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God is the Author

of the Bible:
A powerful book and is revered by
Christians all over the world.
It is a sacred book
The source of Christian life and faith
❖Who wrote the Bible?
❖Didit come directly from heaven?
❖Was it written by Jesus Himself when
He was on earth?
• TheChurch's documents on the Bible clearly emphasize the
divine origin of the Scripture: "The divinely revealed realities,
which are contained and presented in the text of the Sacred
Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit”
• Inspiration means Guidance.
It is a mysterious way of leading the heart and mind of the human
writer to put into words what is true about God and His love.
It is mysterious because our minds cannot fully grasp and explain
this reality, but our hearts and souls feel and accept this truth.
Four Important Facts
1. God is its Author, and it tenet of faith.
2. Since the Bible is the word of God written under the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit is its legitimate
3. Unlike any other book, the Bible is sacred; therefore we must
read it reverently and prayerfully.
4. We must diligently search the meaning of what God wants to
communicate to us through the Bible.
My Inspirations
1. What do you do when you are

2. How can inspiration help you become a

better person?
Inflaming Hearts
❑ Everyperson has been inspired by certain people and
experiences based on our understanding.
❑ Some are inspired by people like their father, mother, siblings,
friends, significant other, or heroes.
❑ Others
are inspired by things like their dreams, favorite songs,
movies, TV shows, and books.
❑ We consider them as inspiration because they motivate us to do
well in our studies, talent development, and other endeavors.
Inflaming Hearts
• When we are inspired, we feel energized, fueled, and happy.
We tend to do more than what is required in our undertakings
because of the blissfulness that we feel within us.
• Example
● If your inspiration is a classmate, you become more enthusiastic in going to
school every day. You become happier in doing your school requirements
not just to impress him or her, but because you feel extremely enjoyed by
just simply thinking about him or her.
● Consequently, we bring out the best in us when we are inspired. We do
the best that we can and show the best that we are because of our
My Daily Bread
Inflaming Hearts
• Several
people wrote the different books of the
Bible. They are the sacred writers called
hagiographers. They were God's instruments in
composing the Bible.
• TheBible had not been written somewhere outside
of this world and just handed down to us as it is
today. It underwent several steps of writing, editing,
compiling, and printing, before it became the Bible.
▪ What
is unique about the Bible is that the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit moves in it.
▪ From the writing of the original manuscripts to the
editing, compiling, and printing of the Bible, the Holy
Spirit was at work to inspire the authors and to preserve
the sacredness and integrity of the word of God in the
▪ This
inspiration is an action of God raising the human
writers above their natural capacity and ability, thereby
making them instruments in the composition of the sacred
Inflaming Hearts
▪ Whatis unique about the Bible is that the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit moves in it.
▪ From the writing of the original manuscripts to the editing,
compiling, and printing of the Bible, the Holy Spirit was at
work to inspire the authors and to preserve the sacredness and
integrity of the word of God in the Scriptures.
▪ This inspiration is an action of God raising the human writers
above their natural capacity and ability, thereby making them
instruments in the composition of the sacred books.
Inflaming Hearts
▪ Thus, God is the inspiring and transcendent Author
whose spirit moves in the writings of the hagiographers
of the Bible's books.
▪ Thehuman authors may not have said that they knew
about the Holy Spirit and that they had seen Him.
However, they were fueled by their burning desire to
write about the God of love that they experienced as an
individual or as a community.
▪ It
will be beneficial to read a verse from the Bible that
will serve as our mantra.
Catholic Teachings
▪ TheChurch teaches us that both God and the human
writers are the authors of the Bible. God is the principal
Author and the hagiographer are the instrumental
authors. God used human writers and their faculties to
write the truth about Him and His love. God did not
dictate the words for them to write. In their
consciousness, they only wrote what God wanted them
to write under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Catholic Teachings
▪ Inall the stages and processes that the Bible went
through, the Holy Spirit was present. The same Spirit
remains present as we read and live by the word of God
found in the Sacred Scripture.
Three Things to Remember
✔ First,the Bible is a human book written by human
authors for humanity. As such, we must respect certain
rational principles, literary forms, and languages
employed, as well as the cultural context and social
milieu prevailing at the time of writing to understand the
sense of the words and what the human writers tried to
Three Things to Remember
Second, the Bible is a divine book, authored by God for
humankind. Thus, to interpret the Bible, we should strive
to discover what God wanted to manifest to us.
Third, the Bible is the Book of the Church. Since it has
been entrusted to the Church, all interpretations must be
subjected to Her teaching authority who are the pope and
the bishops in communion with God.

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