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2021-2022 SPRING Weeks 2-3

B1 Writing



The introductory paragraph consists of two parts:
General Statement: Two or three sentences that introduce the general topic or issue.
Thesis Statement: A direct reply to the essay question, providing specific reasons.

Writing General Statements

It is essential that ideas follow a logical development when moving from the first sentence to the thesis
statement. In other words, ideas should be linked to one another and must clearly move towards the thesis
statement. There are some good strategies to follow in order to write the introduction effectively.

Strategy 1: Working on the Key Words in the Topic Question

Analyze the question to identify the key words. It is a good strategy to work on the key words and think of some
related information. In this way, it is possible to make a smooth shift to the thesis statement. Below is a sample
essay topic:

Why is there stress in the parent–child relationship?

In the introduction, it is possible to develop ideas for each key word or phrase. You can ask some guiding
questions to come up with good ideas.

Parent-child relationships Can you give a brief description of this relationship?

Stress What types of stress are involved in this relationship?

We could follow the following steps to reach the thesis statement:

Stress Thesis Statement


specific reasons
hurt feelings

Sample Introduction:

Unhappy Parents, Unhappy Children

Being a parent means providing the love, care, and guidance that a child needs to grow
into a healthy adult. Unfortunately, the special relationship between a parent and a child often
involves arguments, hurt feelings, and other stresses. There are a number of reasons why there
is stress in the parent-child relationship, but two stand out: parents’ misuse of authority and
peer pressure on teens.

Exercise 1. Below is a sample topic question for you to work on as a class. Following the example above,
develop ideas for the key words in the question.

According to a recent study, humans are doing great harm to nature, so 20% of animal species
will be extinct within 25 years. What are the possible causes of this problem?

Animal Species-Extinction Thesis Statement

species/become extinct)


Strategy 2: Starting with an Opposite Idea

In a cause essay, after a very general statement about the topic, we can start writing about some possible
effects of the topic in question. Similarly, in an effect essay, we can first mention a few causes and then move on
to the effects. Alternatively, if a topic focuses on the positive aspects of something, we can start with the
negative aspects. Moreover, if a situation or issue given in an essay topic is valid for particular people or
countries, we might start writing about other people or countries for which the same situation or issue is not

Below is a sample introduction in which the positive aspects of credit cards are discussed first. Then a transition
is made to the negative aspects before writing the thesis statement.

Why Do Traditional People Argue against Using Credit Cards?

Credit cards are now used all over the world as there are many advantages of using
them in modern life. Thanks to credits cards, people do not have to carry cash around, nor do
they have to worry about unexpected emergency expenses. If used responsibly, a credit card
can be of great help. However, there are some traditional people who believe you should not
use credit cards. These people refrain from using credit cards because of two main reasons:
dislike of technology and irresponsible spending.

Exercise 2. Below are some essay topics and related ideas for the thesis statements. Working in groups, develop
ideas for possible general statements for the following topics by using the second strategy. Also, write an
appropriate transition sentence. One example is provided.
Essay Topic General Statements A transition sentence Thesis Statement

General idea Opposite idea Connecting word + Argument/idea +

introducing the topic sentence subtopics
1. Why is boss = person in effects of good
there often charge of a relationship: However, there is causes of tension:
conflict company or part good work often tension between
between a of a company Atmosphere boss and employee. strict bosses + lazy
boss and an employees = + profitable workers
employee? people who work Company
under the boss
causes of having
problems in
2. Why do adolescence:
people have
problems in search for an
their teenage identity + negative
years? feelings about self-

causes of resistance
3. Why do to change:
some people
resist narrow-mindedness
change? + deeply rooted

Strategy 3: From Past to Present

Another strategy is to mention the progression of an issue from the past to the present. Below is a sample
introduction formed in this way.

Rising Divorce Rate

In the past, a great majority of people got married at a fairly young age and never got
divorced in their entire life. However, the number of people who are getting divorced has
increased dramatically in the last few decades. There are many factors linked to the rising
divorce rate, but laws making divorce easier and changing cultural values are claimed to be the
main reasons.

Exercise 3. In groups, write an appropriate introductory paragraph for the following topic by using the third
strategy. Possible ideas for the thesis statement are provided below.

