Oralcom w4 Purposes of Oral Comm.

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Senior High School

Grade 11

Oral Communication


First Semester – Week 4

Purposes of Oral

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: Explains the functions, nature and process of communication
Grade 11 – Oral Communication
Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
English – Grade 11
English Learning Kit
Purposes of Oral Communication
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

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of Iloilo.

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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writer: May Joy F. Pabu-aya and Jaye V. Andong

Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Mark T. Dasa

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Jun Victor F. Bactan

Merlo Ceasar O. Francisco, Ricky T. Salabe

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Lilibeth E. Larupay, Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion
Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Ma. Jonalyn O. Gegato
Bonafe T. Davasol

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason, Jr.

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Grade 11 – Oral
Competency: Communication
examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ Explains the functions, nature and process of communication
Purposes of Oral Communication


As a Senior High School learner, it is important for

you to learn the importance of effective communication. It
plays a great part in your daily life whether you are at
school or at home. It would be hard to think of any
activities that do not include communication.
Being equipped with appropriate communication
skills will allow you to be better and be competent in every
endeavor you are going to make. That is why being able
to communicate well is a vital skill that you should learn
and develop.
In this lesson, you are going to focus on how to
examine oral communication activities. The tasks and
activities in this lesson are designed to hone your
understanding and help you focus on the important aspect
of oral communication.
Good luck and enjoy your journey!


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. examine sample oral communication activities. EN11/12OC-Ibe-10
2. identify the speaker’s purpose in delivering a speech in an occasion; and
3. get information based on a given speech.

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Grade 11 –examines sample oral communication activities.
Oral Communication
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the answer
to the questions below. Write your answer in your Oral Com activity

1. Which purpose for writing and speaking provides the audience with a clear
understanding of concept or idea presented by the speaker?
A. entertain C. informative
B. demonstrative D. persuasive

2. What purpose provides the audience with well-argued ideas that can influence
their own beliefs and decisions?
A. entertain C. informative
B. demonstrative D. persuasive

3. To make your speech entertaining, which one should NOT be used?

A. tell jokes C. share funny stories
B. recall scary story D. use famous quotation

4. Your Cookery teacher assigned you to present in the class the steps on how to
bake a pineapple pie. What type of speech is appropriate in this situation?
A. entertain C. informative
B. demonstrative D. persuasive

5. The DOH made a campaign advertisement on how to avoid COVID-19.

What do you think is the purpose of their campaign ad?
A. entertain C. informative
B. demonstrative D. persuasive

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Activity 1. GUESS WHAT!

Directions: Read the given speeches below and identify the possible occasion and
the speaker’s purpose. Then answer the two questions that follow. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.

Occasion/ Speaker’s
Activity Purpose

“I am here today asking for your help that in the

coming election, do not forget to write my name
in your ballot.”

“Today is your special day and my only wish is

for you to achieve the desire of your heart – to be
a millionaire! But seriously, I want you to reach
your goal in life which is to wear that black toga
with diploma in your hands.”

“Good morning class! Today we are going to

discuss on how to deliver a speech effectively.”
There are several ways to deliver a speech
1. Stand with confidence.
2. Face your audience with your hands in the
side with your chin up.
Avoid the following as much as possible:
▪ Crossing your arms
▪ Hands at the back
▪ Hands on hips
▪ Hand on chin
▪ Two hands cupped in front of your chest
3. Use your hands to emphasize or reinforce
your message when speaking.
Breaking News!
Iloilo City shifts to GCQ while Iloilo Province is
under MGCQ on June 1-15, 2020 based on
IATF Resolution no. 40, series of 2020.
1. Are the different speeches appropriate in the occasion/activity? Explain.
2. What do you think are to be considered in making a speech?

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Well done! It looks like you are already well
acquainted with the purpose of communication.
Let us check further your familiarity on the lesson
by answering the questions below in your oral
communication activity notebook.

1. What are the different types of speaker’s purpose according to

2. Do speeches differ in every occasion?
3. What should be observed in delivering a speech in public?
4. In what way verbal and nonverbal cues help the speaker achieve his/her
5. How can communication or speaking skill build your personality?


Good job! Let us deepen your

understanding of the lesson. Read the
discussions and discover how communication
functions in the different areas of undertakings
in the life of every individual.

