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Class: II PUC STATISTICS (31) Max Marks : 100
Date : 05-01-2019 Time : 3 Hrs
Note: 1.Graph sheets and statistical tables will be supplied on request.
2. Scientific calculators may be used.
3. All working steps should be clearly shown.

I. Answer any TEN of the following questions. 10 x 1=10
1. Define Mortality ratio
2. If the quantity index number for current year is 90. What would
you conclude?
3. What do you mean by Unit test?
4. Write a merit of method of least squares for measuring the trend.
5. If p= 7 for a Bernoulli distribution, Write down the p.m.f.
6. Write the variance of t-distribution.
7. What is two tailed test?
8. Define power of the test.
9. Write the formula of S.E.(p1-p2) when P1≠P2
10. What is single sampling plan?
11. In an L.P.P. what do you mean by optimal solution?
12. What is meant by lead time?

II. Answer any TEN of the following questions. 10 x 2=20
13. In a locality 10000 live births occurred .The number of neo-natal
deaths was 270.find N.M.R.
14. Write any two limitations of Index numbers.
15. If the total value in the base year and current year are respectively
850 and 1200, compute the value Index number.
16. Define Seasonal variation .Give an example.
17. Write down the conditions for applying Binomial expansion
method of interpolation.
18. For a binomial distribution if n=16 and mean=4 find p and S.D.
19. Find mean and variance of a chi-square variate with 10 degrees of
20. What are Point estimation and Interval estimation?
21. Define sampling distribution and standard error of a statistic.
22. Write down the upper and lower control limits for R chart if 𝑅̅ =
2.5 and n= 4.
23. Using Maximin-Minimax principle ,find the value of a game.
10 8
( )
5 6
24. Given R=3500 units/year, C3= Rs.60/cycle, C1 =Rs.4/ unit/year.
Find Q0
III. Answer any EIGHT of the following questions. 8 x 5=40
25. Calculate GFR and TFR from the following data.
Age Female Number of
group population live births
15-19 16000 395
20-24 16800 550
25-29 17000 1550
30-34 17200 1290
35-39 17000 640
40-44 16200 160
45-49 15000 50
26. Compute Kelly’s price index number for the following data.
Items Price(Rs) Quantity of
2005 2010 consumption
A 15 16 20
B 18 18 10
C 10 12 15
D 8 10 10
E 6 5 25
27. For the following data calculate the consumer price index number.
Group Price(Rs) Weight
Base Year Current Year
Food 2500 3000 10
Clothing 800 1000 7
Housing 2000 3000 9
Fuel 500 500 8
Miscellaneous 800 1000 6
28. Calculate the trend values by finding 4 yearly moving averages.
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Sales(‘000) 20 22 24 21 23 25 23 26 25
29. From the following data estimate the value of Y when X=36
X 20 30 40 50 60
Y 20 22 26 30 35
30. Mention any three features of Binomial distribution and any two
features of Poisson distribution.
31. A pond has 12 fishes among which 5are marked ones. 4 fishes are
caught from the pond. Find the probability that three of them are
marked. Also find the mean of marked fishes.
32. A campus bulletin claims that only 35% of college students visit the
library in a week. A sample of 225 College students showed that 90
of them had visited the library. Can we accept the claim of campus
33. A health spa has advertised a weight reducing program and has
claimed that the participant in the program loses their weight
significantly .A random sample of 10 participants has the following
weights before and after the program. Test this claim at 1% level of
80 78 75 86 90 87 95 78 86 90
before (kg)
76 75 70 80 84 83 91 72 83 83
after (kg)
34. Ten samples of 100 P.V.C pipes manufactured by a firm are inspected
for the number of defectives. The number of defective pipes is noted
as : 1,3, 2, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6,3. Calculate the control limits for np-chart
35. Solve the following L.P.P graphically
Max. Z = 10x+15y
Subject to, x+ y ≥ 10
3x +2y ≤ 60
And x, y ≥ 0
36. Obtain an initial basic feasible by NWCR and compute the
transportation cost. Is the solution degenerate?
From To Available
A 15 10 9 360
B 5 8 9 100
C 11 3 5 100
Requirement 120 250 190

IV. Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2 x10=20
37. From the following data calculate the standardized death rates (Take
Locality B as standard population) and comment.
Age (years) Locality A Locality B
Population Deaths Population Deaths
0-20 5000 140 4000 150
20-40 12000 50 15000 54
40-70 15000 140 20000 100
70 & above 4000 250 3000 110
38. Calculate Fisher’s , Marshall-Edgeworth’s and Dorbish- Bowley’s
Price index numbers from the following data.
Commodity Base year Current year
Price(Rs) Quantity Price(Rs) Quantity
P 14 40 18 45
Q 20 20 25 22
R 35 30 45 30
S 40 50 50 40
39. Fit a parabolic trend for the following time series by the method of
least squares and estimate the production for the year 2016
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
value 10 11 15 13 11
40. a. Fit a Poisson distribution to the following data and obtain the
theoretical frequencies.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
frequency 34 31 20 12 2 1
b. According to theory of Genetics , the proportion of beans of A,
B,C and D types in a generation should be 9:3:3:1.In an
experiment with 1600 beans the frequency of bean of A, B, C and
D type was observed to be 882, 313, 287 and 118 respectively.
Does the result support theory?
V .Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2 x 5=10
41. Height of students are normally distributed with mean height 165
cm and standard deviation 5 cm. Find the probability that height
of a student is (i) Greater than 175cm (ii) between 162cm and
170 cm
42. From the following data regarding weight of school children, test
whether the boys have less weight than girls.
Boys Girls
Size 150 100
Mean weight (lbs) 68 70
S.D of weight(lbs) 8 10
43. To test the effectiveness of inoculation against cholera, the
following data regarding persons was obtained.
Attacked Not attacked
Inoculated 8 32
Not inoculated 14 46
Test at 1% level of significance that inoculation and attack of
cholera are independent.

44. A machine costs Rs.5000.Its resale price and maintenance costs

for successive years are as follows.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenan 1500 16 180 210 25 290 34 400
ce cost (Rs) 00 0 0 00 0 00 0
Resale 3500 25 170 120 80 500 50 500
value (Rs) 00 0 0 0 0
Suggest the most economical replacement policy.

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