Unlike your parents and grandparents, you and your friends are likely to have fewer children.
What do you think are the reasons for this?
Possible Causes: priority given to career high expense of raising a child
Writing the Thesis Statement in a Cause Essay
The thesis statement is the direct response to the essay question and the last sentence of the introduction. The
purpose of writing the thesis statement is to inform the reader about the ideas (specific reasons) that will be
discussed in the essay. These ideas are often called subtopics. There are certain structures and words we can
use to write a thesis statement.
There are many structures that you can use while writing a thesis statement. Some of them are;

 There are several reasons why some people lose their jobs such as depression and economic problems.

 There are several reasons why some people lose their jobs, but two stand out: depression and economic problems.
, yet
, still

 Losing a job is basically caused by depression and economic problems.

stems from
results from
arises from

 Even though several factors cause people to lose their jobs, depression and economic problems can be mentioned as
the most significant ones.

 Although there are several reasons why people lose their jobs, depression and economic problems stand out as the
most significant ones.

 There are several reasons for some people to lose their jobs such as depression and economic problems.
a number of

 There are several reasons for losing a job, but two stand out: depression and economic problems.

 There are several causes of losing a job, but two stand out: depression and economic problems.
a variety of

 The basic reasons for losing a job are depression and economic problems.

 Depression and economic problems are two basic reasons why people lose their jobs.

 People may lose their jobs because of depression and economic problems.
due to
on account of
owing to

 There are many factors related to losing a job, yet depression and economic problems are claimed to be the main ones.
associated with believed
linked to thought

Exercise 4. Below there are some cause essay questions. For each question, write a thesis statement. Make sure
that you use different structures for each question.

1. Why do some people prefer to spend their whole life in their hometown?

2. Each year, many teenagers run away from home. What are the main causes?
3. Why do some universities require students to take courses which are not related to their department?
4. Why is listening to the radio still popular?
5. Huge new shopping malls such as Forum Istanbul have been very successful. What are the reasons for their

Writing the body paragraphs of an essay is not very different from writing an independent paragraph. Start a
body paragraph with a topic sentence and come up with at least two supporting ideas and relevant details
and/or examples. In an essay, be careful to relate the topic sentences of the body paragraphs to the ideas in the
thesis statement.

Let us take the thesis statement of the following introduction as an example and see how we move on to the
topic sentences of the body paragraphs. Remember that the first subtopic should be discussed in the first
paragraph and the second one should be dealt with in the second paragraph.

Unhappy Parents, Unhappy Children

To be a parent means to provide the love, care, and guidance that a child needs to grow into a
healthy adult. Unfortunately, the special relationship between a parent and a child often involves
arguments, hurt feelings, and other stresses. There are a number of reasons why there is stress in the
parent-child relationship, but two stand out: parents’ misuse of authority and peer pressure on teens.

You should combine the argument/idea in the thesis statement with each of the subtopics to form the topic
sentences of the body paragraphs. Here is a formula for you:

Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence = stress in the parent-child relationship + 1st reason (parents’ misuse of authority)
One reason why there is stress in the parent-child relationship is parents’ misuse of
authority. Because of parents’ misuse of authority, there is often stress in the parent-child

Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence = stress in the parent-child relationship + 2nd reason (peer pressure on teens)
A second/Another reason why stress in parent-child relationships is high is peer pressure
on teens.

The examples above are formed in a mechanical way, using specific connecting words or structures. However, it
is also possible to form a topic sentence with a freer style, reflecting personal language or comment. Here is an

In addition, teens being strongly influenced in negative ways by their peers will inevitably
lead to stress in the parent-child relationship.

Exercise 5. Using the given prompts, write topic sentences for the following sample thesis statements. You
might change or add words, and change word forms if necessary. Also, be careful about punctuation.

Thesis statement: The reasons why animal species are becoming extinct are illegal hunting
and environmental pollution.

Body Pr. 1 Topic Sentence

a) As a result of __________________________________________________________________________________

b) The extinction of animal species mainly _____________________________________________________________

Body Pr. 2 Topic Sentence

a) Environmental pollution is another reason _________________________________________________________

b) _________________________ is also due to ________________________________________________________

Thesis Statement: Environmentalists all over the world participate in protests because they
want to raise public awareness on environmental issues and force governments to take

Body Pr. 1 Topic Sentence

______________________________________________in order to _______________________________________

Body Pr. 2 Topic Sentence

Another reason why _____________________________ is that ___________________________________________

Thesis Statement: Although stress between co-workers is associated with various factors, the
two main causes of this stress are competition and unrealistic demands.

