

Nate is disturbed, his bestfriend being involved in criminal activity and Nate having to be the one
to put an end to it.


I, uhh... I need some air.

Minotaur looks at him, confused but able to tell that something was bothering him as he walks
out. Minotaur Unshackles the mercenary, letting him free.

EXT. Utopia - unknown

Nate is anxious, hoping his friend isn't who the mercenary was talking about. He recalls of times
where him and Tony were closer, and about how they're falling out slowly. Minotaur comes out
from the basement with the mercenary, making him drink a solution to make him feel better.


Drink up! It'll make you feel better.

Torture victim/Mercenary

Thanks, I guess. How do I get out of here?

Minotaur points to a direction, and knocks out the mercenary, throwing him outside of the ward.


Aren't you worried he'll tell someone about this place?


He won't, the solution I gave him is gonna make him forget all about what happened; even the

Okay good.

They both pause.


So, what's the deal with Anthony Dela Cruz?


He... He's my bestfriend.

Minotaur looks at him, almost displeased but understanding.


Well, you know what you have to do.


Yeah... I know.

Nate and Minotaur sit together, silently; Nate takes in what he has to do.

dramatic shot of Nate and minotaur in utopia.

Title card/ end card.

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