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Units 9–10 Units 11–12

Problem solving He said/She said
Activity:  Sentence construction game in pairs/ Activity:  Sentence dictation and crossword in
groups and whole class pairs
Language:  Second conditional; modal verbs Language:  Reported speech – statements and
of advice questions
To use:  After Student’s Book, page 94 To use:  After Student’s Book, page 119
Preparation:  Make one copy of the worksheet and Preparation:  Make one copy of the worksheet for
cut out the eight Situation cards. each pair.

Procedure Procedure
• Divide the class into eight pairs or groups. If you • On the board, write the following sentences: ‘I like
have fewer than 16 students in your class, you will my English classes,’ said Carl. a) Carl 
not need all the cards. Give each group a card. They English classes. Elicit the fact that the first sentence
should not let the other groups see it. is in direct speech and the second sentence is in
• Explain that each card contains a short dialogue reported speech. Ask them to complete the second
between two people, plus a sentence in bold. Ask sentence: said he liked his.
two students with Situation 1 to read their dialogue • Dictate the following sentences to the class and ask
to the rest of the class but not the sentence in bold. the students to write them down. You may need to
Explain that when they have heard the dialogue, the help with the spelling of the names and say which
rest of the class must work in their pairs/groups to are male (M) and which are female (F)
guess what the missing sentence is. Tell them that it b) Joanna said, ‘I’m doing my homework.’ (F)
is always a second conditional sentence starting with
c) Andy said to me, ‘I want to work at a summer
if and including would (probably), wouldn’t or might.
camp.’ (M)
Tell them to listen carefully to the sentence starting
You should or You shouldn’t to give them clues about d) Heidi said, ‘I’ve worked here for five years.’ (F)
what the final sentence might be. Give them two e) ‘I ate too much last night,’ said Rob. (M)
minutes to guess the final sentence and note it down. f) ‘I had known Charlie for five years when we
• Ask each pair or group to read out the sentences graduated,’ said Sue. (F)
they guessed and write them on the board. Then ask g) Mark said to me, ‘I can’t come to your party.’ (M)
the students with Situation 1 to read out their final
h) ‘I’ll help you with your homework,’ said Helen. (F)
sentence and write this on the board.
i) ‘I must call my mother later,’ said Don. (M)
• Award each group points as follows:
j) ‘Where’s the bank?’ asked Nicky. (F)
One point for each word that matches a word in the
original sentence. k) ‘Do you like studying for tests?’ Jenny asked me. (F)
Three bonus points for a sentence which is accurate l) ‘Can you speak German?’ Geoff asked me. (M)
and logical, but does not match the original. • Divide the students into pairs and give each pair
Five bonus points if the sentence is exactly the same a copy of the worksheet. Ask students to complete
as the original sentence. the sentences at the top of the page using reported
speech. Tell them that for this activity, they should
• Once the students understand the scoring system,
omit the word that.
they can score their own sentences to save time.
• Once they have completed the sentences, they write
• Repeat the activity with the other situations. At the
their answers into the crossword. Tell them not to
end, ask the groups to add up their points. The pair/
insert spaces between words and not to include
group with the most points is the winner.
apostrophes where there are contractions when they
complete the crossword.

Across: 2 the bank was 7 said she would 8 told me
he 11 said 12 worked there 13 told me 15 said
she had 19 asked me if 20 eaten 21 liked his
22 asked me 23 he wanted
Down: 1 said she 3 said he had to 4 was doing her
5 couldn’t come to my 6 call his 7 she had known
9 asked where 10 I could speak 14 said he had
16 if I liked 17 said he 18 help me

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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