Manual Laying and Covering of Ceramic Tiles Swimming Pools

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Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S PRESENTATION This manual is part of a series published with

the purpose of providing informat ion, instructions and tips regarding the settlement of ceramic coating. The comp lete set consists of the following manuals. Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles: Facades Manual Installation of Ceramic Til es: Walls Internal Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles: Flooring Interior Manua l Installation of Ceramic Tiles: Flooring Foreign Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles: Public Sidewalks Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles : Swimming Pools - 01 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 Over two thousand years ago, ceramic tile were already used to coat the walls of pools and Roman baths. The great advantage of its use is mainly in the durabili ty, ease of cleaning, and naturally pleasing aesthetic appearance. Special visua l effects can be obtained by the combination of textures, colors, sizes and shap es of ceramic pieces available. A swimming pool is basically formed by a floor and a wall lined with both cerami c plates, subjected to atmospheric exposure, at hydrostatic pressure of water, a nd variations imposed moisture when heated. The conditions of use and maintenanc e of a pool are very strict. Should be employed manpower of good technical abili ty and good quality materials that ensure the maintenance of hygienic conditions and the tightness (tightness) of the pool. The steps and tips needed for a good settlement you find this manual. The most important points were selected and pr esented in detail in the following sections: Choice of materials, equipment and tools Defining the number and thickness o f the structural joints and handling Preparation of base: Construction of ball ast concrete implementation of the counter Application of natural materials and execution of the joints. - 02 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TO CUT Straighteners ACCESSORIES equip SPARAPERFURA

SDESEGURAN OEQUIPAMEN TO A MATERIAL Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S EQUIPMENT & TOOLS CHAPTER 2 It is very important that the settler, before starting work on the laying of til es, make sure that has all the tools and equipment essential to the settlement i n order to save time and labor during the execution of services. The tools and e quipment necessary to implement the settlement of ceramic tiles in swimming pool s are: Nylon Line Aluminum Ruler Trowel Spatula Level Bubble Trena Carpenter Pencil Squaring Container for Mixing Mortar Adhesive Level Hose Bob CUTTING EQUIPMENT Hand-tipped cutters are mostly used for straight cuts, but may also be used to p erform curved cuts. In these cases it is advisable to place a ceramic tile under that aid to be cut to facilitate turning the equipment. Portable electric saw with diamond blade also used for straight cuts, the chains aw produces cleaner cut lines, without the problem of cracking of the enamel of manual cutters. - 03 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 The tongs tongs produce ragged cuts, leaving jagged edges. So use it only for mi nor cuts at the corners of the tiles, to be settled in less visible areas. Circular saw to cut irregular. Corner cleaner and precise than the pliers. Straighteners Straighteners jagged steel tool used for application of adhesive mortar. When la ying in pools of ceramic can be used Straighteners shown in the table. Tooth shape of the straighter SquarePants Semicircular Size of straighter teeth (mm) 8x8x8 = 10 mm radius spacing = 3 mm Wear Straighteners: When the straighter teeth wear out in 1 mm in height, they s hould be remade with a file, or the straighter should be replaced by a new one. - 04 -

Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 Trowel Wood Used for finishing the surface layer of regularization. Trowel or rubbery Fugalizador Used to press the grout into the joints between th e tiles. Hold the straighter to about 90 degrees and drag diagonally with moveme nts back and forth. Use the straighter the corner, right hand to remove excess m ortar joint. ACCESSORIES Spacers Spacers are small plastic pieces in the shape of a cross or T. These pie ces are placed between adjacent tiles, and serve to maintain uniform joint width , and alignment of the tiles. The rubber hammer rubber hammer or mechanical vibrator is used to press the cera mic plate against the base which will be pasted. - 05 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S DRILLING EQUIPMENT CHAPTER 2 The electric drill electric drill with a saw attached glass is used to make circ ular holes in ceramic tile stronger, as the the stoneware pottery. Tubular Used to drill circular holes in porous ceramic SAFETY EQUIPMENT The layer should not neglect their personal safety. Therefore, in the settlement of the coating, should use protective equipment, such as helmets, safety goggle s, rubber gloves and others that if they needed. Helmet Glove Safety Glasses Rubber boot - 06 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S MATERIALS CHAPTER 2 The materials needed to implement a public sidewalks lining with ceramic plates are: Water Water should be clean of impurities. Not to be used seawater in any way. All containers for storage or transport water must be cleaned. mortar la yer regularization Mortar for regularization layer should have the trait in appa rent volumes of 1:3 cement and sand medium moist, and air entraining or waterpro

