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6, JUNE 2009 2727

Magnetic Sensor System Using Asymmetric Giant Magnetoimpedance Head

Seok Soo Yoon1 , Pratap Kollu2 , Dong Young Kim1 , Gun Woo Kim1 , Yongjun Cha2 , and CheolGi Kim2
Department of Physics, Andong National University, Andong 760-749, Korea
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea

Recently sensitive micro-magnetic sensors are strongly required in various technologies such as BT and IT. This paper gives the com-
prehensive analysis of the Asymmetric Giant MagnetoImpedance (AGMI) sensor’s performance with negative feedback. Asymmetrical
behavior of the GMI is required for linear magnetic field sensors as the sensitivity and linearity for magnetic field are the most important
parameters in the practical application of GMI to magnetic sensors, and this has been realized by magnetic field annealing in amorphous
ribbon. A novel AGMI sensor was developed and the performance of the sensor was carefully studied with and without applying negative
feedback. The sensor uses 10 mm 1 mm 20 m Co66 Fe4 Si15 B15 ribbon as a sensing element. On applying the negative feedback
the sensor shows excellent linearity free from hysteresis, independent of temperature variations. The sensitivity AGMI sensor was found
to be 0.27 V/Oe in dynamic range of 2 2 Oe.
Index Terms—Amorphous soft magnetic ribbon, magnetic sensor, magnetoimpedance, negative feedback.


HE Giant Magneto Impedance (GMI) effect, the huge A. Preparing AGMI Sensing Element
T change of ac impedance of soft magnetic materials upon
application of dc magnetic field, attracts much attention of
In order to prepare AGMI sensing element, amorphous
ribbons (Allied Signal Co.) of 5 cm length,
research teams all over the world owing to its promising device 2 mm width and 20 thickness were field-annealed during
applications for extremely sensitive magnetic field sensors (see 8 hours in air at 380 with magnetic field of 3 Oe along the
[1], [2] and references therein). Circuit designs for magnetic ribbon axis. AGMI sensing elements with small size below
field sensor based on GMI effect named GMI sensor have been 1 cm length were obtained by chemical etching the field-an-
proposed [3], [4] and commercial products using GMI sensor nealed ribbons of 5 cm length in solution. The GMI
have been released by Aichi Micro Intelligent (AMI) Co. The ratio profiles of the ribbons were obtained by measuring the
GMI sensor has both advantageous features of the high sen- absolute value of impedance using HP4192A impedance
sitivity of the fluxgate sensor and the quick response and low analyzer as function of external magnetic field applied
power consumption of the Hall sensor and the MR sensors [3]. along the ribbon axis [5], [7]. The GMI ratio is defined as
In order to develop linear GMI sensor, asymmetric GMI , where is the
(AGMI) characteristic is strongly required because soft mag- dc resistance of the ribbon.
Fig. 1(a) and (b) show GMI profile at 100 kHz of the
netic materials show generally symmetric dependence on
field-annealed ribbons of 5 cm 2 mm and 0.5 cm 1 mm
positive and negative magnetic fields. GMI sensors developed
sizes, respectively. The GMI profile of the ribbon of 5 cm
by AMI Co. are producing bias magnetic field on the amorphous
2 mm size shown in Fig. 1(a) exhibits very asymmetric GMI
wire head by applying dc or ac pulse current on the bias coil
effect, so called “GMI-valve” due to step-like change near zero
wound on the head to obtain asymmetric GMI effect [3]. Re-
magnetic field [5]. The GMI profile of Fig. 1(a) shows almost
cently, a very large asymmetric GMI effect has been observed
linear field dependence with sensitivity of about 53%/Oe in
and studied in field-annealed [5]–[8] and stress/field-annealed
very narrow range. After the size of the ribbon is reduced by
[9], [10] Co-based amorphous ribbons in air. The asymmetric chemical etching, the GMI profile possesses still linear field
GMI effect in the field-annealed amorphous ribbon has self-bi- dependence in more wider range although the sensitivity is
ased advantage in constructing linear GMI sensor because decreased to about 4.4%/Oe. Hence we could prepare small
there is no need for external biasing and bias coil to make the AGMI heads for linear magnetic sensor by the field-annealing
asymmetric GMI. In our previous work we discussed about the and chemical etching.
GMI sensor without feedback [11].
In our present work, we developed a linear magnetic sensor B. Sensor Circuit Design and Working
using AGMI effect (AGMI sensor) in the field-annealed amor- We developed AGMI sensor system consists of the field-an-
phous ribbon and improved the performance of the AGMI nealed AGMI sensing element and circuit. The circuit consists
sensor by applying negative feedback loop for attaining good of a oscillator, voltage to current converter for providing the
linearity without hysteresis and increasing temperature stability. current to the head, a differential amplifier, multiplier, low pass
filter to detect the amplitude of induced signal in the head, final
amplifier stages for zero field compensation and gain control.
Manuscript received October 16, 2008. Current version published May 20, The schematic diagram of the sensor was show in Fig. 2. The
2009. Corresponding author: S. S. Yoon (e-mail: oscillator circuit generates the sine wave form with frequency
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of 100 kHz. The voltage to current converter supplies ac cur-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2020538 rent with constant amplitude of 10 mA to the sensing element.
0018-9464/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Chungnam National University. Downloaded on June 11, 2009 at 00:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. V versus H response of AGMI sensor system with the sensing element
of 10 mm 2 mm size.

