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Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Full

Course - HVAC Course (Part 1)

Introduction to HVAC Full Course
This article is just the first part of the complete Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. We will
Learn HVAC from Basic to Advance level. So, Let's Start..

First We need to know what is meant by Building Services ?

Building Sevices (MEP):

                It is a branch of study/science where we want to impart or put various services such as
electrical, mechanical, plumbing, or fire fighting in an "Energy Efficient Buildings", in order to get
/ fetch up the benefit of a luxurious lifestyle.

Energy Efficient Buildings :

                Energy efficient buildings are those buildings where we want to use / consume energy
in an efficient and disciplined way with respect to cheap and economic cost, to get the benefit
of a luxurious lifestyle.

            Building Services can be categorized into three main classification, such as M -
Mechanical (HVAC Design), E - Electrical & Lighting Design and P - Plumbing (Plumbing and
Fire Fighting Design).

HVAC System :

            This system is used in designing systems for Hot climate, Cold climate etc.

Heating :

            It is increasing or raising the temperature of a substance gradually, up to a maximum

required / desired temperature, is known as heating.

Heat :

            It is a form of energy which transfers from one body to another body due to change in
temperature. The units of heat are KJ (Kilo joules), BTU (British Thermal Units) etc.

Ventilation :
            Ventilation is nothing but providing outside air or fresh air to inside room, from outside,
to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), thereby removing bad odor gases.

Air Conditioning :

                It is the conditioning of air according to human comfort zone condition and human
comfort criteria mentioned by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers).

* Comfort zone temperatures are 76 °F / 24 °C and 50% RH (Relative Humidity).

        Air Conditioning can be defined as simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, radiant

energy, air motion, air quality, and air quantity within a space, for satisfying requirement of the

Applications of Human Comfort Zone/ Conditioning :

            Some of the applications of Human Comfort Zone/ Condition can be found in Residential
Buildings, hotels, Commercial offices, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Malls, Airports, Hospitals,
Theaters, Cinema halls, Seminar halls, Conference rooms, Auditoriums, Religious places like
Churches, Mosques etc.

Next we will see the names of some of the governing bodies or standard societies which are
related to HVAC.

* ASHRAE - American Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers.(This is a

leader-pioneer body in HVAC industry.

* CIBSE - Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineer. A UK governing body of ASHRAE


* ISHRAE - Indian Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers. These HVAC
standards are to be followed in India.

* SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air conditioner Contractor National Association. It is a Standard
Society for National Duct design, site installations and Drafting. It is an USA based body.

* ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials. It is a standard society for metals and
material testing.

* IS - Indian Standards.

* DW144 - Duct Work 144 [ section is 144 ].

* LEEDAP - Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Accredited Professional.

* USGBC - United State Green Building Concepts.

* IGBC - Indian Green Building Council / Concepts.

* IAQ - Indoor Air Quality.

* NFPA - National Fire Protection Association.

* OSHA - Occupation Safety and Health Administration.

* NEBOSH - National Environment and Building Occupational Safety Hazards.

 Green Buildings :

            A Green Building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves
natural resources, generates less waste, and provides healthier space for occupants or
residents, as compared to the conventional buildings. 

Design of HVAC system involves the following things which are enlisted below :

* Building Survey.

* Selection of System (Classification of Machines).

* Load Calculation (Costing and Heating Load).

* Machine selection.

* Fan selection.

* Chilled water pipe designing.

* Fitting selection.

* Pumps selection.

* Selection of equipments, their type and size etc.

* Planning location of each piece of equipment in building.

Project Task / Initializing / Initialization of project :

            Designing a large building project is a complex task. It may involve few months or even
years, and involvement of a number of senior design engineers / engineers / technicians,
depending upon the size of the projects.
Design of private residence is much more simpler as compared to commercial property or
building. Design of HVAC system for large projects is basically the responsibility of consulting
design engineer of HVAC. Consulting design engineer also carries out some additional
responsibilities to workout estimation and costing on project, and also supervision during site
erection and installation of projects.