ofing, dosed according to product specifications. The mortar roughcast roughca st mortar should have the trait in apparent volumes of 1:3 cement and sand mediu m moist. Mortar sticky adhesive mortar, also known as adhesive cement, cement mortar or adhesive glue, is an industrial product, used in the placement of cera mic coating, both walls and floors. Do not use mixed "household", they can not p roduce the necessary adhesion between the workpiece and the base. The type of adhesive to be used depends on the type of environment in which the coating is being seated. The Brazilian standard (NBR 14 081) specifies the pool type of adhesive mortar industrialized AC-AC-III or III-E. Arga COLA NT MASS AND AC-III - 07 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 The adhesive mortars are purchased in bags. Always look on the package: descri ption of it: AC-I, AC II, AC-AC-III or III-E validity I storage conditions and care instructions necessary for the application, handling, water quantity t he kneading and ripening time (rest) The bags should be stacked on pallets dry. Batteries should not be over 1.5m tal l. USE ONLY WHEN: wet bag is not within the period of validity. The mortar grouting mortar grouting, or just grout is used to fill the spaces between two ceramic pieces in a row, and is responsible for supporting and prote cting the edges of the ceramic pieces. Just as for the adhesive mortar, the type of grout to be used depends on the environment where it will be applied. The mo rtar grouting is sold in bags or boxes. Currently exists on the grouts in variou s colors. The color of grout can significantly affect the visual appearance of t he area to be covered: - 08 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 Grout color similar to the finish Uniform effect Light and dark grout coating Shows the color and texture coating Gray grout Neutral color that looks best on floors. Dark grout and light jacket Emphasizes the layout of the wall In swimming jackets, waterproof grout should be used to prevent water from pen

etrating into the wall, increasing, thus, the durability of the coating and prev enting efflorescence. Use flexible grout to prevent cracking. The color of the grout must be resistant to chlorine - 09 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 ceramic coating ceramic coating for walls, known popularly as tiles,tiles are made from a mixture of clay. The backs of the cards have claws, to assist in ad herence with the surface where they will be seated, and are called masonry. The ceramic coating can be purchased in any quantity. Always look on the package: Hue: color variation in relation to the play pattern. All boxes must have acquir ed the same number or code on the item key. When there are materials purchased a t different times, the indications of packaging as the hue and size must be comp ared. If there are discrepancies in batches separate applying equal in separate areas. Size: width and length dimensions of the ceramic piece. The size indicate d on the packaging, should be the same in all cases. Quantity: number of tiles on the packing. This value should be checked carefully before starting the services of settlement. This is to avoid extra costs and in convenience for the same key later. Ideally, purchased 10% of tiles more than th e estimated quantity, to ensure future re positions. - 10 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 Abrasion: The choice of suitable material, as the abrasion, depends on the traff ic that the floor will be subjected in use conditions, as can be seen in the tab le. Class April 3 Traffic Middle intense Intense Use Public Swimming Pools Residential Swimming Pools Absorption: The amount of water that the ceramic plate is able to absorb. The us ual designation of ceramic coatings is related to the absorption characteristics of water. (See table below) Title Ceramics Water Absorption (%) Stoneware Stoneware Semi-Porcelain Stoneware Semi-Porous Porous 0.0 to 0.5 0.5 to 3.0 3.0 to 6.0 6.0 to 10 10-20 Coefficient of friction: classifies ceramic tile flooring how to slip, according to the table:

