Deconstructing Climate Misinformation To Identify Reasoning Errors

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Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018


Deconstructing climate misinformation to identify

reasoning errors
21 September 2017
John Cook1,3 , Peter Ellerton2 and David Kinkead2
REVISED 1 Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United States of America
7 December 2017 2 University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION 3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
2 January 2018
6 February 2018
Keywords: climate change, critical thinking, misinformation, inoculation

Original content from Supplementary material for this article is available online
this work may be used
under the terms of the
Creative Commons Abstract
Attribution 3.0 licence.
Any further distribution
Misinformation can have significant societal consequences. For example, misinformation about
of this work must climate change has confused the public and stalled support for mitigation policies. When people lack
maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the the expertise and skill to evaluate the science behind a claim, they typically rely on heuristics such as
title of the work, journal
citation and DOI.
substituting judgment about something complex (i.e. climate science) with judgment about
something simple (i.e. the character of people who speak about climate science) and are therefore
vulnerable to misleading information. Inoculation theory offers one approach to effectively neutralize
the influence of misinformation. Typically, inoculations convey resistance by providing people with
information that counters misinformation. In contrast, we propose inoculating against
misinformation by explaining the fallacious reasoning within misleading denialist claims. We offer a
strategy based on critical thinking methods to analyse and detect poor reasoning within denialist
claims. This strategy includes detailing argument structure, determining the truth of the premises,
and checking for validity, hidden premises, or ambiguous language. Focusing on argument structure
also facilitates the identification of reasoning fallacies by locating them in the reasoning process.
Because this reason-based form of inoculation is based on general critical thinking methods, it offers
the distinct advantage of being accessible to those who lack expertise in climate science. We applied
this approach to 42 common denialist claims and find that they all demonstrate fallacious reasoning
and fail to refute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming. This
comprehensive deconstruction and refutation of the most common denialist claims about climate
change is designed to act as a resource for communicators and educators who teach climate science
and/or critical thinking.

1. Introduction The issue of climate change has been particularly

impacted by misinformation. There is an overwhelm-
Misinformation, defined as information initially pre- ing scientific consensus that humans are causing global
sented as true that is later found to be false warming (Cook et al 2016), with a number of stud-
(Lewandowsky et al 2012), is a societal issue of growing ies converging on 97% agreement among publishing
concern. The World Economic Forum listed online climate scientists or relevant climate papers (Doran
misinformation as one of the top ten global trends and Zimmerman 2009, Anderegg et al 2010, Cook
threatening the world (WEF 2014). Oxford Dictionary et al 2013, Carlton et al 2015). However, there is
named ‘post-truth’ the 2016 word of the year (Flood little awareness of the scientific consensus among
2016) while Collins Dictionary named ‘fake news’ the the general public with only 12% of Americans
2017 word of the year (Flood 2017) in recognition of aware that the consensus is above 90% (Leiserowitz
the prevalence and impact of misinformation. et al 2017).

