FINAL PROJECT - Marina - Román

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Marina Román Bezos, T6
This teaching unit will be aimed at children of 5 years, in a school located in Madrid,
specifically in Alcorcón. This unit about the school aims for children to have contact with
the routine they live day by day in the classroom and the rules so that the class has a good
functioning. The session planned in detail, will take place at the beginning of this unit.
Finally, a rubric will be presented to evaluate the aspects that we want children to achieve
with this.

Lesson plan
Cycle: Infants Year: 5 year olds Topic: The School

Learning Evidence for Assessment

Know the environment in which they Annotations of activities, observation of the
live daily and develop in it. child's interest, interaction...
WILF Know and use what is related to the

Language Today we are going to...

structures This material is stored in...
My class is...
When I go to school...

Outline of Activities
Grouping Timing Pupils Teacher/s Materials
Whole 20 min. Calendar with
Class Sitting in the assembly, we Sitting leading the class, she the days of the
started talking about throws the questions, week.
routine, interacting capturing attention. The
together. days, time and routine that Weather cards.
For example: will be followed are
“What day is today?”; reviewed and later a
“What is the weather like?; "manager" will come out to
“What are we going to do indicate it in the cork of the
today?” ect. class. After that, they will be
explained that what we are
doing is learning things
from school (through cards).
Lesson Management

Whole 10 min. Different

Class With a video, we sang and Directing the song and materials in the
danced "Materials of the moving, when the video class.
class". With the video the says a material, the teacher
different materials are heard shows it for the children to
and the dance consists of see in reality.
pointing out the place where Notice where children point
the material is located. when they listen to each
(Pencil, backpack, chair, material.
table, scissors, etc.).
Individual 20 min. Classroom file
"The classroom". Children Guide indicating that the Colors
should describe what our table has a square shape and Classroom
classroom is like, the will show the corresponding materials
objects we see, such as the figure and ask them later. (shapes...)
floor, windows, walls, For example: How are the
furniture, etc. walls?, how many windows
Sitting each in their chair, are there?, how many
they will have to draw doors?, etc.
following the instructions So they can work the
of the teacher. observation of their

Whole 10 min. Story

Class In the assembly sitting and Read the story at the
to end the session they will assembly and after
listen to a story called "I go finishing, you will ask the
to school" in which what the students their impressions
children live daily is and they will all comment
reflected and they will feel on what they thought.
identified. It is very likely that they link
it with their experiences.
Achivement levels HE/SHE HE/SHE HE/SHE IS HE/SHE


Respect colleagues
and take care of
materials and facilities

Participates in school
routines by assuming

Knows how to
develop autonomously
in school and the

Identify the people in

the center and respect
their qualities.

Explore spaces and

properly manipulate
classroom materials

It is autonomous in
the realization of
hygiene and personal
care habits.

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