Class II Coefficient of friction wet indication Greater than 40 Anti-Slip: outdoor flat L ess than 75 The ceramic plates for use in pool, must have: Index of water absorption less than or equal to 6%. Moisture expansion less than 0.4 mm / m. Resistance to radiation of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Resistance special anti-cracking - 11 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 2 Where to save: The coatings should be stored in a flat and firm, protected from sun and rain. The boxes can be stacked in piles of up to 2 meters tall. filling material for filling the joints of the joints should be used highly de formable materials such as: Styrofoam tarred rope Rubber Cork cellular polyurethane foam, etc.. sealant material used for sealing of movement joints . They are made from elastomers such as polyurethane, polysulfide, silicone, etc .. - 12 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 3 Together Together Together Settlement Movement Joints Dessolidarizao Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S JOINTS CHAPTER 3 Although not realize it, the pools move. The movements are very small and due to various causes: variation of temperature, humidity variation, thrust from the e arth, etc.. In order to control these movements, ensuring that the pool remains standing and facing seated on it, they use together. Joints are the spaces left between two ceramic plates or between two panels of floor or wall. There are thr ee types of joints: Seating joints: also known as grout, are spaces between the tiles that make up the coating, filled with flexible material, called the mortar grouting. The joint width depends on the size of the ceramic plate and, for poo ls, the Brazilian standard (NBR 8214) establishes the following minimum values: Length of the longest side of the ceramic plate (cm) 10 15 20 25 30 40 Ceramic Plate Area (cm2) by 225 Up to 250 Up to 400 Up to 625 Up to 900 Up to 16 00 Board settlement (mm) 8 8 10 10 12 12 Seating joints Board Handling: are regular spaces that divide the floor coated to ease tensions caused by the movement of the floor or coating itself. Begin in the encounter b

etween two ceramic plates and deepen the base, or until the layer of sealing, wh en it exists. These joints sometimes are called together for expansion / contrac tion. The spacing of movement joints should be determined in the project. - 13 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 3 Board Dessolidarizao: These are spaces left on the perimeter of the plans to b e coated, ie the meeting of wall with wall to wall and floor. - 14 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 PREPARING FOR THE LAYING VerificaesPreliminares Clean Roughness and Absorption Correction Execution Layer Adjustment Waterproofing Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S PREPARING FOR THE LAYING CHAPTER 4 Proper preparation of the plans of the pool is very important for the final work , whether in technical or an aesthetic level, is perfect. For this they need to be made the following preparations before the start of the settlement of the cer amic pieces: Preliminary checks The pools can be built in masonry concrete block or ceramic or concrete. For poo ls of masonry is required to run an adjustment layer over the walls to serve as a support for sealing. The pools in reinforced concrete layer is not required fo r regularization, except when the surface of the concrete does not provide adequ ate conditions for receiving the sealing layer. The layer of regulation or the c oncrete surface should have the following characteristics: smooth surface texture maximum deviation level and flatness of 3 mm strip 2 feet long rounded corners on the changes of plan (meeting floor with walls and walls meet) Besides the above features for swimming pools in reinforced concrete, the concre te surface must be uniform, without gaps or flaws in concrete. If it does not sh ould be done to correct imperfections with specific material for structural repa irs. Regardless of material used in making the walls, the floors of swimming poo ls should always be on a slab of concrete. This slab should have the following c haracteristics, so you can directly receive the layer of sealing: fit of 0.5 to 1.0% for the drain of the pool bottom smooth surface texture rounding of the corners in encounters with the walls (perimeter of the floor) If the concrete slab floor does not display the above characteristics, must be a pplied an adjustment layer over it, prior to execution of the waterproofing.