        Above tasks are executed in concern with the client and architect, which in turn carries the
overall building design and planning. Architects and other departments such as civil engineers,
structural, MEP system (HVAC engineers have to be in co-ordination with each other, failure of
co-ordination between architects and other departments tend to more costing time
consumption for execution of projects.

Installation Details with respect to Contractors :

        The Mechanical or HVAC contracting company takes HVAC consulting design. (Engineering
Contract Drawing ) prepares single line drawing / diagrams and sends to the engineering
department, which converts the single line design to the Shop drawing, with the help of a CAD
operators or a Draftsman. 

        Shop Drawings are detailed drawings with large scales or dimensions with size
of A0 and A1 of HVAC systems, which will be necessary to start and execute site project works,
overall. HVAC contracting company hires various teams or people which include Sheet Metal
Contractors (Duct Contractors) , Pipe Fitters (Chilled water pipe contractors), Insulation
Contractor (Duct and Pipe insulation contractors. These contractors are known as sub-

            HVAC Contractors / Contracting Company or Main Contractors also purchase all the
necessary HVAC machines, tools and materials for the accomplishment of the project work. 

            When installation is completed, Main contractor tests, adjusts and balances the HVAC
Systems and then they call for the QA / QC procedure teams for the safe running of the design.

        Well here we complete the first part of the Full HVAC course. Hope you guys have learnt
something about HVAC from this article.. Stay tuned for the next part of this course. Till then,
Keep Learning. Keep Growing.

Basics of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning

This article is just the second part of the complete Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. We
will Study Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning from Basic to Advance level. So, Let's Start..

Physics used in HVAC System :

Heat :

        Heat is a form of energy which transfers due to change in temperature or temperature

difference. In S.I or Metric system unit is KJ (Kilo joules), in Imperial or English System the unit is
BTU (British Thermal Units).

British Thermal Units :

        It is defined as the amount of heat to be added to raise the temperature of 1 pound of
water by 1 °F (Fahrenheit).

            1 Pound (lbs) = 0.450 kgs

            1 kgs = 2.2 lbs

            Unit of Refrigeration = Ton or Tons of Refrigeration

TR (Tons of Refrigeration) :

        One Ton of Refrigeration is characterized as how much cooling impact created by uniform

dissolving of 1 ton or 1000kg of ice from 0 °C in 24 hours.


Energy required to melt 1000kg of ice in 24 hours thereby giving standard cooling effect /
chilling effect. Cooling effect produced by it is known as 1 ton of refrigeration or 1 TR.

Mathematically Latent heat of ice is 335 kJ/kg.

1 Ton of Refrigeration = 335 x 1000kg in 24 hours.

1 TR = (335 x 1000) / (24 x 60)

         =  232.6 kJ / kg.

But in Actual Practice, 

1 TR = 210 kJ / min

1 TR = 3.5 kw.

Units :
            Concepts such as Length, Area, Volume, Temperature concepts are called as Physical
quantities. Physical characteristics are measured by standard quantities and are known as
Units. For example, "metre" is used to measure length.

US and S.I Units :

            There are two types of units or system of units which are used in HVAC industry. One is
called "Inch-pound" (I.p) or US Imperial or English system or FPS (Foot-Pound-system). The
second system that is used in the industry is called S.I system (International system or System
de Internationale) or Metric system.

Examples for  US system or FPS or Imperial system are :

* Distance - Feet or inches

* Area - Square feet or square inches

* Volume of air - CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute)

* Temperature - ° F (Fahrenheit)

Examples for  S.I system or Metric system are :

* Distance - meters or mm, km, cm etc.

* Area - Square meters. 

* Volume of air - LS (Liters per second)

* Temperature - ° C (Celsius)

Conversions of Equivalent :

            Units have fixed numerically in relationship with each other called equivalence or
conversion factor. 

