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E Class

Guillermo Marin and Aleck Biel

1 Baccalaureate C
Introduction………………………………… 3
Warm up……………………………………….pg 4
- 10 seconds tag and run
- Remastered Killer Ball
- Speedway
- Indiana jones
- hunters
So our goal is to make a class where students are in
constant movement but also we want them to have
fun, so we have prepared some games which we think
will fit well for the class.
We will be constantly talking to the students to make
sure that they stay motivated and they keep running
all the time
For this class we don’t have too much time but we are
going to divide the class into three parts. Warm up
will be the first one and we have prepared 2 warm up
games where students will get tired if they do it
correctly so in this class the warm up will not be
slow, this part will last approximately 15 minutes.
For the next part of the class we prepared some
activities which are very entertaining to do but also
will keep students in constant movement. These 4
games we prepared will all be by teams so we have
already made the teams so the time between games is
not very long. Our goal with these games is to make
the students have fun but also make them feel tired
and with the feeling they did a great class.
Warm up
The aim of this part of the class is to make people
move progressively in order to heat up the muscles
to perform in a more efficient way, the warm up
will also prevent the students from getting injured.
Material for the warm up
- 2-4 Dodgeballs
- 4 cones
10 Seconds Tag and Run
- Duration: 5 minutes
- Material needed: 6 cones
It consists of a 1 vs 1 tag and run, so basically
there’s an area where the students will be moving
around and in which we will be saying exercises
for them to do,ex: 1 push-up, and then one of us
will call out two names, the first that we say will
have to run away from the second one for 10
seconds, they will need to get out of the area in
order to rather escape or chase.

Student 1 runs away from student 2 while the

other students keep working. When the 10
seconds expire or the student gets tagged they will
both return to the area with the other students.
Remastered Killer Ball
Duration:7-8 minutes
Material: 4 dodgeballs
To start one of the teachers throws two dodgeballs
to the air the students who get the balls have to
kill the students without the ball by throwing it at
them and then once the ball touches the student it
must bounce in order to confirm the elimination of
that student. Students with a ball can only do 3
steps and if a student without a ball grabs the ball
before it bounces the one that threw the ball will
be eliminated. When a student is eliminated he
will sit on the floor and wait for the student that
killed him to die or as it is a warm up game and
people must be moving constantly if 30 seconds
pass after you are dead despite if the student that
killed you is alive or not you revive. Balls will be
added to the game as time passes to make it more
dynamic and fun.
This will be the second part of the class and is
made up of 4 different games. These will also be
dynamic and fun.
- 6 cones
- big ball
- 2 dodgeballs
- 1 frisbee
Speed Way:
Duration:5 minutes 2 rounds
Material: 6 cones
So cones are put in a rectangular form in the
middle of the sportscenter then two,three or four
(depending on the number of students we have)
they will be behind the cones and cons of them in
front of the cone. It is basically a relays race the
one in front of the cone will have to run clockwise
around all the rectangle and return to his cone
and pass the relay to the next student, all the
teams will do this simultaneously and the first
team that each of the students have completed lap
will be the winner.
Indiana jones
Duration: +- 5 minutes
Material: big ball
There will be three teams for this game and a big
ball. At the start of the round there will be two of
the teams making a big circle and one smaller
inside while the other team will be on the inside of
the circle. The goal of the teams making the circle
is to pass the ball between them on the floor trying
to catch the other team that will be running in the
inside of the circles. Here we have an example, the
red and black team will be forming the 2 circles
and the blue team starts being inside, the big
coloured black circle is the ball. When we say Start
the red and black team will start passing the ball
into one direction and the blue will have to run to
the other direction. If all the team gets caught in
less than 2 minutes they lose but if they manage
to survive every person alive will be 1 point. The
ones who get caught will place themselves in any
space of the two circles trying to stop the ball so it
doesn’t touch they’re teammates
Duration: 10 minutes
Materials: 2 dodgeballs
In this game there will be 2 hunters in the middle
of one side of the court while the rest of the class
is on the wall of the court. The 2 hunters must
throw the ball to the wall in order to get it back to
them, so when the ball touches the wall the
students must run to the other part of the court. If
someone gets caught he will now be the hunter
and the other one will now be a runner. If no one
gets caught the hunter has 2 throws before they
change to runner anyways. In this picture we see
an example.

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