- 15 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 Cleaning The base to be coated must go through a cleaning process to remove dust, dirt, g rease, mold and other substances that may impair adhesion. The recommended proce dures for cleaning are: Removal of dust, dirt and loose materials - piassaba b rushing with broom or wire brush - wash with high pressure water jet or sand in case of large impregnation removing particles adhered with putty knife or chis el - wash with water pressure, sanding in cases of large impregnation. removal of mold release agents, grease and fat - mechanical (rubbing) - application of acidic or alkaline solutions: sodium phosphate, caustic soda, muriatic acid or d etergent removal of efflorescence - brushing and cleaning with muriatic acid ( diluted in water 1:10), and rinse with clear water. - Brushing and cleaning with muriatic acid, diluted with water at 1:10, and rinse with clean water Whenever using acid or alkaline solutions in the wash of the base, it must first be saturated with water that does not absorb such solutions, which are extremel y harmful to cement-based materials. After washing the base for these products, it should be rinsed with pure water in abundance. - 16 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 Correction of the roughness and the absorption surface to be coated must provide sufficient roughness and water absorption to ensure adequate adhesion between t he mortar and the base to be coated. The treatment to be given to increase the s urface roughness depends on the type of material used in the execution of the ba se. Foundation of reinforced concrete with very smooth surface: walls of the poo l with molded plastic-or metal molds. They should receive the following treatmen ts: roughcast roughcast rolled industrialized apicoamento surface of the concrete blast just deface the concrete with water pressure application of co nventional spatterdash after drying. Foundation of reinforced concrete with roug h texture: walls of swimming pools shaped molds with conventional wood. Exhibit medium to low absorption,should receive conventional or roughcast roughcast rol led. Foundations of a brick masonry: they present low to medium absorption. To c ontrol the water absorption, these bases should receive conventional or roughcas t roughcast rolled. In the case of applying conventional roughcast on brick, it must first be moistened. Bases masonry concrete block: have high absorption and should not receive roughcast. Such databases must be moistened before applying t he adjustment layer. - 17 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 Application of Chapisco The roughcast can be applied in three different ways, depending on the surface c haracteristics of the base: Chapisco conventional: It consists of a mixture of c

ement and sand on the dash 1:3 (by volume) of fluid consistency, launched vigoro usly with a trowel against the surface to be coated. You should allow the drying of the roughcast for at least three days prior to the application layer regular ization. Chapisco rolled: consists of a mixture of cement, sand and resin PVA av erage of fluid consistency, applied to the surface to be coated with acrylic tex ture roller, 3 coats. Chapisco industrialized: Type spatterdash indicated only t o bases of concrete, due to high consumption. Involves the application of adhesi ve plaster (adhesive mortar) on the surface to be coated with a dented (6 x 6 mm ). You should allow the mortar to dry for at least 7 days, for further implement ation of the adjustment layer. Execution Layer Adjustment The plaster is a layer of settlement that aims to level the surface of the wall and correct defects and irregularities of the same. The laying of pottery withou t a good race generates puddling of water with the appearance of efflorescence, or infiltration. Only after a period of at least three days of applying roughcas t is that the work can be started implementing the plaster layer. The implementa tion of the plaster should follow the established NBR 7200 (coating walls and ce ilings of inorganic mortars - procedures for implementation) of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). The number of steps in which it will be exe cuted depends on the desired thickness for the layer of plaster: Plaster thickness of less than or equal to 2.5 cm from 2.5 cm to 5 cm between 5: 08 Number of stages 1 2 3 You should allow at least 24 hours between each step. - 18 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 Waterproofing The waterproofing of swimming pools must be made by a company specialized in ser vices waterproofing. However, it is recommended that the waterproofing system for swim ming pools is mechanically flexible, considering the deformation expected for th is type of structure. Protection of Waterproofing of swimming pools On the waterproofing layer should be applied at the floor and walls, a layer of mortar trace of 1:4 to 1:5 by volume of cement and sand moist. This layer of mor tar is to protect and regulate mechanically sealing the surface to receive the c eramic coating. The mortar used may be addicted with waterproofing products avai lable. The form of application of mortar can follow the established NBR 7200 (co ating walls and ceilings of inorganic mortars - procedures for implementation) o f ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). Prior to the execution la yer of protection, there should be a dash roughcast conventional 1:2 by volume o f cement and sand, that is guaranteed to adhesion between mortar and waterproofi ng protection. Considering the possibility of cracks in this layer, due to the a bsence of lime in the mix, it is recommended that run movement joints spaced sho uld be determined and specified in the project. A layer of protection to the wat erproofing on the walls of the pool should be reinforced with wire mesh or galva nized screen polyethylene. This screen should be immersed in the layer of mortar , as follows: Apply half the thickness of mortar layer of protection, compress