* Length or Distance :

1 m = 3.28 ft

1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm

1 ft = 0.304 m

1' / 1 ft = 12" or 12 inches

1" / 1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm

1' / 1 ft = 300 mm = (Round off of 304.8 mm)

1 m = 39 °

1 yard = 3 feet

* Area :

1 sq m = 10.76 sq ft 

1 sq ft = 0.093 sq m

1 sq ft = 144 sq inch

1 sq yard = 9 sq ft

* Tonnage / Tons of Refrigeration :

1 Ton (TR) = 210 kJ / min

1 Ton = 3.5 kw

1 Ton = 12000 BTU / hr

1 Ton = 400 CFM approx

1 Ton = 2.4 GPM (Gallon Per minute)

1 Ton = 3000 kCal / hr

1 US Gallon = 3.786 Liters

1 CFM = 1.8 CMH

1 CFM = 2118 cubic meter per second (CMS)

1 CFM = 2.119 Litre / second

Thumb Rule For Tonnage :

* 1 Ton will cover 100 sq ft  (9 sq m) - For exposed zone for 2 or more.

* 1 Ton will cover 130 sq ft (12 sq m) - For partition area / zone

Temperature :

        It is the degree of hotness or coldness measured by ordinary dry bulb thermometer (DBT).

(or) It is the measure of Thermal activity / intensity in a body. units are ° C or ° F.

Temperature scale / conversion factor :

* For Degree centigrade or degree celsius:

        ° C = (° F - 32 ) / 1.8

* For Degree Fahrenheit:

        ° F = 1.8 °C + 32

         So, here Fahrenheit scale lies between 32 °F to 212 °F i.e, 180 divisions.

Example : As according to ASHRAE human comfort zone criteria is 24 °C / 76 °F with respect to


° F = 1.8 °C + 32

(C = 24 °C / 76 °F)

     = 1.8 (24) + 32

     = 76 °F


° C = (° F - 32 ) / 1.8

      = (76 - 32) / 1.8

      = 24 °C

Hotness : It is the addition of heat.

Coolness : It is the removal of heat from a system.

There are mainly two types of heat. They are Sensible heat and Latent heat.

Sensible Heat :
        The heat which we can sense or we can measure by using an ordinary or dry bulb
thermometer is known as Sensible heat. (or)

Heat absorbed or transmitted by a substance during change of temperature is known as

sensible heat. For example, Human body temperature can be measured using thermometer.

Latent Heat :

        Heat required to convert a solid into liquid or vapor without change in temperature is
called Latent heat. (or)

Heat occurred or released during the change of phase without change in temperature is known
as Latent heat. For example, When water becomes vapor or ice becomes liquid, when water
kept in a mud pot is always cold, it is because of the latent heat concept.

  Well here we complete the second part of the Full HVAC course. Hope you guys have learnt
something about HVAC from this article.. Stay tuned for the next part of this course. Till then,
Keep Learning. Keep Growing.

HVAC - Modes of Heat Transfer

        This post is the third part of the complete Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. We will
Study Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning from Basic to Advance level. So, Let's Start..

Modes of Heat Transfer :

        Following are the three types of mode of Heat transfer.

* Conduction.

* Convection. and

* Radiation.

Conduction : It is the mode of heat transfer through solid materials.

Convection : It is the mode of heat transfer through liquid substances.

Radiation : It is the mode of heat transfer without any medium, for example, vacuum.


        It is the amount of inside energy and result of pressure and volume.. This sum "U+PV" is
known as "Enthalpy (H)".
                            H = U + PV

(or) Heat content of a body is called as Enthalpy. The units of Enthalpy are kJ / hr, Btu / hr etc.

Humidity :

            The amount of moisture present in air or presence of moisture content in air.

Air : It is the mixture of various gases present in atmosphere.

Types of air : * Saturated Air & * Unsaturated Air.

Saturated Air : Air which is having 100% moisture present in it, is known as saturated air.

Unsaturated Air : Air in which moisture is present at standard normal condition, is known as
unsaturated air.

Types of Humidity :

  * Relative Humidity (RH) : It is the ratio of amount of moisture present in sample of air to the
amount of moisture present in saturated air. (or) It is the ratio of unsaturated air to saturated
air with respect to the moisture at atmospheric conditions.