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

A major contributor to public misperceptions 2. Understanding arguments

about climate change is a persistent, decades-long mis-
information campaign (McCright and Dunlap 2010). It is important to distinguish between the colloquial
Content analysis of conservative think-tank articles use of the term argument to indicate disagreement,
found that arguments casting doubt on climate science often heated, and its formal use here. By argument, we
are increasing relative to policy arguments (Boussalis mean a connected series of statements used to establish
and Coan 2016). Climate misinformation impacts pub- a definite proposition (Chapman and Python 1989).
lic perceptions about climate change in various ways. It is a logical structure that uses the truth of one or
It decreases acceptance of climate change and lowers more claims (called premises) to establish the truth
confidence about people’s understanding (Ranney and of some other claim (called the conclusion). In short,
Clark 2016). Climate misinformation also dispropor- arguments give us reasons to believe a claim is true, in
tionately influences conservatives (Cook et al 2017, a way not linked to the identity, social position, tenor,
van der Linden et al 2017), contributing to grow- or rhetorical ability of the person making the claim.
ing polarization over recent decades (McCright and Arguments consist of truth-bearing statements or
Dunlap 2011). Misinformation cancels out the pos- claims called propositions. A proposition is any mean-
itive effect of accurate information (McCright et al ingful utterance that can be true or false, like ‘over 90%
2016, van der Linden et al 2017), implying that of climate scientists believe in anthropogenic climate
accurate science communication is a necessary but change’ (true), ‘New York City is the capital of New
insufficient condition to increasing science literacy York state’ (false), or ‘it will rain tomorrow’ (unknow-
levels. able today). We can contrast propositional statements
Interventions are therefore required to help the with non-propositional ones that can not be true or
public develop resistance to persuasion from mis- false like ‘What is the time?’ (interrogative), ‘Look out!’
informing sources. Inoculation theory provides a (imperative), ‘Donuts—yum!’ (exclamative). Premises
framework for helping people develop immunity to and conclusions must be able to be expressed as propo-
persuasive misinformation (McGuire and Papageorgis sitions. Arguments can answer questions but they can
1961). This approach applies the concept of vaccina- not be constructed with them.
tion to knowledge—it is possible to build resistance Propositions can be combined in ways such that
to misinformation by exposing people to a weak their truth content gives us information about the truth
form of the misinformation. An inoculating text con- content of other propositions. If some set of propo-
sists of a forewarning of an upcoming persuasion sitions being true (the premises) makes some other
attempt as well as counter-arguments that refute the proposition (the conclusion) more likely to be true,
information. then we can say that the truth of the premises supports
Inoculation theory however, requires interven- the truth of the conclusion. The degree of this support
tion prior to misinformation being received (Bolsen provides us with an important criterion for the judging
and Druckman 2015). In addition, inoculation the quality of an argument.
theory usually involves the presentation of com- If the truth of an argument’s premises have no
peting factual claims which if presented after bearing on the truth of its conclusion, we say that the
misinformation has solidified subject belief, can argument is a non sequitur4 . For example:
result in the backfire effect (Nyhan and Reifler P: I once saw a white swan.
2010). C: My pet is a bird.
We examine a different approach to pre-emptively If the premises give the conclusion only limited
refuting climate denial misinformation using critical support—if the premises being true makes our belief
thinking techniques—one that focuses on under- about the truth of the conclusion only somewhat more
standing the logical structure of denialist arguments likely—we describe the argument as inductively weak.
rather than the truth claims they consist of. Reason- P: I once saw a white swan.
based inoculation is consistent with Compton (2005), C: All swans are white.
who argued that Aristotelian rationality offers a If the premises being true makes our belief about
useful framework for inoculating refutations. This the conclusion’s truth much more likely, we describe
approach has been tested experimentally, with an inoc- the argument as inductively strong.
ulation explaining a misleading technique without P1: I have seen a very large number of swans and
including competing factual information demonstrat- they have all been white.
ing success in neutralizing the influence of the P2: The swans I have seen varied in age, sex, and
misinformation (Cook et al 2017). This paper intro- location.
duces key critical thinking concepts and outlines a C: All swans are white.
straightforward process for identifying reasoning errors
that allows for people who lack expertise in cli- 4 Whilst the term non sequitur is sometimes used as a synonym for
mate science to confidently reject certain denialist any invalid inference, here we use it in its more common sense as a
arguments. failure of relevance.

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

3 deduction
4 valid
5 ab sent
6 t r ue
1 2 Check Check Check CLAIM
Identify Determine
Construct inference validity ambiguity premises SUCCEEDS
claim argument

induction NS invalid AM present CP MM false
AM Ambiguity
CP Cherry picking EQ CT MR
CT Conspiracy theory
EQ Equivocation MR FA NS
FC False cause
FA False equivalency refutation requires OS stays on FC OS
FE Fake experts deductive logic point
FD False dichotomy restores FE RH
IE Impossible expectations 4a validity 5a remains 5b
MM Magnified minority Hidden Resolve valid FD SI
MR Misrepresentation premises ambiguity changed?
NS Non sequitur IE SC
OS Oversimplification
RH Red herring remains becomes goes off
SI Slothful induction invalid invalid point
SC Single cause CLAIM

Figure 1. Flowchart for evaluating contrarian claims. Circles indicate possible fallacies to be detected at each stage. See supplementary
table S1 for definition of each fallacy.