ing and smoothing the same Place the fabric and squeeze tightly against mortar Apply the remainder of the mortar Adoption this method requires that the to tal layer of protection is at least 2.5 cm thick. - 19 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 Conditions to start the Settlement For the settlement can not start,the surface to be coated must be: clean with out cracks or cracks cohesive (not to crumble) trim layer regularization gre ater than or equal to 1.5%. well adhered to the base (must not have hollow sou nd when struck) aligned in all directions (the entire surface must belong to t he same level) the maximum deviation from flatness should be 3 mm for a slit o f 2 meters For the application of ceramic coating, the layer of settlement should have a mi nimum age of 14 days. You should check: Mortar if the adhesive mortar meets the specifications of NBR 14 081 (industrialized adhesive mortar for laying ceramic tiles - Specification) dimensions and shade s of ceramic parts. Ask Ceramics amount of coating required to implement the service, considering an additional amount (50-10%) for any breaks, cuts or future repairs. dimensions of areas t o be coated. Environment to be coated inputs and outputs of water mains should be completed and tested, and the fini sh must be perfect, avoiding the possibility of leaks after completion of coatin g Thermal ambinte the temperature at the time of application should be between 5 and 30 C. Should not apply during periods of direct sunlight. - 20 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 4 The same procedures specified above for cleaning the base should be followed in the treatment of the surfaces to be coated with ceramic. The surface of the pool can only be done after the support structure is already loaded with its own weight and all the walls.

- 21 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 LAYING OF CERAMIC COATING Services Preliminary Application of Argamassacolante P lacement of ceramic joints Clean Execution Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S The LAYING OF CERAMIC COATING CHAPTER 5 The settlement pottery in pools should proceed from the following steps: LAYING OPERATIONS PRELIMINARY SERVICES APPLICATION OF MORTAR FITTING THE CERAMIC PLATES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE JOINTS CLEANING Primary services Before starting the settlement itself, the following services to be performed: Check the square and the dimensions of the base to be coated to define the widt h of the joints between the pieces, looking for a smaller number and better posi tioning of the cutouts. Locarno, on the surface to be coated, the horizontal a nd vertical joints between the ceramic pieces, with objectives to determine the need to cut the parts along the edges of the wall or surface to be coated, and a void cutting narrow pieces. Arrange the pieces so that cuts are made equal on op posite sides of the surface to be coated. The alignment of the first rows in b oth directions shall be marked with lines of nylon, then serving as a reference for the other layers. In large areas to be coated, stretch as many lines as nece ssary for the settlement of the remaining rows in perfect alignment. You shoul d plan the placement of parts with respect to: the decoration of the pieces have to fit the design, placement on diagonals and perpendiculars. - 22 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 Application of adhesive mortar Preparing the Mortar Prepare the mortar by hand or mechanical mixer clean, adding water, the amount r ecommended on the product packaging until it is verified homogeneity of the mixt ure. The quantity to be prepared should be sufficient for a working period of no more than 2-3 hours, levandose into account the ability of the settler and clim atic conditions. After mixing, the mortar should rest for the time indicated on the packaging for the reactions of the additives, and then reamassada. In the ca se of manual preparation, use a clean plastic container or metal, for mixing.