Body Pr. 1 Topic Sentence

____________________________________basically arises from__________________________________________

Body Pr. 2 Topic Sentence

Owing to the fact that_____________________________________________________________________________

Creating the Essay Format and Developing Body Paragraphs

Before starting to write your essay, it is helpful and time-saving to develop ideas by drawing a mind map. Below a
sample mind map is provided for the following topic:

“Why do you think teenagers use violence against one another?”


witnessing violence

The reason to be stated in the The reason to be stated in the

topic sentence of the 1 st body pr. topic sentence of the 2nd body pr.
(witnessing violence)

(1st Sup. Id.) (3rd Sup. Id.) on alcohol sales

discussion/example discussion/example
(1 Sup. Id.) (2nd Sup. Id.)
discussion/example discussion/example
computer games
(2nd Sup. Id.)

Concluding sentence:

As the mind map indicates, the body paragraphs extend the subtopics in the thesis statement. Each body
paragraph needs to be supported with at least two supporting ideas, which in turn are extended by further
discussion and/or example(s).

Exercise 6: Below, there are some cause essay questions and some set of words that you can use. First,
brainstorm some ideas. Then, write two body paragraphs for one of them. Your paragraphs must have a topic
sentence, body part with relevant supporting ideas, details and a concluding sentence (optional). Before
starting writing, brainstorm ideas and prepare an outline. Make sure that your ideas are organized properly.
 What are the causes of deforestation?
 Why is biodiversity decreasing worldwide?
 What are the reasons for water scarcity in Turkey?

Rain forests are habitat: The
known for their natural habitat of
dense vegetation. the Rhino is being inhabit: Several
ecosystem: The destroyed. species of monkeys
marine ecosystem inhabit the island.
was badly damaged
by toxic waste.

diverse: The island

has a diverse range of
erosion: plant life.
Desertification is
principally caused by ENVIRONMENT
soil erosion.

migrate: These
birds will migrate to
species: Rhinos are Mexico from Canada
now a protected in November.
endangered species.

conservation: deforestation:
Deforestation is one of
Green Peace is an
adapt: It took a while the most serious issues
to adapt to the new we face today.
conservation group.



Supporting Idea # 1 Supporting Idea # 2 Supporting Idea # 1 Supporting Idea # 2

_____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________
Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1
_____________________ ______________________ ____________________ _____________________
Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________


___________________________________ _________________________________


Topic Sentence

Supporting Idea # 1

Supporting Detail(s)

Supporting Idea # 2

Supporting Detail(s)

Concluding Sentence (optional)


Topic Sentence

Supporting Idea # 1

Supporting Detail(s)

Supporting Idea # 2

Supporting Detail(s)

Concluding Sentence (optional)


The concluding paragraph signals the end of an essay and consists of a restatement of the thesis statement and
a final remark. There are some steps to follow to write an effective conclusion paragraph.
Step 1: Start your conclusion paragraph with a sentence connector.

Below are some connectors you can use to highlight that you are summing up your thoughts. Remember to put
a comma (,) after the sentence connector.

To sum up, In summary,

To conclude, In conclusion,
All in all, All things considered,
On the whole, Taking everything into consideration,

Step 2: Rewrite your thesis statement.

Sum up the main arguments or points of your essay. In other words, you need to restate your thesis statement,
using different wording and/or structures. Assuming that the following thesis statement is written in the
introductory paragraph, the restatement of the thesis statement might look like this:

The Thesis Statement (in the Introductory Paragraph):

Although there are natural causes, global warming mainly stems from the excessive amount
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and ineffective waste-disposal systems.

Restatement of the Thesis Statement (in the Concluding Paragraph):

All in all, the excessive amount of greenhouse gases and ineffective systems to get rid of
wastes are the two basic reasons why our planet is warming up.

Step 3: Add a final comment.

The final comment is the last remark you want to write about the topic. There are a few ways to write an effective
final comment. For the thesis statement above, below are some examples that show in what different ways you
can write a final comment.

 a thought-provoking message to humanity

The future lies in our hands, and thus it is the responsibility of every citizen and country to support efforts in
environmental protection and leave a safe world to future generations.

 a suggestion for taking action

Unless effective environmental protection programs are launched by governments as soon as possible, it will be too
late for the world to reverse the effects of global warming.
 a warning
If effective means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions cannot be found, the world will witness catastrophic

 expressing a concern
Many animal and plant species could become extinct because we care about our short-term profits.

