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Final Portfolio

Olivia Kimiko Ileana - 1134718

1. CSR Blog post

Blog post #1 - CSR

Skip a Plastic, Make the World Fantastic

A beaming Kayla was in her elements ⼀ working as a barista for almost 2 years in

Starbucks has given her the opportunity to not only providing a cup of latte to her loyal customers
but also creating an impact to the environment. As an environmentalist herself, she has been
continuously posting on her Facebook page promoting plastic-free act. “Yes, using plastic is way
more convenient, but have you ever think about the horrible consequences because of it?” Kayla
stated when being asked about what she thinks regarding plastic usage in Australia. She’s currently
running a campaign where she gives out free stainless steel straws to people who shows that they’re
also conscious with the current situation of the environment.

She also makes regular posts on her page about current situation update and increasing
knowledge on what people can do to minimise their plastic usage. Besides working on her
campaign, Kayla also tries to influence her loyal customers in Starbucks to minimise their plastic
consumption by encouraging the customers to bring their own tumbler. Not only that, with
Starbucks recent act to reduce plastic usage within the company ⼀ changing the plastic straws to

paper straws; it not only helps Kayla to urge her customers to minimise their plastic consumption
even more, but it also shows that Starbucks is conscious with the environment. Which Kayla
commented, “It motivates me to work harder, since both; my own personal value and the company
value are aligned”
One of Kayla’s poster campaign that resembles her vision towards a better future
Blog post #2 - Informational

3 Unbelievable Facts About Your Caffeine Intake

Who can’t get a day without drinking your favourite cup of latte? If you’re one of them or
you just stumble across this article we can proudly say you won’t regret reading it! For some
people, coffee might be a staple drink or it's just basically a complement to your daily routine.
With high levels of antioxidants and an excessive amount of nutrients, drinking coffee might
increase your health. On a good note, you can also lower your risk on several serious diseases.

Let’s take a look at the health benefits of drinking coffee

1. Rich of antioxidants
As mentioned above, coffee does have a high level of antioxidants, surprisingly, it shows
more antioxidant compared to cocoa and green tea who are known to be the megastar of
antioxidants. Researchers stated that antioxidants can be used to fight inflammation and
keep us away from harm by protecting our cells.
2. Fat burners
By consuming caffeine it can help you to burn fat as much as 29% in a lean individual and
10% for an individual that is obese. It also has proven that your caffeine intake could aid
fat burning which also could help to boost your metabolic rate.
3. Boost your physical performance
Not only giving out a lot of benefits inside your body, drinking coffee on a daily basis can
increase your physical performance. In essence, it will help your organs to trigger
epinephrine (adrenaline) levels in your blood which means it will help you with intense
physical activity such as working out.

Interesting facts isn’t? Now you can be more relaxed and enjoy your coffee which will bring you
a lot of benefits. To know more about our menu visit
2. Instagram post

● Featuring a celebrity/influencer as a brand ambassador

With her busy schedules, trying to balance things out between assignments and her singing career,
we proudly announce Maudy Ayunda (@maudyayunda) as our brand ambassador. We understand
that our valued customers might be a bit stressed out with the exam period coming up! But don’t
worry, take your notes out, and take a sip!

#Starbucks #Starbucksau #StudywithStarbucks #Coffeebreak #Universitystudent #Coffee

● Featuring a fan consumer as a brand ambassador

Shoutout to @erika.dwyr looking incredibly stunning after finishing her classes in uni. Want to
have the same drink as Erika? Head to your local Starbucks store and start ordering your favourite
drink at Starbucks! (Psstt she ordered ice matcha latte and she said it’s addicting)

#Starbucks $Starbucksau #StudywithStarbucks #Matchalatte #Coffeebreak #Fun #Happy

● Featuring a product or service

What’s better than having breakfast with our delicious long black coffee? Pair it out with your
chosen meal and It’ll definitely give you that extra kick in the morning to start your day right.