Sometimes however, the premises of an argument since there have been no counter-examples to it thus
together logically entail the truth of the conclusion. far.
This notion of entailment means that it is impossible Conclusions with definitive claims require deduc-
for the conclusion to be false whilst all the premises tive inferences to support them. When the conclusion
are true. When the truth of the premises guarantees of our argument is intended to be definitive, that it
or entails the truth of the conclusion, we describe the is in fact the case, then no new claim should be able
argument as deductively valid. to undermine this. The argument must be indefeasi-
P1: All swans are white. ble and the conclusion becomes necessarily true if the
P2: My pet is not white. premises are all true.
C: My pet is not a swan. Provisionally true claims do not require such sup-
As anyone who has travelled to Australia may have port. Because they are always open to refutation, the
seen however, not all swans are white. A good argu- arguments that support them need only be defeasible.
ment relies on more than just logical structure—its Inductive inference is therefore indicative of provision-
premises must also be true. These examples highlight ally true claims.
two important measures for evaluating the quality of
an argument—how strongly the premises support the
conclusion (the logical structure) and whether or not 4. Evaluating denialist claims as arguments
the premises are in fact true.
Much of the effort to date in refuting denialist argu-
ments has focused on the truth content of particular
3. Definitive and provisional claims claims—showing for example that global temperatures
are rising (Lewandowsky et al 2016) or that there is
Whether an argument is deductive or inductive overwhelming expert consensus that human activity is
depends on what type of concluding proposition the responsible for much of this change (Cook et al 2013).
argument is supposed to establish. Propositions can Whilst identifying factual errors is important, research
be made true in different ways. Some are necessarily into the ability of misinformation to neutralize factual
true: ‘All bachelors are unmarried men’ or ‘Deciduous information indicates that there are limitations to this
trees shed their leaves’. Necessarily true propositions approach (McCright et al 2016). A more comprehen-
are made true by virtue of their meaning. sive approach should include identification of flaws in
Contingently true propositions by contrast are true misinforming arguments and explain how the reasons
but need not have been—‘Berlin is the capital of offered do not adequately support their conclusions
Germany’ or ‘The Sydney Swans won the 2012 AFL (Cook et al 2017, van der Linden et al 2017).
grand final’. Given the meaning of the terms, it could Our contention is that a basic understanding of
never have been the case that necessarily true state- argumentation is sufficient to refute a large number of
ments were false but contingently true propositions climate denialist claims. Applying the introduction to
could have been. argument structure from section 2, we now outline a
Of these contingently true propositions, we might process for evaluating climate denialist arguments and
further distinguish between those that are demonstra- apply it to common denialist claims.
bly true and those that are provisionally true. ‘Donald Figure 1 outlines a flowchart for evaluating an
Trump is the 45th President of the United States’ is argument’s cogency. The following sections detail each
demonstrably true because we have observable and ver- step in the analysis process. Within the chart, we have
ifiable evidence for it. ‘Liberal democracies do not go to also identified locations where certain fallacies of rea-
war with one another’ by contrast is provisionally true soning are typically made. This is to progress work