The whole conclusion paragraph will look like this:
All in all, the excessive amount of greenhouse gases and ineffective systems to get rid
of wastes are the two basic reasons why our planet is warming up. If effective means
cannot be found to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the world will witness catastrophic

Exercise 7. Working as a class, write concluding paragraphs for the following introductory paragraphs.

Introduction 1:







Introduction 2:

Saving Our Forests

Even though forests play a vital role in our life, deforestation has become a severe
problem in our age. Unfortunately, most of the rainforests have been destroyed by
humans. Although there are countless reasons why forests must not be destroyed, two of
them stand out: keeping nature’s balance and supplying fresh air.







Exercise 8. The following essay on the causes of war has some problems. Find five problems with the essay format and five
grammar/vocabulary mistakes.

Throughout history, there have been wars. Why is this?

People fight because they are angry and countries have wars because they argue and disagree with each other. This
is very bad and I do not agree with war. I am a peaceful person. War is always bad. People die, towns and cities are
destroyed, and societies suffer. There is never a good reason for war, I think, except perhaps in some very special cases. In
war, children lose their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters lose their aunts and uncles. Who can say it is not bad for
people to lose their jobs and homes? Of course, war is a terrible thing and nobody should ever start a war. The economy of a
country is also destroyed in war. Businesses and factories stop production because they are bombed. Importing and
exporting may be difficult. Sometimes people have no work and prices go up: there can be inflation and unemployment at
the same time. Obviously, war is wrong and has bad results.
Furthermore, wars start because there are not enough resources. If two countries want the same thing and there is
not enough for both countries, they may fight. For example, two countries might need water or oil and they fight for control
of it and a war starts and people die and cities are destroyed and it is bad.
Finally, countries sometimes fight because one country wants to expand. If a country or empire wants to be bigger,
for example if the people or the leaders are nationalistic and want to be more important, then they might try to take the
land of another country. The other country probably will not accept this, and there will be a war.
Another reason for wars is that countries argue. Countries can behave just like people: they argue about small,
unimportant things, but neither wants to back down and so the result is a fight. For example, two drivers think the other was
driving badly, they get out of their cars and start shouting – then one of them gets a stick and there is a fight. When countries
do this, the result is war.
To conclusion, the main reasons why countries start wars are fighting for limited resources and they argue like
people about little things. Once a war has started, it is difficult to stop, because neither country wants to accept that it has
lost. Unfortunately, there has always been war. I am not hopeful about the future. One day nuclear bombs or biological or
chemical weapons will be used, and it will be too late.

5 essay format problems 5 grammar/vocabulary mistakes

………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………


Write an essay on one of the topics below. Remember to brainstorm some ideas and make an outline first.

 Why are many young couples deciding not to have children these days?
 Why do some students have poor reading skills?
 What are the main factors that lead to criminal behavior?
 What are the main reasons that Turkish high school students perform below average
in international tests on reading, math and science?
 What are the reasons that people still buy handmade goods instead of factory-produced goods?
 Why do so many people prefer streaming platforms instead of watching TV channels?



Supporting Idea # 1 Supporting Idea # 2 Supporting Idea # 1 Supporting Idea # 2

_____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _____________________
Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1 Supporting Detail # 1
_____________________ ______________________ ____________________ _____________________
Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2 Supporting Detail # 2
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________


___________________________________ _________________________________



if it’s OK.
have appropriate general statements?
Introduction Does it... have a clear thesis statement which includes your
clear topic sentences?
Body Paragraphs Are there... at least two supporting ideas?
supporting details and/or examples for each
supporting idea?
start with an appropriate connecting word?
(e.g. in conclusion, to sum up)

include a concluding sentence restating your main

Conclusion Does it...
have a final comment with a message OR suggestion
OR warning OR concern?
subject-verb agreement
missing/incorrect prepositions

Grammar Check for... missing/incorrect articles

appropriate use of verb forms
correct use of cause structures
(e.g. stem from, is caused by)

connecting words related to causes

(e.g. the primary cause of X is..., the main reason for X
appropriate word choice/word form
Vocabulary Check for...
overused words (Can you suggest synonyms?)


