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Sherry Gin E.




The man who inspired me the most is the greatest person I've ever met. He was good looking and

quite simple person at first glance. He has an oval-shape head, a skinny body built and a short

black hair. His skin complexion was brown due to his work under the sun. When he speaks, it's

easy to notice if he's happy, sad or angry. He's a loving, responsible and respectful person. A

wise man who always gives me great advices. Also, a very God-fearing person. His personality

had shaped me as a person. Everything in him was special.

Sherry Gin E. Balayo



It was December 5,2022 when my family got reunited again after almost 3 years of being

separated from each other. We started the day with a walk near the shore being barefooted.

While walking, I am enjoying the moment that we talked about our experiences in our schooling

and even in relationships. After a long walked, we decided to swim and later we did boating

around the sea. In the afternoon, we played some games like hide and seek, piko, luksong baka

and volleyball along the shore. At exactly 6pm, we had a boodle fight. Then, everyone was

having fun while singing and dancing. Finally, we ended the day with a sleepover in our

Grandma's house. Everything in that day was perfect.

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