Ayog Exer3

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Name: Maurice Jane Eunice S.

Course: BSED ENG 1
Subject Area: Science Technology and Society
Assignment: If I were an inventor…
Instructions: In this section, you learned that necessity is the mother of inventions and
innovations. Inventions are not simply made, but are motivated by various social, political, cultural,
and economic contexts. In this task, you will address this question: “If you were and inventor, what
would you invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has
not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. On the space below, sketch
a draft of your invention then answer the questions that follow.


Most individuals have been struggling and having a hard time cleaning their houses
especially in cleaning their floors. Thus, this invention helps in order to solve this problem to
achieve an easier way in cleaning. I came up with an idea to make an improvised mop that will
help individuals especially those individuals who are working as a janitor/janitress for them to have
an easier way of cleaning.

Locals struggled in mopping the floors especially when the mop becomes more soiled. The
mop's water becomes more soiled that results to more soils that is added to the mop and once the
person starts mopping the floor while using the soiled one, it begins to lose its effectiveness. That
is why it is harmful for the user’s health. So, I thought of an action to this problem and came up an
idea to make a stable, comfortable, less hassle, and easy to use product which is the “Improvised
Mop Machine”. The Improvised Mop Machine is made to make the developing community to make
the users life and cleaning easier.

This invention will be able to help the community in using a man-made machine, being eco-
friendly to our environment. Through this invention, household chores will be able to work easily
and clean their house in no time. It also helps the users in their time management in doing
household chores. This innovation will benefit the users in cleaning without struggle and less effort.
This innovation has a better quality that ensures the safety of the users and its systems are
enhanced to perform better than the other mops. Aside from lessening the work of the users, this
invention aims to help the users to do more than one work aside form cleaning one at a time. The
said invention aims to made up of less expensive materials and materials that can easily find at

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