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Chemical Bond and Solution

-Ricardo F. Uy Jr

9.6) Identify the solute and solvent in each of the following solutions:
(a) Bronze (12% tin and 88% copper)
Solvent- Copper
Solute- Tin
(b) Saline solution (NaCl in water)
Solute- NaCl (salt)
(c) Heliox (compressed scuba-diving gas, 21% oxygen and 79% helium)
Solvent- Helium

9.12) Which of the following pairs of substances would you expect to be soluble in one another?
Explain. (a) I2(s) and CCl4(l)- Soluble, iodine is more likely to dissolve in CCl4(l) as both are
(b) CH3OH(l) and H2O(l) – Soluble, methanol and water both have the intermolecular force
hydrogen bonding. Also, both are polar following the rule like dissolve like.
(c) LiNO3 and C6H14 – Insoluble to one another because the LiNO3 is polar while the C6H14
(hexane) is nonpolar.
a. A saturated aqueous solution is one that contains the maximum amount of a solute that will
dissolve in a specific amount of water at a specific temperature. When it reaches the
saturation point, most of the water molecules have already attached themselves to ions.
Adding a small amount of crystalline solid like NaCl in a saturated solution, it will just
settle to the bottom of container as solid crystal.
b. An unsaturated solution is one that contains less solute than it has the capacity to dissolve.
Adding a small amount of crystalline solid like NaCl in an unsaturated solution will
increase the number of dissolved particles in the solution. An unsaturated solution has the
capacity to dissolve more solute, so any solute added, up to the solutions saturation will
c. A supersaturated solution is one that contains more solute than a saturated solution. Adding
a small amount of crystalline solid like NaCl in a supersaturated solution initiates the
crystallization of excess solute. Crystallization proceeds rapidly to give a saturated solution
and the crystallized solid.

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