* Specific Humidity / Humidity ratio (w) : It is the amount of grains of moisture present in
sample of air is called as specific humidity. The unit of specific humidity is Grains/ lb.

 Dew Point :

                It is the temperature at which buildup of condensation begins.

Condensation :

            Conversion of vapors to liquid is known as condensation. (or) Cooling of vapor (heat) to
liquid form is known as condensation.

Evaporation : 

            Conversion of liquid to vapor is known as evaporation.

Air flow : 

            Here is HVAC industry airflow is measured in CFM (cubic feet per minute) or L/S (Liters
per second) or CMH(Cubic meter per hour).

* CFM = 2118 m/s

* CFM = 2.118 L/s

* CFM = 1.8 x CMH

Following things has to be taken care during performing Air-conditioning. Temperature, Relative
Humidity, Fresh Air, noise criteria (dB), Filters, etc.

Temperature :

            According to ASHRAE human comfort zone is 76 °F / ( 22 °C - 24 °C) / 24 °C.

Example, for Hyderabad --- 106 °F --- Removing Heat (cooling) --- 76 °F. 

similarly, for Delhi--- (-2 °C) --- Adding Heat (Heating) --- 24 °C. 

* Relative Humidity (RH) :

            Moderate relative humidity for human beings should be between 30 - 70%.

            Summer (50% RH)                 Winter ( 35% RH)

Example, For Mumbai (65% RH ) ---- Dehumidification (Removing of moisture) --- (50% RH)

Similarly, For Hyderabad (35% RH ) ---- Humidification (Adding of moisture) --- (50% RH)

* Fresh Air :

            According to ASHRAE 2004 - 62.1 edition,  fresh air 2009 62.1 edition, fresh air should be

IAQ / CFM = [(CFM / person) x (Number of people)] + (Area in sq ft x CFM per sq ft)

For example, 

                    =[(5 x 2)] + (200 x 0.06)

                    =10 + 12.00

Fresh Air / IAQ =  22 cfm.

Noise Criteria :

                It is a measure in terms of decibels (dB) or Hz. Noise criteria for the apartments or
residential block is equal to 35 dB. Noise criteria for supermarkets is 45 dB, Noise criteria for
commercial offices is 35 dB.
Filters :

            Filters are used to purify the the environmental air up to its maximum extent. i.e; up to

10  μ  filtration. Filters are of various types :

Bag filters, nylon filters, canvas filters, HEPA filters, Synthetic filters, Fibrous Filters
(Material : coarse fibre coated with viscous adhesive for velocity 300 - 600 fpm.), 

HEPA filters:

       The acronym HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. HEPA filters are generally
used for high clean room applications like in hospitals, pharmacies, Research labs, operation
theaters, etc.These are special type of filters which can purify air up to 99.99%.

 Project Requirement :

* Architectural Designing :

            With the help of architectural designs we get to know all the details regarding interior of
the building, exterior of the building, such as plans, elevations (Front elevations, Back
elevations, side elevations etc), details regarding doors and windows etc. All these details are
very important while doing the heat load calculation in HVAC. Also, these details very much help
us while designing the HVAC layouts.

* Structural Drawings / Civil Drawings:

            With the help of structural drawings we get to know, all the details from construction
point of view. Such as constructional thickness of walls, material used to construct walls, and
details of beams and columns, RCC- slabs, Foundation floors etc. These details help us in
calculating the U-values which are required for heat load calculations in HVAC.

* Reflected Ceiling Plans (RCP) :

            With the help of Reflected Ceiling Plans, we get the details regarding fall ceilings, their
constructional make, dimensions or the distance from floor to fall ceiling or from the roof.
RCP's help us while routing the duct designing, it help us in knowing the available gap between
the floor and the ceiling, so that we can manage to run our duct work in HVAC.

            Well, here finishes the third part of this full HVAC series. Stay tuned for more upcoming
parts of this HVAC series. Till then, keep Learning, Keep Growing..

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