Activities - G7 Physical Education 1ST Quarter 5th and 6th Week

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Week 5

Paliparan National High School

MAPEH 7 Physical Education 1st Quarter (week 5)

Name: _______________________________________Grade and Section: ____________________

Contact Nos. :____________________________________ Date:_________________________
Facebook Account Name: ___________________________ E-mail Address: ________________

Health Related Fitness

Physical fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and
perform activities of daily living.
A fit person is able to perform schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have enough energy to enjoy sport and
other leisure activities
(5 Components of Health-Related Physical Fitness)
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
• the ability to deliver oxygen & nutrients to working muscles over sustained periods of time
Muscular Endurance
• The ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeat a movement many times or to hold a particular position for an
extended period of time.
Muscular Strength
• The ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time
 The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.
Body composition
 The amount of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass.

 Muscles  Ligaments
 Bones  organs
 Tendons

(6 Components of Skill Related Fitness)

1.Agility – The ability to change body positions quickly and keep the body under control when moving.
2.Balance – The ability to keep the body in a steady position while standing and moving.
3.Coordination – The ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity.
4.Power – The ability to combine strength with speed while moving.
5.Speed – The ability to move all or a part of the body quickly.
6.Reaction Time – The ability to move quickly once a signal to start moving is received.

Learning Competency:
 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments (MELC CODE: PE7PF- Ia-h-23)
 Sets goals based on assessment results (MELC CODE: PE7PF- Ia-24)
 Prepares an exercise program (MELC CODE: PE7PF- Ic-27

Activity 1
Direction: Choose your answer in the box below. Write only the letters on the space provided.
________1. The ability to keep the body in a steady position while standing and moving.
________2. The ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time
________3. It refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and
perform activities of daily living.
________4. The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.
________5. The ability to move all or a part of the body quickly.

A . Muscular Strength
B. Flexibility
C. Speed
D. Balance
E. Physical fitness
F. Reaction Time
Activity 2

Directions: Create an exercise plan by choosing activities / exercises that will enhance your fitness
 Write 3 examples of activities for Skill Related Fitness component.

Activities / exercise Skills Related Fitness




 Write 3 examples of activities for Health-Related Fitness component

Activities / exercise Health-Related Components




Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I learned that ___________________________________________________________________________


I realized that

References: G7Physical Education & Health Learner’s Module

Prepared by:
Grade 7 MAPEH Teacher
Week 6
Paliparan National High School
MAPEH 7 Physical Education 1st Quarter (week 6)

Name: _________________________________________Grade and Section: _____________________

Contact Nos. :____________________________________ Date:_________________________
Facebook Account Name: ___________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________

Physical Fitness Test Procedure

Weight – the heaviness or lightness of a person.
Equipment = Weighing or bathroom scale calibrated properly
Height – the distance between the feet on the floor to the top of the head in standing position.
Equipment = Tape measure laid flat to a concrete wall. The zero point starts at the bottom of the floor.
WEIGHT (in Kilograms)
HEIGHT (in Meters) 2

Example: 30 = 30 =20.83 (NORMAL)

(1.20) 2 1.44


Activities / exercise
3 – Minute Step Test – to measure cardiovascular endurance
Zipper Test – the test is a simple measurement of the flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint.
Standing long jump – to measure the explosive strength and power of the leg muscles.
Stork Balance test – to assess one’s ability to maintain equilibrium.
Hexagon Agility Test – to measure the ability of the body to move in different directions quickly.
Basic Plank – to measure strength/stability of the core muscles.
Juggling – to measure the coordination of the eye and hand.
Sit and reach – to test the flexibility of the lower back and extremities.
Stick Drop Test – to measure the time to respond to a stimulus.
Push up – to measure strength of upper extremities.

Learning Competency:
 Describes the nature and background of the sport PE7GS- Id-5
 Executes the skills involved in the sport PE7GS-Id-h-4
 Monitors periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals (MELC CODE: PE7PF- Ia-24)
Activity 1
Direction: Get your weight and height measurement and compute your BMI inside the box and indicate classification.

Activity 2

Directions: Create an exercise plan by choosing activities / exercises that will enhance your fitness

2. 1. Get down on all fours, placing
your hands slightly wider than your Scoring: record the number of
shoulders. push ups made inside the box.
PUSH UP 3. 2. Straighten your arms and legs.
4. 3. Lower your body until your chest
nearly touches the floor.
5. 4. Pause, then push yourself
back up.
6. Repeat.

1. 1. Get in the pushup position,

only put your forearms on the Scoring: record the time in the
ground instead of your hands. ... nearest seconds/minute. Put inside
2. Squeeze your gluts and the box your score.
tighten your abdominals.
3. Keep a neutral neck and
2. 4. Create a straight, strong line
from head to toes – a plank, if
you will.
5. Hold that position.

Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I learned that ___________________________________________________________________________


I realized that

References: G7Physical Education & Health Learner’s Module

Prepared by:
Grade 7 MAPEH Teacher

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