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Conducting the Deliverance session


1) Room or location

a) Away from crowds. Do not cast out demons where a crowed is present especially if they are non
christians. Jesus quickly rebuked the evell spirit and cast it out. When he saw an inqustive crowd
approaching "When Jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the foul spirit say
unto him" you damn and deaf spirit, I charge this come out of him and entered no more in to him.
Mark 9-25

b) Physically Safe

There are cases known where an unclean spirit has left one person and entered in to an inqustive
unbelieving on looker. Some church leaders prepare a room with carpet or quits on the floor and
pillors around the wall. This padding prevents the demonized persons from physically injuring
themselves. Often the demonized writhe and flail about when demons depart.

B) How

Start with Praise and Worship

When involved in deliverance it is good to start with praising and then worshipping God is the spirit
(John 4,23-24). Praise God builds your faith.

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God.
Declare the victory you have over Satan. And they overcome him (the devil by the blood of the lamb
and by the word of their declarations testimony confession Rev 12-11

Use power of Faith

Worship bring the manifestat presence (the anointing) of the Holy spirit in to the situation. Sing
worship choruses and songs to prepare the room for God to demonstrate his power. Anointed
musicians playing their instruments and singers worshipfully adoring Jesus can create an atmosphere
where the holy spirit will be more readily implemented. But now bring me a ministrel. And it came to
pass when ministrel played that the hand of the Lord came upon him (Elijah 21-3 15

2 Declaration of Faith

By Demonized Persons

Have the demonized persons kneel and acknowledge (say it with his mouth). My deliverance comes
only through Jesus Christ and his victory over the devil and his angels. I kneel my knees and I confess
this with my mouth and I declare.

3 Use the name of Jesus

Use the name of Jesus Christ to enforce the victory. He gained over Satan and his forces. God exalted
him to the name that is above every name.

4 Speak with Authority

I speak with authority. With this in mind talk to the demon with words of command (authority) and tell
the demon exactly what it must do. Believe that your words will result in the devil releasing their grip
of bondage on the person concerned and leaving. The grip is on "the perswhen the devil is oppressing
him from the outside an in the person when the evil spirit has come into his body, soul or spirit and
bound him physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

5 Rebuke and command spirit to leave

Rebuke the devil and command the unclean spirit to leave the person "Jesus rebuked the evil spirit.
You deaf and dumb spirit" he said I command you come out of him and never enter him again. Mark 9-
25 Paul turned around and said to the spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ. I command you to come out
of her. At that moment the spirit left her. Acts 16-18

6 Keeping sessions short

When a person falls in to trance it may be more difficult to drive out. You can spend hours and time
yourself out. This is because the evil spirit is not prepared to leave the victim. However if a person is
prepared for deliverance (by proper teachings and following the steps outlined above). Everything can
be over within minutes. I would recommend a time limit of about twenty minutes per exorcism
session. See the section.

7 Do not "hazily" lay hands on the Demonized Person.

Remember unless directed explicitly by the holy spirit to do so do not lay your hands on a person when
you drive out demons. Jesus and Paul drove out demons with a commanding word of authority. You lay
hands on people to bless them. Gen 48-14-16 Mathew 19-14, is to heal the sick Mark 6-2-5.

But you normally do not lay hands on demonized people. While there is no direct scriptural command
against this Paul may be implying this in Timothy 5-22. Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands do not
share in the sins of others keep yourself pure.

Sometimes by laying hand on a person who comes to be delivered you may be catering to the demon
demand for attention and acceptance. I recall an unclean spirit. A spirit of lust came to a group of
untaught and inexperienced christian businessman for prayer. Their laying hand on her stimulated
deviant sexual fantasies, resulting in orgasic contractors. She neither wanted nor received deliverance.
Identifying with a demon in that way contaminates your spirit especially if your own life. In such such
cases it is best to have women minister to women and men to men.

c) Follow up After Deliverance

1] Make Sure. The Exercised Person

a) Memorize scripture. It is important to give the exercised to memorize so he can resist the devil if
and when he tries to return and at tack Luke 11-24-26 Galatians 5-1 Teach the person to follow Jesus
example when satan tried to destroy him Jesus quoted scriptures to defeat satan.

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