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IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

For IHRC use only Ref. No: Date received: Date approved:

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

To assist the IHRCs approval and coordination efforts, please submit a concept note for each project that your organization is leading to:

Why is this project concept note needed? ! This document assists in the recovery of Haiti by: 1) allowing IHRC to ensure that minimum standards are met in the design and implementation of a projectfor example, to ensure that local stakeholders were involved in the planning of the project and sufficient anti-corruption mechanisms are in place, and 2) providing sufficient detail by project for effective coordination and facilitation ! This information will, over time, serve as the basis for a single source of recovery information, reducing the paperwork implementing agencies will have to complete and providing insights into overlaps, gaps and opportunities for coordination and collaboration. How does IHRC approval process work? ! Upon receipt, a project concept note is reviewed based on IHRCs published approval criteria [insert reference to where criteria can be found] and rated into one of five categories: "Unconditional approval", "Conditional approval", "Holding bay", "Turned down" or Concept approval ! Follow-up letters will be sent via email outlining the decisions made only to the contact person/organization whose information is provided on the project proponent section of the project concept note. What is considered as a project requiring an IHRC project concept note? Each major group of activities that is related to the recovery of Haiti, whether on-going or in a planning stage and including budget support programs, is considered a project. A project is defined as a group of activities focused on one major objective. For example, a project by one NGO to build wells in multiple villages should be grouped into a single "project". Similarly, a project to rebuild a single village (which cuts across multiple sectors) should be a single projectit has a single objective to rebuild a village. However, a "health program" to build hospitals, develop a water system, and train midwives should be considered three projects, and should have three separate project concept notes. If you have questions about how many concept notes to submit, please contact the IHRC at Anti-Corruption efforts at IHRC As part of the anti-corruption efforts of the IHRC, all implementing agencies (including government agencies) of Haiti recovery projects will be required to complete the Implementing Agency Questionnaire attached to this project concept note.

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo) 1 Proponent Information

Please fill in information about your organization. 1.1 Contact information (all correspondence from IHRC will be sent to this contact) Name of organization: Clinton Foundation Contact person: Contact information (phone/address): Email: 1.2 Background information Size of organization (# employees): Focus of work (sectors): Number of years in operation: Number of countries operating in: Number of years operating in Haiti: Total budget for Haiti: Laura Graham 212-348-1779 phone 212-348-9855 fax

Project Details

2.1 Project name Support to Government of Haiti Emergency Response plan for the construction of emergency shelters

2.2 Implementing agency details (if already selected) The implementing agency is the organization tasked with the execution of the project. This could be a contractor, NGO, Government body or other entity. It can be the same organization as the project proponent. The implementing agency must also fill out the attached Implementing Agency Questionnaire. Name of implementing agency: Contact person: Contact information (phone/address): Email: TBD

2.3 Project timing and cost (please estimate timing and cost even if not yet finalized) July 1st, 2010 Project start date: 6 months Project duration: US$1,000,000 Total estimated project budget/cost: 2.4 Project synopsis Please include a brief description of the project, a statement of its specific objectives and an explanation of how the proposal is consistent with the Haiti Action Plan.

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

Project: Support to Government of Haiti Emergency Response plan for the construction of emergency shelters Objective: ! To ensure the safety of vulnerable populations in high risk areas during the hurricane season ! To provide school age children a decent place to learn Consistent with Haiti Action Plan: it responds to the call for hurricane preparedness and disaster risk management (4.1) and to returning to school and school reconstruction (4.3) of the Haiti Action Plan. In addition, this proposal would support the activities outlined in the Emergency Response plan for the Construction of Emergency Shelter by the DPC. This Emergency Response Plan has identified the urgent priority need to build Emergency Shelter at the municipal level in particular in departments Ouest and SudEst plan; it aims at protecting the vulnerable populations in those areas particularly exposed to hydrometerlogical hazards by providing emergency shelter. A needs assessment has been identifying the need of emergency shelter.

2.5 Required approvals Please let us know the steps you have taken to get approvals needed for the project, including the approvals requested, status of requests, and names of your contacts in government agencies Discussed priorities with the Department of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior (see attached)

Project sectors

Please check all the relevant sub-sectors where the project will have influence. Category 1. Territorial Rebuilding Sub-sector Transport (ports, road, rail, air) infrastructure Energy infrastructure Disaster management and prevention Telecommunications Expanded network of health clinics Other (please fill in): _______________ Agriculture, farming and fishing Industry, commerce and tourism Job creation and training Finance and investment Other (please fill in): _______________ Housing Health Education Culture Food assistance and relief Women and children Water and sanitation Other (please fill in): _______________ Democratic institutions Stronger central administration Justice and security

2. Economic Rebuilding

3. Social Rebuilding

4. Institutional Rebuilding

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

Other (please fill in): _______________ 5. Budget support

Project Locations and Associated Budget

Jacmel, Leogane and Port-au-Prince Please detail the communes, arrondissements, dpartements and, where possible, sections where project activities are being undertaken. Please include a breakdown of the budget by location accordingly.

