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Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

Pre-workshop evaluation
This questionnaire asks questions regarding your knowledge, your attitudes, your behaviors and
confidence regarding exercise for people with a mental illness. We ask you to complete all questions.
There is no right or wrong answer and it is important that we obtain an answer that represents your
view as a health professional. For the purpose of this questionnaire, the term ‘mental illness’ means
any mental illness including but not limited to depression, psychotic, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder, alcohol use disorders and other mental illnesses.

Informed Consent. Completion of the questionnaires will be assumed as your consent to participate.

Part 1. Knowledge.

1. Have you had any formal training in exercise prescription (e.g. university degree in a related
area, vocational training, in-service training)? Yes / No (If no, skip to question 5)

2. If you answered yes, please provide details including course duration, on who provided this
formal training (e.g. university degree, vocational training, in-service)


3. How would you rate your knowledge of exercise prescription for people with a mental illness?
(Please circle)

Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent

4. How would you rate your confidence to prescribe exercise for people with mental illness?
(Please circle)

Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent

5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements (for the purpose of this
section, ‘Physical activity’ refers to activity undertaken according to population health
guidelines i.e. 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity performed on all or most days of the
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
disagree disagree agree
/ agree
People who undertake regular physical activity
are less likely to develop depression than
those who do not.
People who undertake regular physical activity
are less likely to develop anxiety than those
who do not.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce their symptoms of depression.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce their symptoms of anxiety.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce psychotic symptoms.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce eating disorder symptom
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce post-traumatic stress symptoms.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can reduce cognitive impairments.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can improve abstinence from substance use.
People who undertake regular physical activity
can improve their body satisfaction.
Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

Part 2. Beliefs.
The next few questions ask about your beliefs regarding exercise for people with a mental

1. Listed below are some treatment strategies with demonstrated evidence for effectiveness. Rate
how valuable you believe each treatment strategy is compared to exercise.

Significantly Somewhat Of equal Somewhat Significantly

less than less than value than better than better than
exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise
Social support
Family therapy
Social skill training
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Vocational rehabilitation

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

disagree disagree agree
/ agree
People with a mental illness know that
exercise is good for their physical health
People with a mental illness know that
exercise is good for their mental health
People with a mental illness do not exercise
because they don’t think they can
Exercise is valuable for patients hospitalised
with a mental illness in the same manner as
The physical and mental health benefits of
exercise for people with a mental illness are
not long lasting
People with a mental illness who are
prescribed exercise will not adhere to it

3. Using numbers 1 – 8 with 1 as the most important, rank the importance of the following treatment
strategies in the care of people with mental illness

------ Medication (e.g anti-depressants)

------ Social support
------ Family therapy
------ Social skills training
------ Cognitive behavioural therapy
------ Vocational rehabilitation
------ Exercise
------ Hospitalisation

If there are other treatment strategies not listed above which you feel are important please list them
here including why you believe they are important
Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

Part 3. Behaviors.
The next few questions ask about your prescription of exercise
(describing what they should do and how they should do it) for people with a mental illness

1. Do you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness

1 2 3 4

Never Occasionally Most of the time Always

If you answered ‘Never’ above, go to PART 4.

2. Do you undertake a formal assessment of the clients’ suitability for exercise prior to
prescribing a program?

Yes / No If you answered ‘Yes, please describe what assessment tools or items you use. If
you answered ‘No’, please provide a reason for not undertaking some form of assessment.

3. When you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness, what methods do you use?
(Please tick all that apply)
1) Personal discussion
2) Brochures or pamphlets
3) Referral to community based programs
4) Referral to an exercise professional
5) Nothing specific
6) Other ______________________

4. When you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness, how often do you recommend
they exercise? (Please select only one response)
1) Every day
2) Most days of the week
3) Once to twice a week
4) As often as they feel they can
5) Other _________________________

5. When you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness, how hard (what intensity) do you
recommend they exercise? (Please select only one response)
1) Low intensity (a slight rise in heart rate and breathing, talking remains easy)
2) Moderate intensity (a noticeable rise in heart rate and breathing but talking is still
3) Vigorous intensity (getting out of breath, talking is not possible)
4) At a level that makes them feel good
5) I do not suggest an intensity
6) Other _____________________________

6. When you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness, how long do you suggest people
try to exercise for at any one time? (Please select only one response)
1) 10 minutes per session
2) 20 minutes per session
3) 30 minutes per session
4) 60 minutes per session
5) As long as they can
6) Other _____________________________
Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

7. When you prescribe exercise to people with a mental illness, what type of exercise do you
suggest? (Please tick all that apply)
1) Aerobic exercise (e.g. walking, cycling)
2) Weight training or resistance training
3) Swimming
4) Team sports (soccer, netball)
5) Combat sports (boxing, etc)
6) Relaxation activities (Tai Chi, Yoga)
7) Other ________________________

Part 4. Barriers to exercise participation for people with a mental illness

To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the barriers to prescribing
exercise to people with a mental illness?
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
disagre disagree agree
e / agree
Their mental health makes it impossible for them to
participate in exercise
I’m concerned exercise might make their condition
I am not interested in prescribing exercise for
people with a mental illness
I don’t believe exercise will help people with a
mental illness
Their physical health makes it impossible for them
to participate in exercise
I’m concerned they might get injured while
People with a mental illness won’t adhere to an
exercise program
My workload is already too excessive to include
prescribing exercise to people with a mental illness.
Prescribing exercise to people with a mental illness
is not part of my job
I do not know how to prescribe exercise to people
with a mental illness
Prescription of exercise to people with mental
illness is best delivered by an exercise professional.

People with a mental illness report many barriers to exercise. These are some statements
expressed by people with a mental illness about barriers to exercise. To what extent do you agree
with their statements below?
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
disagree disagree agree
/ agree
I am too unwell to exercise
It takes too much time
There is too much stigma attached to having a
mental illness
I don’t know what I should do
My friends or family won’t exercise with me
There are too many side effects from the
I lack the confidence to do any exercise
I’m too fat to exercise
I am afraid I will get hurt
I have too many physical health problems
There is no safe place for me to exercise
I don’t have any equipment to do exercise with
Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

Part 5. Current confidence levels with regards to exercise prescription

1. How confident are you to assess physical activity levels in people with mental illness?

Not confident at all Extremely


2. How confident are you to assess physical health risks before exercising in people with mental

Not confident at all Extremely


3. How confident are you to motivate people with mental illness towards an exercise program?

Not confident at all Extremely


4. How confident are you to prescribe exercise to people with mental illness?

Not confident at all Extremely


Part 6. Demographics

1. Gender (Please circle) Male Female

2. What is your current age?

3. What is your primary health care discipline?

1) Medical specialist (please describe)________________________

2) Psychologist
3) General practitioner
4) Nurse
5) Nurse with specialist mental health nursing qualification
6) Occupational therapist
7) Physiotherapist
8) Other (Please specify) _________________________________

4. How many years have you been employed in this profession? _________

5. What is your current employment status?

1) Full time
2) Part time
3) Casual
4) Currently seeking employment
5) Retired
6) Other (Please specify) _________________________________

6. What is the highest level of education you have competed? (Please circle)

1) Vocational training
Please use your initials + at least 4 numbers as a code. Use the same code pre- and post workshop so we can combine your
pre- and post-workshop evaluation !

2) Undergraduate University Degree

3) Post Graduate Certificate
4) Post Graduate Diploma
5) Masters Degree
6) Doctoral Degree
7) Other (Please specify) _________________________________

7. In what year did you graduate from your highest level of education? __________

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