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Fight For Us

Verse 1:
We boldly face our fears
They’re no longer welcome here
There’s power in Your name
We’re standing unafraid
We rise in Your endless strength
Your name is our battle cry
Your name is the banner we’re lifting high
Your name is our victory
You fight for us, Jesus
Verse 2:
We walk in confidence
Nothing can stand against
Lord, You are on our side
You’re mighty in the fight
We call down Your holy fire
There’s no weapon that can prosper
No war that we can face
That hasn’t been defeated
In Jesus’ name
There’s no hell that comes against us
No enemy too great
That hasn’t been defeated
In Jesus’ name

I Will Walk This Road

[Verse 1]
Every lonely broken road I have to walk
Every single dream I have to lay aside
All the tears that have fallen from my eyes
In the middle of the night
Every fire, every trial I go through
All of the storm clouds in grey skies
And every battle I will have to fight
It will be worth it all, is there not a cause?
And how can we say we want to be like Jesus
If we have never walked where He has walked?
I will walk this road if You want me to
I'll lay aside my dreams, take up the cross and follow You
You gave Your life for me so I’ll give my life for You
Whatever lies ahead on this narrow road I choose
[Verse 2]
He never told us that the road would be easy
He never promised that our lives would be without pain and
But when I look at all that He went through for me
It's so much easier to see
Because after the valley, there is a mountain top
After the battle, there is a victory
In the fire, Jesus is there with me
And in the storm, His peace surrounds me
He turns my sorrow to joy that's unspeakable
His perfect love overcomes all my fears
His arms embrace me, He tells me He loves me
And one day He'll wipe away all of my tears

Be Exalted / I Exalt Thee

Verse 1:
Heaven’s doors are open wide
Inviting us to step inside
Come behold the Holy King
Adorned in sacred majesty
Verse 2:
As we kneel before the Throne
We bow our hearts to You alone
Singing Holy is the Lord
You shall reign forevermore
Be exalted
Forever be exalted
Forever be exalted
You’re worthy of our praise
Verse 3:
As we kneel before the Throne
We bow our hearts to You alone
Singing Holy is the Lord
Once again we’re overcome
High and lifted up
You are glorious
Great and mighty God
Be exalted
I exalt thee
I exalt thee
I exalt, Oh Lord

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