During the coating application, never add water to the mortar already prepared. Applying Mortar The method of applying adhesive mortar depends on the chosen metal straighter. I f using straighter teeth with square size of 8 x 8 x 8 mm should be used the met hod of double bonding, ie, the mortar is applied both in the pool as the play it self. The strings formed in these two areas must be crossed at an angle of 90 , and ceramics should be seated so that the strings are perpendicular to each oth er. Moreover, if used straighter with semicircular openings of 10 mm radius, may be employed the conventional method, ie the application of the mortar should be only on the wall and floor of the pool, with the ceramic tile clean and dry for nesting . In either situation, the part positioning must be such as to ensure f ull contact between your masonry and mortar. The mortar should be spread with th e flat side of the straighter, compressing it against the base at an angle of 45 0, forming an even layer. Then use the jagged side of the straighter over the la yer of plaster to form strands that facilitate leveling and fixing of ceramic pa rts. During placement of the pieces the cords of glue must be completely crushed , forming a uniform layer, and ensuring full contact with the mortar around the back of the piece. The thickness of the end of - 23 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 adhesive mortar should be 4-5 mm and may reach 12 mm in small isolated areas, wh ere there are surface irregularities on the base. The recesses of height greater than 1 mm, possibly present in the masonry of ceramic goods, shall be filled wi th adhesive mortar at the time of settlement. Must be complied with the times of use, open time and setting time indicated in the product packaging, taking into account that on dry days, hot and windy, thes e times are decreased. The end of the open time of the mortar is indicated by th e formation of a whitish film on the strings of glue. From this time the terms o f settlement are affected and may promote the early detachment of the ceramic pi ece. Periodically during the settlement, should be started at random pieces (1% of th e parts), checking that they are back with completely filled with mortar. This i s called chunking Test and is designed to assess the quality of the settlement, and make adjustments if necessary. Never refill leftover paste adhesive mortar. - 24 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 The placement of masonry of ceramic tiles to be settled must be clean, free of d ust, grease, or dry particles and should not be wet before the settlement. The p lacement of the plates must be made in accordance with the provision and width s pecified for the joints of the settlement. The tiles should be placed slightly o ut of position on the strings of glue. The positioning of the piece is then adju sted and the ceramic coating is fixed by a slight rotation. To remove the excess mortar shall be provided with light hits a rubber hammer on the face of pottery , or even beaten with wooden hammers common and trowel. The mortar that drain mu

st be cleaned before its hardening, preventing this detrimental to the joint set tlement (grout). The joint width of settlement can be achieved with the use of plastic spacers. - 25 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 Implementation of the joints Movement Joints The movement joints should have a width 8-12 mm, and extend from the base surfac e (masonry, reinforced concrete) to the outside surface of the ceramic coating. Should be implemented as follows: Prior to implementation of adjustment layer, the position of the joints should be marked on the base, with the aid of nylon line, bob and measuring tape. About the marks made, position themselves rulers o f wood or aluminum, with the smallest dimension in the vertical plane. The rules should be uniform width throughout their length, 8-12 mm, depending on the desi gn of the joints. These rules should be withdrawn only after the hardening of th e mortar layer settlement at the time of the roughness (trowel), leaving a reces s formed free of mortar. layer protective layer adjustment layer of protection waterproofing adhesive mor tar flexible sealant material for padding (styrofoam, cork) The completion of the joint starts after the hardening of adhesive mortar join ts and cleaning. The filling material is introduced into the bottom of the joint to a minimum depth of 6 mm in the center of the board, and 10 mm on the sides o f it. This material should be highly compressible and can be used styrofoam, pla stic hose, rope putty, etc.. The joint should be sealed with a flexible sealan t,with characteristics appropriate to the conditions of exposure and expected d eformations. It should protect the external surface of the ceramic pieces with t ape, not to impregnate them with the sealant. This masking tape should also be p laced over the filler material so that there is only adhesion between the sealan t and the side of the ceramic pieces. After applying the sealant should be pre ssed against the side edges of the joint and smoothed with a finger or tool roun ded, moist. - 26 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 Together Settlement The filling of the joints of the settlement, grout, can only be started 72 hours (three days) after completion of the settlement of the pieces. Please check fir st if there is any ceramic piece, where no mortar underneath. For this, give lig ht taps with the fingers over the surface of the plates, if any of them produce hollow sound (sound hollow), it should be removed immediately and seated. Next, clean the joints with a brush or broom piassaba, eliminating any existing dirt o n them. On sites under strong sunlight, wind or incidence relative humidity low, wet the joints before using a brush. The mortar grouting should be applied with the junta still moist. Use only industrialized grouting mortars, or measured at work if they are doped with chemicals to ensure the same elasticity and tightne ss. The mortar grout must be prepared in a metal or plastic, clear, following th