Fig. 3. V versus H response of AGMI sensor system with the sensing element
of 10 mm 2 mm size.

where is the transfer function of AGMI magnetic sensor

system and become also field-sensitivity. We can find that the
Fig. 1. GMI ratio profile of Co Fe B Si ribbon with (a) 5 cm 2 mm 2 sensitivity A is 20 V/Oe from the slope as shown in Fig. 3.
size and (b) 5 mm 1 mm size. The inserted figures show the profiles for full Although our AGMI sensor system shows good response
measured range between 40 Oe and 40 Oe. characteristics as linear magnetic sensor, there are some limita-
tions in application due to hysteresis and temperature stability
because the magnetoimpedance has generally hysteresis and
The signal induced in the sensing element due to MI effect is temperature dependence.
picked up by differential amplifier and amplified by successive
amplifiers. The amplified induced signal is provided to the mul-
tiplier circuit. The multiplier circuit acts as a lock-in amplifier C. Negative Feedback
and it produces signal with frequency along with the dc offset
The concept of negative feedback in the MI sensor was first
voltage. The dc offset voltage is proportional to the amplitude
introduced by K. Mohri [3]. In order to improve the linearity
of in-phase component of the induced MI signal, then is propor-
and reduce hysteresis and temperature dependence of the AGMI
tional to the real part of magnetoimpedance of sensing element.
sensor system, we added negative feedback circuit. The final
The output signal from multiplier is passed through the low-pass
output voltage is converted into magnetic field and nega-
filter to obtain a pure dc voltage. Then, the dc signal is passed
tively feedback to the sensing element by a solenoid (coil) that
to amplifiers with offset and gain controls to get the final output
is wound over it and connected in series with the through a
voltage . The offset control is to adjust to zero at .
resistance . Fig. 4 shows the block diagram for the AGMI
Fig. 3 shows a response curve for magnetic field of the AGMI
sensor system with negative feedback loop, where is the in-
sensor system. The response curve shows almost linear response
verse transfer function from to magnetic field of the solenoid
well compensated at zero field in the range of—0.5 .5 Oe
and can be expressed as
which can be expressed by the following relation:


Authorized licensed use limited to: Chungnam National University. Downloaded on June 11, 2009 at 00:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

response with sensitivity of 0.27 V/Oe, dynamic range of

and reduced hysteresis. The sensitivity of 0.27 V/Oe shows
good agreement with by (4) because with
from Fig. 4 and from (2).

Fig. 4. Block diagram for transfer function of AGMI sensor system with neg-
ative feedback. We have constructed a linear magnetic field sensor using
AGMI effect in field-annealed amorphous ribbons with sensi-
tivity of 0.27 V/Oe in dynamic range of without
hysteresis and temperature dependence. The AGMI sensor
system can be applied on Gauss meter and directional sensor
detecting the parallel component of Earth’s field.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support
from the BK 21, KRF, and ETRI under Project 2006-S-074-02
to carry out the investigations.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Chungnam National University. Downloaded on June 11, 2009 at 00:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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