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Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows

Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• When considering hydrodynamic processes, relative displacement s of
individual mass particles may occur over time
• This is because the components of the mass do not hold together as they do
in solid bodies
• In order to describe flowing fluid correctly, terms, explained in the following
section is important
• Pathline:
• The route travelled by a fluid particle over a given period of time
• In the interval time dt the length that is covered along the pathline is
defined by:

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Pathline:
• Here, r describes the position vector of the particle
• s is the coordinate following the pathline
• The resulting velocity of the fluid particle is then:

• The local velocity vector v of a particle, located at a given instant, at a

given point in space, is tangent to the pathline of the particle
• Because the fate of a single particle is being considered, a pathline is the
product of the lagrangian description

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Pathline:

Figure 2.1: Pathline: route of a particle in the s-t-plane

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Streamline:
• Stream lines are those lines, which have the same direction as the local
velocity at every point of the flow domain
• This means that the velocity vectors are tangent to the streamlines at every
point in the flow field at a given instant
• Streamlines can be used to illustrate the velocity field

Figure 2.2 (a): stream lines Figure 2.2 (b): velocity field

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Streamline:
• Streamlines never intersect (unlike pathlines)
• If they could, then two different velocities with different directions would occur at
the intersection
• In the interior of the flow field stream lines never bend sharply
• Where such a bend to occur, the acceleration at that point would have to be
indefinitely large
• Branching or sharp bends can appear at stagnation points at the boundary of
the flow field
– However, here the flow velocity is always equal to zero
• Narrowing streamlines indicate an acceleration of the flow
• Spreading streamlines indicate a deceleration of the flow
• Aggregating streamlines indicate an acceleration of the flow
• Streamlines result from the Eulerian description
• No single fluid particle is observed, rather the velocity at a given point in space
at every time t is determined

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Streakline:
• A streakline gives a snapshot of all fluid particles which have passed
through a prescribed point in space
• Example: a smoke plume from a smokestack

Figure 2.3: Smokestack as an

example for a streakline

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.1 Pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, and Streamtubes

Terms and Definitions:

• Streamtube:
• All streamlines which pass through a closed stationary area
• These forms a streamtube
• The mean velocity over the cross-section of the streamtube is called the
“flow velocity” of the tube

Figure 2.4: Streamtube

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.2 Types of Flow

• Steady state flow:

• The velocities inside the flow field under consideration are constant over

• Transient flow:
• the flow field is a function of time

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.2 Types of Flow

• Uniform flow:
• The velocity of the flow field is the same at every point along a streamline

• Non-
Non -uniform flow:
• The velocity inside the flow field varies in space (along a streamline)

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:
• It has already been stated that the velocity v is a function of the space
coordinate s and time t

• In the case of x-y-z coordinate systems the velocity v is a vector

• In the case of the Eulerian approache, where the velocity refers in space to
the (one-dimensional) coordinate s which runs along a streamline, the
velocity is considered as a scalar v
• The basic equation of fluid mechanics can be derived from the momentum
equation (Newtonian
Newtonian law):

• Where,
• mv : momentum
• F : force, which acts on mass m

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:
• When mass is independent of time, the equation above results in the well-
known relationship

• In which the acceleration the acceleration (a a) as well as the velocity v must

be considered as kinematics variables
• In the following, we will look at the example of the quasi-one-dimensional
approach along a streamline in s-t-coordinates (velocity v, acceleration a)
• If we think about the velocity v( s,t)) as a surface across the s-t-plane, we can
directly see the change in v when moving from point (s,t) to a point (s+ds,
t+dt) [see figure 2.5]

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:

Figure 2.5: Change I velocity

in space and time

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:
• If we look at all the changes, we obtain for the total change of the velocity dv:

• If we now divide the total change of velocity dv along the streamline by dt (and
thus calculate the total differential) we obtain the substantial acceleration
• It is also called total acceleration or overall acceleration
• It is the sum of the convective and local acceleration

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:
• The total acceleration is given by:

• Where,

is the convective acceleration that describes the change over time of

the velocity at a given point in space on the streamline
describes the change in the velocity from point to point at a specific time

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.3 Velocity and Acceleration

• Derivation:
• For Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z ) the total acceleration is given by:

• Using the velocity vector:

• And the short notation:

• The total acceleration is given by:

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

• Effect of Force:
• The forces which act on the fluid bring about changes, e.g. in shape or
ocation for every single fluid particle
• With the help of an imaginary square-shaped fluid particle in a 2-dimensional
space we can observe the behaviour of he particle for different flow states

• If the fluid particle ABCD is translated (Figure 2.6), it moves in the flow field
• It changes its position in the direction of he velocity vector without changing its
shape and without rotating

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

The displacement velocity VV
of the fluid particle is shown
in Figure 2.6 with the help of
point B, it can be calculated

Figure 2.6: Translation of a fluid particle

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

•If a fluid particle is revolving
around a given axis, this motion
is called rotation

•An example is given in Figure

2.7, where the fluid particle
revolves around its centre

•It is important to note that

rotation does not cause a
change in the shape of the fluid
Figure 2.7: Rotation of a fluid particle

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

• The rotation angular velocity around the z-axis is obtained by:

• The vector of the rotation anglular velocity (rotation vector) of a flow field is
given by:

• Where,

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

• The single components of the angular velocity vector are:

• There is no rotation when,

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

• We speak of deformation when the shape of a fluid particle is changed
• The position and volume of the particle, however, stay the same during
• Deformation can be either Linear or Angular

Figure 2.8 (a): Linear deformation Figure 2.8 (b): Angular deformation
Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015
Chapter 2:Kinematics of Spatial Flows
Hawassa University
Institute of Technology 2.4 Translation, Rotation, and Deformation

• The velocity for the angular deformation is given by:

• Where the deformation is linear, the velocity of the change of the area is
calculated according to the following equation

• When the flowing fluid is incompressible,

incompressible the deformation velocity must be
equal to zero due to the continuity equation

Hydrodynamics(CEng6601) Lecture Slides, Course Instructor: Elias Tedla (PhD), 2015

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