There are four basic types of speeches according to purpose: to inform, to

instruct, to persuade and to entertain.1

1. Informative – this type of speech provides interesting and useful information to

an audience like your teacher talking about earthquakes or a
fellow learner presenting his/her research.

2. Demonstrative – this type of speech has a similarity with an informative speech

and also teaches you on how to do or perform something. A
cooking demonstration is a good example of this kind of speech
which instructs the audience on how to cook a certain menu step
by step.

Suarez, E.E. and Fernandez, A.M. (2016). SPEAC Speak and Listen in Context an Oral
Communication Textbook for Senior High School. Phoenix Publishing House. P 102
Grade 11 – Oral Communication
Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
3. Persuasive – a persuasive speech aims to persuade or convince people to
change the way they think or do something. An example is a
political speech delivered during election or campaign period
which can make the audience laugh, like, love, want a
specific change and reject or hate a policy, program, service,
institution or other politicians.

4. Entertaining – this is a type of speech given as an intermission number in a

program, a kind of after dinner talk and a toastmaster’s speech.
The speaker provides pleasure and enjoyment that makes the
audience laugh or identify with anecdotal information.

There are two types of Communication: the Verbal and Nonverbal


A. Verbal Communication refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay

a message. For effective and successful verbal communication,
words are used to express ideas which can be easily
understood by the person you are talking to. Consider
appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics and vividness when
engaging in this type of communication.
1. Appropriateness. The language that you use should be appropriate to the
environment or occasion (i.e., whether formal or informal).
2. Brevity. Speakers who often use simple yet precise and powerful words are found
to be more credible. Try to achieve brevity by being more direct
with your words. Avoid fillers and insubstantial expressions
which do not add to the message, such as “uh,” “you know,” “I
guess,” and others.
3. Clarity. The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas may be interpreted differently
by a listener; hence, it is essential for you to clearly state your
message and express your ideas and feelings.
4. Ethics. Words should be carefully chosen in consideration of the gender, roles,
ethnicity, preferences, and status of the person or people you
are talking to.
5. Vividness. Words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings usually add
color and spice to communication. Hence, you are encouraged
to find ways to charm your audience through the use of vivid
B. Nonverbal Communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to
convey and represent meanings. All kinds of human responses
that are not expressed in words are classified as nonverbal
Sipacio, P.J. and Balgos, A. R. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. C & E
Publishing,Inc. Philippines p 10

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
Examples of nonverbal communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice,
movements, manners of walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of
attire, attitude towards time and space, personality, gestures, and others.

Mastery of nonverbal communication is important for several reasons:2

1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it
more meaningful, truthful, and relevant.
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions without you saying
a word.
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the
4. It gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you are.
5. It makes you appear more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
6. It serves as a channel to release tension and nervousness.
7. It helps make your speech more dramatic.
8. It can build a connection with listeners.
9. It makes you a credible speaker.
10. It helps you vary your speaking style and avoid a monotonous delivery.


You are almost done with this

module. You have identified the
functions/purposes of oral communication.
Let us highlight important details from the
previous discussion.

There are four basic types of speeches according to purpose: to inform, to

instruct, to persuade and to entertain.

Also, this can be expressed through verbal and nonverbal communication.

Verbal communication refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a
message and you must consider appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics, and vividness
when engaging in this type of communication. Nonverbal communication refers to
an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings.

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
Examples of nonverbal communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice,
movements, manners of walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of attire,
attitude towards time and space, personality, gestures, and others. Both are important
to achieve your purpose in delivering a speech effectively.


Activity 2. IT’S MY TURN!

Directions: Copy the table and fill it out with the needed information per topic on what
to do and remember before delivering a speech in public. Do this in your
activity notebook.
Manner of Speaking Delivery
Topic Speaker’s
Purpose Verbal Nonverbal

How to Beat COVID-19

Which should be prioritized

by the Government:
Economy or Health?

My Life during ECQ

How to Make a Milk Tea


Directions: Tell whether the following statements or situations belong to Verbal or
Nonverbal communication. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

1. Use of simple but powerful words in your speech

2. A speaker is afraid to look straight in the eyes of the audience.
3. Wearing of appropriate attire in the event
4. Avoiding fillers in speaking to the public
5. Use of hand or body movement while speaking

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Well done! You have shown great

improvements after accomplishing all the tasks
in each lesson. This time reflect on your work and
rate your confidence.

