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Exam Policy:

In-class exams are closed book, except for one

8.5"x11" page, written in any density (student may bring a
The exams test your familiarity with the terminology used in the
course as well as with the methodology. F
are allowed.
Material for Final
Exam: Chapters 1-8. Chapter 9, Sections 1,2,5,6,8,
Chapter 10, Sections 1,2,4.
Example questions from Chapters 9,10.
A rod made from a material with Young modulus E and density  is fixed at x=0, and has an ar
Approximate its lowest vibration frequency by using a single spring-mass lumped
Approximate the same frequency using the Rayleigh
quotient using the simplest polynomial trial
Approximate the same frequency using one finite
element. Calculate the stiffness and matrices ev
variable area, rather than assuming constant properties through the element.
The vibration frequencies of rods or strings
increase linearly with the frequency number, while fo
the square of the frequency number. Use the stiffness and mass matrices of a
single element to ex
Why is the flexibility matrix of a structure easier
to measure than the stiffness matrix?
Material for Second
Exam: Chapters 6-8.
Example questions:
1. Derive
the equation of motion of a simple pendulum by D’Alembert
principle (prob. 6-4)
2. Derive
the equation of motion of a simple pendulum rotating at an angular speed  about a vertica
3. Derive
the equations of motion of the double pendulum of Figure 5.22 using Newton’s law.
4. Do
problem 3 using the Lagrange equations.
5. Calculate
the vibration frequencies of the double pendulum using the linearized equations.
6. Calculate
the vibration modes of a simply supported uniform beam.
7. Answer
the following questions in 20 words or less each:
a. What
is the advantage of using the Lagrange equations instead of Newton’s law?
b. List
the most important properties of the stiffness matrix in conservative
vibration problems
c. What
does the vibration modes corresponding to zero vibration frequency
d. How
do we normalize the eigenvectors of an asymmetric matrix?
e. What
are the properties of scalar products?
of 2nd in-term exam.
Material for First
Exam: Chapters 1-4.
Example questions:
1. Find
the natural frequency of the motion of the door in Problem 1.5. The figure
shows a door hangi

motion is about the axis of

the door (out of the plane of the paper).
2. Problem
1.29, given that the equivalent spring constant for vertical motion of the
beam is 192EI/L3
4. Part 1
of Problem 3.10: A mass-damper-spring system has been observed to achieve a
peak magnifi
driving frequency of 10 rad/s. Determine the damping factor.
5. From
problem 3.14. The system shown in Fig. 3.33 simulates a vehicle traveling
on a rough road. L
be v=constant. Write the differential equation of the response z(t) that needs to be solved.

6. Problem
4.1: Determine the time necessary for the impulse response of a single d.o.f system to reac
7. Truncated
problem 4-17. Find the Laplace transform
of the response of a mass-damper-spring syste
equal to 1 for 0<t<2 sec, and equal to zero thereafter.
8. Write
the state transition matrix for the differential equation x’’’+x’=0.
9. Where
would you use a critically damped system and why?
10. Why
are frequency response plots more popular than time response plots?
Solution of exam.

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