Coffee Shop Game Simulation

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For multi-disciplinary education

1) Case study &

2) Simulation is a case discussion in live mode and can conclude by the end of class as results u can
get immediately.

Students seeks to be

 Educate-
 Engage-second imp
 Entertain –first imp

Simulation combines entertainment and engagement

Coffee Shop Simulation from HBR

 instructor vid

One of the objective is External and competitive environment

Can be played for 5 yrs

Levels 1-PESTLE

Level 2 verticl integration & ethical marketing

Level 3-in mature and emerging competitors

 Student vid

Single store to global chain, learn abt strtgic in dynamic envi

Max cumulative profit in 5 yrs-50000$ in yrs

Level 1-decide location, each year rev dev in ext and env-PESTLE

Marketing-price, HR avg sal of emp, Ops decide avg prices etc, after entering decisions results are

Review and revise decisions

Level 2- select location, choose vertical integration, rev devpts in Bus ENvir,

Choose organic or type of coffee, reduce employees

Lev 3- in mature and emerging competitors,

Starts with decision on coffee roasting,

No of stores in mature and emerging

Worldwide performance results

5million $ cumulative in 5yrs

U have to startup a coffee shop


 Location?
 Salary-emp satisfy
 Do u want to internationalize ur coffee business

Register with hbs

Divide students into teams and decide

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