#Coffeathome #Starbucks #Starbucksau #Longblack #coffee #relax #morningroutine #breakfast

3. Print advertising
Direct marketing - magazine ad
4. Youtube Serial Production

Title: 5 Tips to Boost your Coffee Break

Description: Finding ways to enjoy your

coffee break more? Here’s some tip from us to

Content Treatment: Hi, I’m Olivia today I’ll

give you 5 amazing tips to spice up your coffee
First thing first, go away from your desk or
study area! It’s better to enjoy your coffee
away from your desk, and don’t forget to ask
your friends or colleagues to go out of the
office/classroom or the break rooms to enjoy
the coffee together.
Combine your favourite choice of Starbucks
coffee with our delicious pastry or snacks! It’ll
give you an energy recharge for you to get your
works done
Thirdly, you can ask your staffs to custom
made your choice of drink and turn your
Starbucks drink into true power snack
Sip your coffee by the window, it’s proven that
you’ll enjoy your coffee a little bit more than
Last but not least, end your coffee break by
doing some light stretching or take a look at our
high-quality tumblers!
Thank you for watching, don’t forget to
subscribe, like, and share it with your beloved

Title: Come To Work with Me At Starbucks

Description: A day in life of a Starbucks

employee, keen to know? Tag along with
Kayla to know her routine while working at

Content Treatment: Documenting Kayla’s

life as an employee at Starbucks. It first starts
in her bedroom where she’s getting ready to go
to work she usually eat her breakfast and gets
her choice of latte at her store. Later on, the
video will focus on how she prepares the store
to be finally open for public. Moreover, the
video will highlight for Kayla serve the drinks
for her regular customers and how she engaged
with them - like asking questions, or just a
simple chat to make sure that she’s engaging
with her customers. Towards the end, it’ll show
how Kayla manages to do all of her works even
if the store were busy.

Thank you for watching, don’t forget to

subscribe, like, and share it with your beloved

Title: Ways To Enjoy Your Starbucks At

Description: We understand this difficult time
may be hard on some of us, but we try our best
to stay open and serve our community —
Nevertheless you can still enjoy your favourite
Starbucks drink at your crib!

Content Treatment: We now provide our

freshly brewed drinks to be taken to your
home! And here’s some ways to enjoy your

1. Invite your beloved ones to a virtual

coffee date! You can set out a date and
time to gather your friends whilst
enjoying your coffee at home
2. While sipping your favourite Starbucks
drink, you can try out a new recipe with
your friends through video chat
3. What’s better than enjoying your
chosen drink while reading a book? It
can help transport you to somewhere
4. You can also watch your favourite TV
shows or movie with a cosy drink
especially in this cold weather!
5. Enhance your organising skills by
decluttering some of your things
6. Last but not least, you can start a new
hobby; learning to play an instrument
or even doing puzzles with yout
#Stayathome buddy!

Starbucks Coffee

Problem the With the increasing amount of coffee shop opening in Australia,
communication must Starbucks needs to make sure that they can stand out from its
solve competitors as the coffee consumption in Australia is one of the biggest
in the world, meaning that there’s a high level of competitiveness
within the industry (Vuong, 2019). Moreover, through their social
media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, Starbucks brand
image are currently similar to its competitors such as Gloria Jeans and
The Coffee Club. Thus, due to this condition, it’s hard for Starbucks to
maintain its brand knowledge in the mind of their customers as they
also serve similar target segments (Scmidt et al., 2017). Furthermore,
for the past several years Starbucks is having a problem with attracting
new customers which leads them to increase their product price (Maty,
2019). Thus, not only will it damage the overall brand image it’ll be
hard for them to retain its current customer. In addition, based on
Business Insider it also shows that the interaction between the company
and the customers is insufficient (Taylor, 2019). Lastly it’s better for
the company to appeal to other segments besides Australians.

Target audience College students who are busy living fast-paced lives balancing studies,
social lives and work commitments. Throughout the time they need
something to accompany them to carry out their day.