e manufacturer's recommendations regarding the amount of water, until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. In the case of mortars, the mixture must remain at rest f or 15 minutes after kneading. After the rest period, the mortar should be remixe d and scattered in the joints with the aid of a straighter on the basis of flexi ble rubber in alternating movements, so that it penetrates evenly in the space l eft between the tiles. Periodically wet the coat with water ready for the first three days after grouti ng. - 27 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 5 After initial drying of the mortar, remove excess with a cloth, sponge or wet ra g. After some time passed, guaranteeing the principle of hardening of the mortar joints stress, getting regular and smooth finish. This can be done with wooden instruments, especially designed for that purpose or with the aid of electric ca bles bent. Again with clean dry cloth or rag to remove any plaster dust adhered on the ceramic coating. Cleaning This is the final operation and aims to eliminate waste of mortar or other mater ials used in the process of settlement. The mortar grouting to stay stuck on the ceramic pieces must be removed during the grouting operations to prevent its ha rdening. However, the final cleaning of the sidewalks should only be done two we eks after grouting. The pavement should then be brushed (brush or broom piassaba ) with water and mild detergent, and then rinsed thoroughly. The cleaning of coa tings with acid is contraindicated because it can damage both the surface of cer amic tile, grout and the reinforcement of concrete that serves as the base. Howe ver, when cleaning is necessary with acid, you should use one part acid to ten p arts water. In this case, must be protected with petroleum jelly before the comp onents likely to attack by acid. After cleaning, which must be made with water, using an ammonia neutralizing solution (one part ammonia to five parts water) an d rinse with water. Finally wipe with a cloth to remove the water present in the joints. - 28 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 7 PATHOLOGY DT Fungi irregular surfaces and efflorescence Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S PATHOLOGY CHAPTER 7 Pathology of a system of ceramic coating is the default (illness) that originate s in the floor covered due to several factors. This disease can result from dama ge to the aesthetics of the floor as well as the detachment of the ceramic plate . The occurrence of pathologies linked to the quality and durability of the sett lement. These in turn depend on: the quality of material used the quality of

