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Oobel,Rex Victor N. het 4'5kdirg c.8. | bsME MEEP 412 /G294 |1. The load on © 4-inch full bearing ' 2000 Ib, n= 320 roy, | LIP® 1, C4/D= 0.0011, operating temperature = 150'F, and he=0.0086| |weh. a) Select the oil that will closely accord with the stated conditions. For selected oil, determine b) the frictional /0s5, ft-Ib/minic) the hydrody nomic. How of oil threagh the bearing |) the amount of end leakage , €) the temperature rise 09 the cil passes through and £) the. maximum pressure Solution: Q) D=4 in, L/D=1 , hy* 0.00086 in L= 4 iq , Cd 0-001, D <0.0011(4)= 0.0044 in g21-2h = 1- Eloovert) - 9, eee) oo. 12 pe , 200. - 125 psi oT ( Ca 4b - Ga) Ny = 4e = 5.apirps Cd /d= 0.00] 6.111, 409-999) (LV [15 *0.001l Pee 1g.” Fey = 34M fey Ture the APlle 150°Fiuse SAEZO o the SAB 20 W Che aoe Nas a 2 oe ie ( sbai)f =>12 $= 0.003597 eee F fw = (0.@542)(g000) Cr “ed — 9-001) 27.064 Ib ~ Dr _ 114X520) — Vine Bp = TAKS) 3951 fo, Frictional loos 2 Fim = (200351) =[7 379.9484 Ft 10p | 4 =43% esas, 922s | ae Teh a bs 4in ae | é ane 474-49 reeheb * 4.94(2.0f0-0022)) ea Us 99 (4) Cre GA, 20°84 = 0.0009 in [0-04 wed Sag a @ 4. . 0.60 (Lees 4a 194: 0.ug0q = 0.060( 040(4 Pe=ilL, pz ILS pst Noten) Ae ay ne Kee = OFS Fa Oe Tree ne 2) A Ainch , 60° beoring, with L/D < 1,18 & support 5 kips witha nrinimum film thickness of 0-006 inch \Ca (0.00246)(SH0)4) =2. 516 $= 000 1G ere a? LMbw 628-4 Tig €) 5=0,044U Fyp= Fie =(I2.2X6.%) 5 =(E)2 ims Hrs (2)* od eel rea " 35 %0 0.044 = (iy o-W 40) 4 ge = WD -Spsi zp ad 27 5404.4)

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