Project Bladimir

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NAME: Robinson Bladimir Ogoña Jiménez

TEACHER: Lic. Olga Cabrera
DATE: 11/07/2022
COURSE: Primero Ciencia

Project 1
Let’s make our own fossil

Objective: To develop writing and speaking skills.

 Clay or flour
 Water
 Toothpicks or sticks from plants
 Leaves if necessary
 Glue
 Re-read the kinds of fossils that exist.
 Choose a kind of fossil and research it.
 What animal or plant is it?
 When did it live? What period and era?
 Draw what it looked like on a piece of paper.
 Model your fossil and cover it with glue. Let it dry.
 Write a short paragraph (40 - 50 words) about it and present it to the class

Use a cardboard or the top of a shoe box to present your fossil.

 My fossil is a

 It lived during the

Scientists believe the first fish appeared around 480 million years ago, but it
wasn't until 60 million years later that the fossil record flourished, with a
wide variety of species present en masse.

 I chose it because
Because it is an animal that draws a lot of attention to people.

Useful vocabulary
Petrified, footprint, remains, printed, amber, frozen, period, food, large,
little, hunter, animal, plant.
 Petrified:To harden something so that it looks like stone.
 Footprint:Signal or trace that remains of a thing or an event.
 Remains:Parts or elements that remain of something after it has
been used or consumed.
 Printed:Sheet or set of sheets of paper with a text that has been
reproduced using the printing technique.
 Amber:Color between yellow and orange, like that of this fossil
 Frozen:That it is very cold or has become very cold.
 Period:Space of time during which an action is performed or an
event takes place.
 Food:Feeding action.
 Large:That it has a size greater than what is considered normal or
greater than that of something else of its same nature.
 Little:Which is smaller than normal.
 Hunter:Short and wide sports garment that covers the upper part of
the body and is adjusted to the hip, generally with an elastic band or
 Animal:Of the animals or that is related to them.
 Plant:Plant that, unlike the tree, has a stem instead of a woody
trunk, like the rosebush.

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