College/university student’ motivation on using social media

● Could enhance their level of communication with their peers,
Moreover, it shows by using social media — the platform that
they use has audio and visual capabilities that could influence
their purchasing behaviour (Hussain, 2012).
● Furthermore, the decision-making process could also be
influenced by how their peers generate opinion on a service or
a product as nowadays people tend to seek out information from
people who they trust like friends and family (Al-Zedjali, Al-
Harrasi & Al-Badi, 2014).

Desired behaviour ● Increase the traffic of people coming to the stores

● Enhance the customer's engagement by using concrete words
such as “drink” or “sip” which then it’ll be easily recognised by
the consumer (Jessen et al., 2000)
● Increase the likelihood to retain loyal customers
● Expand the brand’s competitiveness in the market by
highlighting that Starbucks is not only focusing on their product
but also their community which links back to the company’s
CSR (Öberseder, Schlegelmilch & Murphy, 2013)

KBC ● Starbucks takes into account the well-being of its community

● Provide the target customers with various selections of product
that other competitors doesn’t offer
● As a complementary product for a daily basis
● Showcasing the positive working environment within the

Conveyor One of the significant things that could help the company to increase
its brand awareness and their overall image is to engage with Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) (Wille, Finster & Balke, 2014). So not
only that the company should disclose corporate social responsibility
to their stakeholders they also need to engage with it (Fieseler, Fleck &
Meckel, 2009). To undertake the engagement between company and
stakeholder, it can be cultivated through online communication
platforms and one of it could be a company blog. By creating a blog
content that is devoted to CSR it would open up new opportunities for
the company on how they interact with their stakeholders as many
stakeholders nowadays are more conscious with the environment and
the community which then it will increase greater interaction between
them. Not only that, it can also influence a positive attitude which leads
to greater behavioural intention of the customers towards the
company’s products (Öberseder, Schlegelmilch & Murphy, 2013).

Moreover, by implementing emotional appeal as a conveyor it will

increase the overall brand image as in this case it highlighted one of
Starbuck’s employee that not only devoted to the company but also are
committed to the community which was described in the blog post and
one of the videos for Youtube. Furthermore, Kujur & Singh (2018) also
stated that emotional appeal helps the customers to easily recall the
brand as well as induce the particular feelings that will drive the
consumers’ intention. In addition, it will bring positive emotion
towards the company and increase the customers’ engagement as it
conveys real-life example.

Consequently, for the second blog posts, utilises rational appeal styles
as it involves detailed information about Starbucks product which then
conveys the message to be more focused on the product’s utilitarian
benefits (Zhang, Sun, Liu, & Knight, 2014). By implementing this
approach it will give advantage to the company as it highlights the
benefit of the products as well as with the use of infographics within
the post to help the customers to capture the content of the post easier.
This is due to the fact that a large portion of human brain activity is
used to process visual information, which means that with the use of
infographics, it will influence the consumer on how they will perceive
the information. Moreover, by creating a well-designed infographic it
will appeal to the customers and it can be an effective communication
tool to differentiate the brand with its competitors (Milovanovic &
Ivanisevic, 2014).

By doing an advertisement that involves microblogging will also

increase the relationship between the selected microbloggers celebrity
which in this case on the Instagram post is Maudy Ayunda (Indonesian
Celebrity) who has over 11.8 million followers in Instagram with the
target audience since it shows a direct communication compared to the
traditional mass media instruments (Gong & Li, 2018). The study also
shows that there’s a positive relationship between consumer’ purchase
intention and product advertising through celebrity endorsement. Thus,
it’s effective to undertake this kind of action. In addition, the use of low
involvement transformational tactics was also used in generating the
idea of the content. By showcasing one simple benefit of using the
product it’ll increase the target audience productivity which can
influence the consumer’ to receive the key messages (Percy, 2018)