workmanship Quality of support wall of the correct definition of the joints in working conditions For a variety of reasons, the coatings may crack or, at worst event, come away from the wall.The causes for the occurrence of defects are not always easy to determine and are often a combination of several factors. Some defects may appear soon after the settlement, even before the building will be inhabited. Others, such as detachment, are observable only after the occupat ion of the property, a period which may be several years. DT (localized or generalized) The detachment of the ceramic plate is undoubtedly the largest and most frequent problem found in Brazil. The main causes of displacement are mostly related to oversight of the labor force in the preparation of adhesive mortar, the use of t he same after exceeded the open time, the use of inappropriate tools and techniq ues for applying the grout, pressure inadequate when placing the ceramic plate o n the wall in the infiltration of water, and contamination of the masonry part b y dust, dirt or kaolin. - 29 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S CHAPTER 7 Fungi and efflorescence The existence of efflorescence or fungus is always linked to the presence of wat er. Fungi are mainly formed in coatings not enameled, relatively wet and humid e nvironments. Furthermore the origin of efflorescence is related to problems in t he construction system employed. In the presence of water soluble salts or aggre ssive substances can be transported to the surface of the ceramic plate, forming whitish deposits. The presence of salts and impurities can be avoided by cleani ng the base to be coated and the use of materials and equipment. In turn, the co ntrol of humidity can be done from the design phase, through the choice of grout waterproof and ceramics with low coefficient of moisture absorption for facades and sealing properly. Irregular surfaces Formation of steps on the coated surface. This disorder may be a consequence of the quality of the settlement or the material used. In the first case, the base could not be sufficiently flat to receive the settlement, or the settler did not impress the appropriate pressure and homogeneous when the settlement of the cer amic plate. In the second case, the ceramic piece possessed dimensional defects, warpage or curvature and larger than permitted by standard. - 30 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S GLOSSARY ENRICH YOUR VOCABULARY Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S GLOSSARY Absorption is the ability of the material to absorb water. Is directly related t o the porosity of the material. Adhesion is the property that allows the coating

to withstand normal stress or tangential to the surface of the substrate interf ace. Mortar is the mixture of binders and aggregates with water, with or without additives, possessing ability to harden and grip. Mortar Adhesive is also calle d sticky cement, cement mortar or adhesive glue - is an industrial product, dose d and delivered in dry or paste form to the consumer. It consists of Pozolnlco Portland cement, fine aggregate and chemical additives. It is used in the placem ent of ceramic coating, both walls and floors. Base Trims surface to be coated a re slopes which should give the floor to allow water to seep perfectly to the dr ains or collectors of water. Adjustment layer is the layer of mortar to be appli ed whenever the base present themselves exceedingly irregular in a way that does not meet the limits, minimum and maximum established for the thickness of the s ettlement. It is also used whenever there is need to correct the slope of the ba se. Ceramic coating are ceramic pieces that are usually formed by a ceramic supp ort, nature of clay with or without an essentially vitreous coating: ceramic gla ze. - 31 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S GLOSSARY Engrailed Trowel Tool used for the spreading of adhesive mortar. It has a flat s ide and one jagged side, which allows the formation of strings of mortar. Weanin g is the finishing mortar or smoothing the surface. Double Bonding Method of set tlement that is the spreading of adhesive mortar on masonry and on the ceramic s ubstrate (sub floor or concrete). Spacers are small pieces that serve to maintai n uniform joint width. These spacers are plastic in the shape of a cross. or "T" . Structural joints are joints that extend from the surface of ceramic coating t o the ballast of gravel, and have the function to allow the movement of the conc rete base.Dessolidarizao joints are joints that extend from the surface of ce ramic coating to the ballast of gravel, and have the function of separating the sidewalk from other elements such as curbs, poles, hydrants wolf, among others. Expansion Joints and Movement joints are stretching the surface of the ceramic c oating to the concrete ballast. Settlement joints are joints between the ceramic parts whose functions are to compensate small dimensional variations between th e ceramic parts, providing waterproofing coating to the whole, improve the visua l aspect, absorb the compressive stress of the coating and allow the exchange of ceramic breaking the rest. - 32 Manual Installation of Ceramic Tiles P I C S I N S GLOSSARY Fill the grout joints settlement, preferably with a mortar grout industrialized. Masonry face of an unglazed ceramic tile setup time is the time during which it can operate changes in the number of newly placed subject to adherence. Mixing Time is the recommended time for the mixture of cement mortar in cement mixer. T he recommended minimum time is 3 minutes. Setting time is the time understood fr om the preparation of the adhesive mortar to the time it begins to harden. Time Use of mortars is the maximum use of the mortar after its preparation. In cement mortars should not exceed 2 hours. Open time is the time between the spreading of mortar over the layer of regularization, and the moment when it does not prov ide more capacity tape. Proportion of trace components for the main binder, usua lly the higher chemical reactivity and potential binder.

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