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

already done on fallacies found in the denial of cli- determiner for discriminating science from pseudo-
mate science (Cook et al 2015). Supplementary table science (Popper 1957).
S1 available at Climate denialist claims however, are typically
includes definitions of the fallacies found in the most definitive, taking a form such as ‘human activity is
common contrarian claims about climate change. not the cause of current climate change’ rather than
‘human activity might not be the primary cause of cur-
4.1. Identification of claim rent climate change’. Similar definitive denialist claims
We begin by identifying a denialist claim for evaluation are common (Elsasser and Dunlap 2013)
(Step 1). For example, a common contrarian claim is
‘Earth’s climate has changed naturally before, so current • ‘Climate change is not happening.’
climate change is natural.’ In constructing and evaluat- • ‘There is no empirical evidence that humans are
ing an argument, it is critical to have clarity about the causing global warming.’
claim being made. It is also important that the claim • ‘There is no scientific consensus that human-caused
is not misrepresented or changed to alter its mean- climate change is occurring.’
ing. As such, we recommend seeking claims made by
contrarians and dealing with these as presented. If we are to accept these denialist claims, then like
any definitive conclusion, they must be supported by a
4.2. Construction of argument deductively valid argument.
We construct the argument supporting a claim by iden- Of course, not all denialist claims are stated defini-
tifying the set of propositions constituting the premises tively, such as arguments that exaggerate the role
and conclusion (Step 2). In the case of the claim above of scientific uncertainty (Freudenburg and Muselli
the structure would be: 2013, McCright and Dunlap 2000). As such they
P1: The climate has changed in the past through only require inductive support. In cases where non-
natural processes definitive denialist claims conflict with non-definitive
P2: The climate is currently changing claims of climate science, then we need some other
C: The climate is currently changing through nat- method to reconcile competing inductive arguments.
ural processes How we should reconcile competing inductive infer-
Having established the argument structure, we next ences is outside the scope of this paper.
determine the inferential intent of the argument as If the denialist intent is to support a definitive claim
either deductive or inductive (Step 3). through a deductive argument, then the next step in the
process is to check for validity. If the intent is to produce
4.3. Determine inferential intent a claim which is not definitive because it relies on an
How strongly the conclusion of an argument is formu- inductive argument, then the attempted refutation of
lated determines the type of inferential support required anthropogenic global warming (AGW) has already
from the premises. Definitive conclusions require the failed.
support of deductively valid arguments whilst pro-
visional conclusions require only inductive support. 4.4. Check for validity
Within science, we find both deductive and induc- If the argument in question is deductive in intent, it
tive arguments. Deductive inferences are common and is then checked for validity (Step 4). An argument in
form the basis of the hypothetico-deductive method: support of definitive claims must be deductively valid,
P1: If my theory is correct, then I will observe this for without this degree of logical entailment the truth
phenomenon. of the premises gives us insufficient reason to accept
P2: I did not observe this phenomenon. the truth of the conclusion.
C: My theory is not correct. The claim that ‘Human activity is not causing cli-
Yet it is inductive reasoning that underpins the bulk mate change’ is often supported with the idealised
of our empirically derived knowledge: argument below.
P1: There is a strong correlation between smok- P1: A previous change in climate was not the result
ing and cancer in many studies that controlled for of human activity.
numerous possible confounders. P2: The climate is currently changing.
P2: There is a plausible explanatory framework for C: The current change in climate is not the result
why smoking would cause cancer. of human activity.
C: Smoking very likely causes cancer. There is a variety of formal methods available
Whilst the conclusions of inductive inferences to prove that an argument is valid, such as truth
are often stated definitively in everyday language e.g. tables, trees, or tableau. Unfortunately, formal methods
‘smoking causes cancer’, they are not intended to be require a degree of training in formal logic to use and
definitive. The majority of scientific claims are open therefore it is usually much simpler to demonstrate an
to adjustment, correction and even refutation. The argument is invalid by use of a parallel argument.
ability to state the conditions under which a theory Parallel arguments use the same logical structure as
can be falsified, and hence refuted, is an important the target argument but instantiate it in such a way that