Exercise 1: Answers will vary.

Exercise 2: Answers will vary.

Exercise 3: Answers will vary.

Exercise 4: Answers will vary.

Exercise 5: Note for Instructors: You can turn this activity into a group game. Have 4-6 groups of students, and distribute felt-tip
pens and some scrap paper. Have the groups build up their sentences and write them on the paper. Give them 2/3 minutes for
each sentence. When the time is over, have them read out their sentences to the class. Give 5 points for perfectly constructed
sentences. For any error or missing word, deduct 1 point. (The groups can also get minus points if the class agrees.) If no group
comes up with an acceptable answer, you may provide them further prompts, giving one word or some implicit clues each time.

Body Pr.1 Topic Sentence
a) As a result of illegal hunting, animal species are becoming extinct.
b) The extinction of animal species mainly results from/arises from/stems from/is caused by illegal hunting.

Body Pr.2 Topic Sentence

a) Environmental pollution is another reason why animal species become extinct/disappear/vanish.
Environmental pollution is another reason for the extinction of animal species.
b) The extinction of animal species is also due to environmental pollution.

Body Pr.1 Topic Sentence
Environmentalists all over the world participate in protests in order to raise public awareness on environmental issues.

Body Pr.2 Topic Sentence

Another reason why environmentalists all over the world participate in protests is that they want/aim to force governments to
take action.

Body Pr.1 Topic Sentence
Stress between co-workers basically arises from competition and unrealistic demands.

Body Pr.2 Topic Sentence

Owing to the fact that there is competition and unrealistic demands at work, there is stress between co-workers.

Exercise 6: Answers will vary.

Exercise 7: Answers will vary.

Exercise 8:
Essay Format:
1. Intro too long 2. Intro off topic (gives opinion/results, but not causes) 3. No thesis statement 4. Conclusion does not have
second cause 5. No examples of wars!

Para 2: 1. Furthermore (should be Firstly / To start with / etc.) 2. last sentence – too many ‘ands’ Para 2: 3. Finally (should be
Secondly / Furthermore / etc.) Para 4: 4. To conclusion (should be To conclude / In conclusion / etc.) 5. Parallel structure in
concluding sentence (+reference of ‘they’; should be, e.g., …reasons why countries start wars are that they fight…and argue…)

INTRODUCTION IS TOO LONG People fight because they are angry and countries have wars because they argue and
disagree with each other. This is very bad and I do not agree with war. I am a peaceful person. War is always bad. People die,
towns and cities are destroyed, and societies suffer. There is never a good reason for war, I think, except perhaps in some very
special cases. In war, children lose their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters lose their aunts and uncles. Who can say it is
not bad for people to lose their jobs and homes? Of course, war is a terrible thing and nobody should ever start a war. The
economy of a country is also destroyed in war. Businesses and factories stop production because they are bombed. Importing
and exporting may be difficult. Sometimes people have no work and prices go up: there can be inflation and unemployment at
the same time. Obviously, war is wrong and has bad results. MISSING THESIS STATEMENT!
Furthermore, wars start because there are not enough resources. If two countries want the same thing and there is not
enough for both countries, they may fight. For example, two countries might need water or oil and they fight for control of it and
a war starts and people die and cities are destroyed and it is bad.
Finally, countries sometimes fight because one country wants to expand. If a country or empire wants to be bigger, for
example if the people or the leaders are nationalistic and want to be more important, then they might try to take the land of
another country. The other country probably will not accept this, and there will be a war.
Another reason for wars is that countries argue. Countries can behave just like people: they argue about small,
unimportant things, but neither wants to back down and so the result is a fight. For example, two drivers think the other was
driving badly, they get out of their cars and start shouting – then one of them gets a stick and there is a fight. When countries do
To conclusion, the main reasons why countries start wars are fighting for limited resources and they argue like people
about little things (ONLY TWO IDEAS AND NO PARALLELISM). Once a war has started it is difficult to stop, because neither country
wants to accept that it has lost. Unfortunately, there has always been war. I am not hopeful about the future. One day nuclear
bombs or biological or chemical weapons will be used, and it will be too late.

Adapted from Sharpening Academic Skills

CDO Spring 2022

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