Activity 4. AM I READY OR NOT?

Directions: Answer the following activity by simply rating yourself and giving details
about your rating. Then complete the prompt after. Do this in your
activity notebook.

Using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), rate your emotional

preparedness to deliver a speech in a public.

I feel/think/believe ___________________________________

Complete this prompt:

As a student, I believe ________________________________

hence I ____________________________________________

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Activity 4. THINK WISELY!

Directions: Read the short speech and answer the questions that follow in your
activity notebook.

“Which Life Would You Like to Take?”

By: Jaye V. Andong

High school life according to some folks is the happiest stage of

human’s life. Is this true?

There is no such beautiful things about life as to becoming young

forever. As a teenager, you intend to be carefree and happy go lucky. You
face problems in an easy way and the consequences of your actions are not
feared or thought of. Most teenagers but not all are not taking their problems
in life seriously. They would just simply do anything that comes in their mind
without taking precautions or would perform actions without asking

But if you turn to an adult, life perspective changes. The way you think,
act or decide is carefully analyzed and taken slowly because you are afraid of
what might be the result of your decision or actions.

We must realize then that living in this world is not permanent. Life
changes as we grow and we need to live life to the fullest! You may enjoy now
then suffer later or suffer now then enjoy later. Which life do you want to take?

1. What type of speech is the given example above?

A. entertaining C. informative
B. demonstrative D. persuasive

2. Which among the given line helps you know the type of speech being used in
the example?
A. Can this be true?
B. Which life do you want to take?
C. We must realize then that living in this world is not permanent.
D. You may enjoy now then suffer later or suffer now then enjoy later.

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
3. What is the message of the speech?
A. Live life to the fullest.
B. Enjoy life but with precaution.
C. Life changes through the years.
D. Enjoy being young and be serious later.

4. If you were to deliver this speech, what is the appropriate way to deliver it?

A. Conversational style C. Portray a smiling face

B. Serious and strict D. Use a voice with force

5. If the teacher is the speaker, what do you think he/she wants to tell the
A. Learners will realize that they have the happiest stage of life right now so
they need to enjoy it.
B. Learners will know that it is not achievement which is important in life but
what you do.
C. Learners must learn to value the gift of life so they need to undergo difficulty.
D. Learners will remember that life is about the decisions you made that could
affect your future.


nonverbal communication – refers to an interaction where gestures, movements,

and expressions are used to convey and represent

verbal communication – refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a


Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

Try This

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C

Activity 1. GUESS WHAT!

Speech Occasion/ Speaker’s

Activity Purpose
“I am here today asking for your help that in
the coming election, do not forget to write my Campaign Rally Persuade
name in your ballot.”
“Today is your special day and my only wish is
for you to achieve the desire of your heart – to Birthday Party Entertain
be a millionaire! But seriously, I want you to
reach your goal in life which is to wear that
black toga with diploma in your hands.”
“Good morning class! Today we are going to
discuss on how to deliver a speech effectively.”
There are several ways to deliver a speech Class Discussion Demonstrate
1. Stand with confidence.
2. Face your audience with your hands in the
side with your chin up.
Avoid the following as much as possible:
▪ Crossing your arms
▪ Hands at the back
▪ Hands on hips
▪ Hand on chin
▪ Two hands cupped in front of your chest
3. Use your hands to emphasize or reinforce
your message when speaking.
Breaking News!
Iloilo City buy it in GCQ; Iloilo Province under News Reporting Inform
to MGCQ on June 1-15, 2020 based on IATF
Resolution no. 40, series of 2020.

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)
Answers may vary.


Answers may vary.


1. Verbal 4. Verbal

2. Nonverbal 5. Nonverbal

3. Nonverbal


1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D


Sipacio, P.J. and Balgos, A. R. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior
High School. C & E Publishing,Inc. Philippines p 10

Suarez, E.E. and Fernandez, A.M. (2016). SPEAC Speak and Listen in Context an
Oral Communication Textbook for Senior High School. Phoenix Publishing
House. P 102

Grade 11 – Oral Communication

Competency: examines sample oral communication activities.
(CS_ EN11/12OC-Ibe-10)

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