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

the conclusion is obviously false. In a valid argument Now both arguments are valid and the conclusions
it is impossible for the conclusion to be false whilst would be true, if all of the premises were in fact true.
all the premises are true. Parallel arguments identify a Whether the an argument should convince us is depen-
clear counter example and show that an argument is dent on both the strength of the logical structure and
not valid. Parallel arguments have strong pedagogical the premises actually being true.
value because they use concrete examples, which are
closer to our own experience than abstract reasoning
(Juthe 2009). For example: 4.5. Check for ambiguity
P1: A previous swan death was not the result of If an argument is logically valid (or we added hid-
human activity. den premises to create validity), we next check
P2: This swan is dying. for ambiguity. A common form of ambiguity is
C: This swan dying is not the result of human equivocation—when the same word or phrase is used
activity. with two different meanings (Step 5). Consider now
It is clear that the conclusions do not necessarily the following trope:
follow from the premises and the arguments are there- P1: Nothing is better than eternal happiness (true).
fore invalid. Just because something can be a cause, P2: A ham sandwich is better than nothing (true).
does not make it a cause in any particular instance. C: A ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness
The conclusion is not justified by the reasons given, so (entailed from 1 and 2).
we must either reject the conclusion or revise it so the Obviously, the conclusion is false even though the
argument is valid as follows: argument is valid and the premises (when stated in
P1: A previous change in climate was not the result isolation) are (arguably) true. The argument however,
of human activity. relies on ambiguous language, or equivocation, regard-
P2: The climate is currently changing. ing the term ‘nothing’. In premise 1, we mean no
C: The current change in climate may not be the thing is better than eternal happiness; in premise 2 we
result of human activity. mean having a ham sandwich is better than not having
(Note that now the conclusion has been changed one. Once we remove the equivocation, the argument
to make the argument valid, it is no longer definitive becomes invalid (indeed a non sequitur) and we can
and the attempt at refuting AGW fails. This will be reject the conclusion.
explained further in section 4.5). Some climate denialist arguments rely on similar
equivocation. Consider the following variation of the
4.4.1. Identify hidden premises ‘past climate change’ contrarian claim:
If the argument is determined to be invalid, we next P1: Natural process and human activity can both
attempt to identify any hidden premises that might be cause climate change.
added to the argument to make it logically valid (Step P2: Climate change is currently occurring.
4a). Arguments often rely on unstated assumptions and C: Human activity is not necessary to explain cur-
implied conclusions to be valid. These hidden premises rent climate change.
must be made explicit for the argument to become valid. The syntax conveys the impression that the argu-
Another common denialist argument against human- ment is valid, but it is not. The term ‘climate change’
caused global warming can be articulated as follows: referred to in Premise 1 and Premise 3 do not have
P1: There is no empirical evidence that humans are the same meaning, since the rate of change is different
causing global warming. in each. If equivocation exists, we resolve it by either
[P2 (Hidden): If there is no empiric evidence for clarifying the argument’s language or adding premises
something, then it is not happening.] to resolve any ambiguity (Step 5a). In this example,
C: Humans are not causing global warming. Premise 3 is amended to clarify the rate of current cli-
By making clear the hidden premise, we can made mate change. Once Premise 3 is amended, the argument
this argument valid. We can do the same with the first becomes invalid:
argument from section 4.4. Rather than reject the con- P1: Natural processes have caused climate change
clusion because it was not adequately supported by the in the past.
premise or change the conclusion’s modality from nec- P2: Human activity can cause climate change.
essarily not the cause to possibly not the cause, we can P3: The climate is currently changing at a much more
keep the stronger conclusion and add a new premise to rapid rate than can be explained by natural processes.
make the argument valid. C: Human activity is not necessary to explain cur-
P1: A previous change in climate was not the result rent climate change.
of human activity. We can attempt to restore validity by accepting the
P2: The climate is currently changing. premises and seeing what conclusion must follow from
P3: (Hidden) If something was not the cause in the them (Step 5b):
past, it will not be the cause in the future. P1: Natural processes have caused climate change
C: The current change in climate is not the result in the past.
of human activity. P2: Human activity can cause climate change.