Many businesses adopt direct marketing as their promotional tool to

increase their brand awareness and enhance their overall brand image
(Roberts & Berger, 1999). One of the examples of direct marketing is
a magazine ad which can attract consumers' attention determined by
the place they are placed (Rossiter & Bellman, 2005). Consequently,
the size and colour will definitely influence how consumers perceive
the ad. For low involvement products like Starbucks, the main
important element that will influence the customers is the picture which
will increase the consumer’s attention (Rossiter & Bellman, 2005). In
consequence, the use of concreteness theory also implemented in the
portfolio, where researchers show that the use of concrete nouns are
processed faster and more precise compared to abstract noun which in
this case it highlighted the taste sense as it uses words like “sip” and
“drink” (Jessen et al., 2000). With the use of first-person narrative
messages, it will also influence the target audience’s belief, attitudes,
and behaviours. Not only that, it’s also proven that it has the ability to
transport the audience and help them to absorb the underlying reasons
behind the messages (Nan, Futerfas & Ma, 2016).

Al-Zedjali, K., Al-Harrasi, A., & Al-Badi, A. (2014). Motivations for Using Social Networking
Sites by College Students for Educational Purposes. International Journal Of Social,
Management, Economics And Business Engineering, 8(8). Retrieved from

Fieseler, C., Fleck, M., & Meckel, M. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility in the
Blogosphere. Journal Of Business Ethics, 91(4), 599-614. doi: 10.1007/s10551-009-

Gong, W., & Li, X. (2018). Microblogging reactions to celebrity endorsement: effects of
parasocial relationship and source factors. Chinese Journal Of Communication, 12(2),
185-203. doi: 10.1080/17544750.2018.1511607

Hussain, I. (2012). A Study to Evaluate the Social Media Trends among University Students.
Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 64, 639-645. doi:

Jessen, F., Heun, R., Erb, M., Granath, D., Klose, U., Papassotiropoulos, A., & Grodd, W.
(2000). The Concreteness Effect: Evidence for Dual Coding and Context Availability.
Brain And Language, 74(1), 103-112. doi: 10.1006/brln.2000.2340

Kujur, F., & Singh, S. (2018). Emotions as predictor for consumer engagement in YouTube
advertisement. Journal Of Advances In Management Research, 15(2), 184-197. doi:

Maty, C. (2019). Starbucks Has a Major Problem and It May Have Just Made It Worse.
Retrieved 27 May 2020, from
Milovanovic, D., & Ivanisevic, L. (2014). Infographic as a Marketing Communication Tool. New
Business Models And Sustainable Competitiveness. Retrieved from

Nan, X., Futerfas, M., & Ma, Z. (2016). Role of Narrative Perspective and Modality in the
Persuasiveness of Public Service Advertisements Promoting HPV Vaccination. Health
Communication, 32(3), 320-328. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1138379

Öberseder, M., Schlegelmilch, B., & Murphy, P. (2013). CSR practices and consumer
perceptions. Journal Of Business Research, 66(10), 1839-1851. doi:

Percy, L. (2018). Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications. Taylor and Francis. Retrieved
from https://search-
b7208811&site=eds-live&scope=site, Chapter 8, Message processing

Roberts, M., & Berger, P. (1999). Direct marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ.:
Prentice Hall.

Rossiter, J., & Bellman, S. (2005). Marketing communications. Frenchs Forest: Pearson, Prentice

Scmidt, S., Langner, S., Hennings, N., Wiedmann, K.-P., Karampourniot, E., & Lischka, G.
(2017). The green brand: explicit and implicit framing effects of ecolabelling on brand
knowledge. Cogent Psychology, 4, 1-23.

Taylor, K. (2019). Starbucks still needs to solve a massive problem, as analysts worry about
'anemic' traffic. Retrieved 27 May 2020, from

Vuong, B. (2019). Cafes and Coffee Shops in Australia. Retrieved 24 March 2020, from

Wille, P., Finster, R., & Balke, W. (2014). A Model for Interactive CSR Campaigns using
Storytelling. Retrieved from

Zhang, H., Sun, J., Liu, F. and G. Knight, J., 2014. Be rational or be emotional: advertising
appeals, service types and consumer responses. European Journal of Marketing,
48(11/12), pp.2105-2126.

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