Project Descriptions and Outputs

5.1 Project description This includes a description of the need that the project will address the desired outcomes, main activities, and an explanation of links between needs, activities, outputs, and outcomes: The hurricane season started on June 1 and will have an effect on Haiti, regardless of how damaging the hurricanes will be. As a result of the January 12 earthquake, many community buildings (schools, sports centers, churches) that were used as shelter during past hurricanes have been affected or completely destroyed, leaving many more people in need of shelters. The population movement has put additional strain on certain vulnerable and hurricane prone areas. A multi hazard risk mapping done in 2009 shows the six areas in Haiti that are considered particularly vulnerable to natural hazards: Cap Haitien, Gonaives, Jacmel, Leogane, Les Cayes, Port au Prince. Of these, three areas have been considered priority areas for the hurricane season: Port au Prince, Leogane and Jacmel. The criteria for prioritizing these areas are based on: 1. Amount of houses destroyed by the earthquake; 2. Areas at high risk of hurricanes and flooding; 3. Areas with high level of vulnerable shelters. Additionally, this project aims at supporting the Governments Emergency Response Plan for the Reconstruction of Emergency Shelter, which equally aims at protecting the vulnerable populations in those areas particularly exposed to hydrometerological hazards. A needs assessment has been performed identifying the most vulnerable communities, which will include the classification of communities according to its vulnerability, Selection of shelter models for construction, evaluation of sites, fundraising, etc. As it is based on the DPCs Emergency Response Plan, this project is not implemented in isolation from other efforts to provide hurricane shelter, but rather as a kick-start for others to provide similar funding in a coordinated fashion to provide desperately needed hurricane shelter and will support the fundraising efforts. This proposal puts forward USD 1 million as seed money to start building hurricane proof shelters in these three areas, as identified by the Emergency Response Pan and proposes to build shelters that will double as schools when hurricane shelter is not needed. It is estimated that these shelters will be able to house hundreds of the most vulnerable people in these three areas. Working in conjunction with the Department of Civil Protection and the Ministry of Education, the activities will include, but are not limited to, the following deliverables: design and construction of hurricane shelters and all related site work and utilities. Additional program elements include related restrooms, a commercial kitchen, and showers. The facility will include emergency power generation, domestic water storage and sanitary storage. The government of Haiti is currently working with the World Bank and the IDB to secure further funding to support the construction of emergency shelters to cover all the high risks areas.

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

5.2 No. 1 2 3

Project components Component Construction of emergency shelters that can also serve as schools or community centers

No. 1

5.2 List of key project outputs/milestones and associated budget For example, km of roads, numbers of schools, numbers of houses, health workers trained etc. Deliverables timeline Outputs Budget Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Emergencies shelters USD able to provide 30 1,000,000 class rooms for about

Year 5

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

1500 students 2 3

Impact assessment

Please provide a brief description of how the project will affect the following areas. A given question may be not applicable, if this is the case for your project, please note N/A and explain why not applicable. 6.1 Economic multiplier Please specify numbers of local workers employed, capital created, etc. Up to 300 local workers would be employed to build the schools 6.2 Sustainability assessment How will you ensure that this project will be sustained after completion? The building will replace damaged or destroyed structures and will be sustained in the same manner as prior to the earthquake

6.3 Environmental assessment If relevant, please specify how the project might negatively impact the environment, and how you plan to measure and mitigate this impact.

7.1 7.1.1

Funding plan Please check to identify whether this is an on-budget or off-budget project.

On-budget, on-Treasury projects are funded through the budgeting system of the Government of Haiti. Fund source could be Government or foreign grants or loans. On-budget, off-Treasury projects are counted as Government of Haiti expenditures but funding flows through third party/ies.

Off-budget projects are direct implementation projects, funded directly by donors and / or
NGOs. Off-budget funds do not flow through the Government of Haiti budgeting system. 7.1.2 Please identify the funding entity and amounts to date. Amount Currency Type of Fund (loan / grant / equity)

Funding entity

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

Clinton Foundation

1 Million



7.1.3 Please check to identify if the project will be seeking funding from the Haiti Reconstruction Fund.

Yes project will seek HRF funding

No project will not seek HRF funding

Local Community Support

8.1 Local Community Involvement Please explain to what extent you have involved the local community (e.g., community-wide meeting to discuss projects, solicit input from marginalized/disadvantaged groups, other outreach activities) The Department of Civil Protection has been working closely with community leaders to identify populations at risks and potential sites for the construction of these shelters.

Monitoring Process

9.1 Anti-corruption mechanisms Please describe your anti-corruption mechanisms, particularly to address procurement, financial reporting and fund disbursement The Clinton Foundation will follow its established rules and procedures with regards to procurement. These procedures are in compliance with government procurement in the United States.



10.1 Obstacles An obstacle is anything that slows down or impedes the progress of the projects commencement or continuation. Examples include approvals needed, lack of supply chain capacity, lack of funds, etc. Bottleneck Allocation of land for the building of emergency Shelter Debris removal Organization/person that could address the bottleneck Government of Haiti Government of Haiti, UN Specific requests to IHRC in addressing the bottleneck Provide clarity ASAP on shelter sites so that companies can start buildings ASAP. Provision of sites that are ready to be built on

IHRC Project Concept Note (insert logo)

10.2 Project progress monitoring process The Clinton Foundation is following its established project monitoring rules and procedures. Please describe monitoring arrangement and methods for the project:

Thank you for supporting for our effort in coordinating the recovery of Haiti. Together, we can build back better.

Annex1: Government of Haiti Emergency Response plan for the construction of emergency shelters

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