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

P3: The climate is currently changing at a much more claims that purport to refute mainstream climate
rapid rate than can be explained by natural processes. science. However, inductive arguments have also
C: Human activity is necessary to explain current employed in order to cast doubt on the reality of climate
climate change. change, usually by misrepresenting or exaggerating
If the resolution resulting from the amendment the nature of scientific uncertainty (Freudenburg and
of any premises renders the argument invalid, then Muselli 2013, McCright and Dunlap 2000). Assessment
the contrarian claim is considered to have failed in of inductive denialist claims from a critical thinking
refuting AGW. If the argument remains valid after reso- perspective is an area of future research.
lution, then we see whether the conclusion has changed Our reason-based approach to refuting climate
as part of that validation process. If the conclusion science misinformation could be used as a specific
is off-point relative to the original conclusion, then application of current inoculation theory. Typically,
the contrarian claim has failed. In this example, the inoculation interventions are information-based, con-
conclusion has changed such that natural causation taining facts that counter the misleading information.
of climate change has been ruled out, coming to For example, van der Linden et al (2017) countered
the opposite conclusion to the original version of the Global Warming Petition Project by communi-
the argument. Importantly, in rewriting the premises cating the 97% scientific consensus on human-caused
to avoid equivocation, the conclusion has necessar- global warming, as well as explaining specific mislead-
ily changed—it is not something that was arrived at ing elements of the Petition Project. In contrast, Cook
arbitrarily. et al (2017) used a reason-based inoculation against the
Global Warming Petition Project that refrained from
mentioning the 97% consensus or the Petition Project.
4.6. Check premises for truth or plausibility
Instead, the explanation of the general technique of
If the conclusion stays on-point or the argument has
fake experts was successful in inoculating partici-
not been ruled out in earlier steps (i.e. it is deductive,
pants against the negative influence of the Petition
valid, and with no equivocation), then the final step is to
Project. Further research into this approach is recom-
determine the truth of the premises (Step 6). A major
mended, directly comparing its efficacy to information-
advantage of the approach we are proposing in this
based inoculations, measuring how susceptible reason-
paper is that evaluating climate denialist claims as argu-
based interventions are subject to decay effects, and
ments allows a general reader to judge the veracity of
exploring whether reason-based inoculations can con-
many claims about science without the need for exper-
vey resistance against multiple arguments.
tise in climate science (and allow non-expert recipients
Supplementary table S2 includes analysis of 42
of a refutation to comprehend why a claim is false). Yet
common climate myths that feature deductive argu-
as we have just outlined, good arguments require more
ments, taken from the Massive Open Online Course
than the conclusion being true if the premises were
(MOOC), Denial101x: Making Sense of Climate Sci-
all true, they also require the premises to be true. So
ence Denial (Cook et al 2015) and employing the critical
then how do we evaluate the truth of the premises
thinking approach explained in the MOOC Meta101x:
without expertise in climate science?
Philosophy and Critical Thinking (Brown and Ellerton
The simple answer is that we often do not need to.
2015). Our analysis found that all of the 42 denialist
Denialist arguments, once made valid by articulating
claims failed to falsify anthropogenic global warming.
any required suppressed premises, will tend to rely on
However, these claims are effective in misinforming the
demonstrably false or implausible general claims. Take
public and decreasing climate literacy. Consequently,
for example, the assumed premise in the last argu-
refuting and neutralizing the influence of this misin-
ment ‘If something was the cause in the past, it will be
formation is necessary.
the cause in the future’. This claim is highly implau-
Social media presents one potent option for
sible for any effect that has multiple possible causal
practically deploying resources of this type to neu-
mechanisms. So too, the claim ‘If there is no empiric
tralize misinformation, using an approach described
evidence for something, then it is not happening’
as ‘technocognition’: an approach that incorporates
which mistakes an absence of evidence for evidence of
principles from behavioural economics, cognitive
psychology, and philosophy in the design of infor-
mation architectures (Lewandowsky et al 2017).
5. Discussion Misconception-based learning, applied in the class-
room, is another powerful and practical model for
Psychological research indicates that explaining the deploying inoculation content (McCuin et al 2014).
techniques employed to distort scientific information While there have been efforts to apply this approach
is an important component of neutralising misinfor- to climate education (Bedford 2010, Cook et al 2014),
mation. This paper lays out a template for systematic and development of resources (Bedford and Cook
deconstruction and assessment of denialist claims, in 2016), there is in general a dearth of misconception-
order to identify false premises and fallacious rea- based learning resources for educators (Tippett 2010).
soning. We explicitly restrict ourselves to deductive Consequently, this research is designed to act as a

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024018

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