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Who are demons?

Some say there are no such things as demons today, that the title is
merely a figure of speech but this is not true. The bible is clear and
definite in its teaching about demons as it about angels. Both are actual
and real today. Both should understood. Demons are wicked, hateful and
destructive. Demon spirits are personalities just like human spirit are
personalities. Demons are spirits without bodies in which to dwell. They
are spirits with bodies. Our Spirits are from God. Demon Spirits serve
Satan and are sort from him.
(1). They Belong to the Devil
Demons belong to Satan who is the ruler of Demons Jesus speaks of
them as the devil and his angels.Mathew25vs41.The Greek word Diablos.
(Devil)It means accuser or slanders. It is always used in the now
(2) They are fallen angels
Demons are fallen, who did not keep their proper domain but left
their own abode. (Jude 6) when created they were perfect and were given
the power of choice. Demons are angels who cheese to disobey God and do
the will of Satan.
(A).Some are Imprisoned. First those who sinned and are now imprisoned in
chains of darkness 2 PETER 2VS4 waiting for the judgment of angels 1 COR
(B)Some are free
Second, those who fell and whom God has allowed to continue to serve
Satan and his kingdom. The reason for this is one of God's secrets
Deuteronomy 29-29. Satan is not omnipresent i.e. everywhere at once like
God but he has a multitude of demons or disembodied spirits who do his
will so thoroughly that seems as though to is present everywhere.

(C) What are Demon Spirits?

1. Difference between Body and Spirit
I have a body but I am a spirit. My spirit dwells in my body I express
myself (my spirit) with the faculties of my body but you cannot see me
because the real me is a spirit living inside my body. My body is simply
the house were my spirit lives in. Someday my body will die and return to
the dust but I (my spirit) shall never die. I shall return unto God who
gave it. Eccl 12VS7.I (my spirit) I'm a personality. I express myself
with my body if my body were taken away (my spirit) could not express
sever my tongue and my spirit could not talk. Destroy my ears and I could
not see. Even though my eyes would be blind. My ears deaf and my tongue
removed. My spirit still be there but it could not see, hear or speak.
Amputate my legs and arms, destroy my sense of smell and my vocal chords
and still you would not have would not have destroy my spirit could no
longer express itself my spirit would have been destroyed. Now you can
understand about the difference my spirit and my body or the difference
between me and my body.

(2). Spirit without bodies

Demons are evil spirits without bodies which to express themselves in
this world. Since they have no bodies of their own they must wander
through the land seeking a body into which they can enter and find
expression to carry out their mission of evil Mathew 12VS 43 since demons
are actual personalities they manifest their own personalities in that
person whom they enter. There are various classes or types of people a
few of which we shall discuss later.

What Are Demons Like?

1. Demons talk
They talk through a person's mental and speech faculties in the same
way that your spirit. (The real you) talks through your own tongue and
vocal cards “had unclean spirits when they saw him fell down before him
and cried saying. You are the son of God.
"Had devils also came out of many crying out and saying you are Christ.’’
Luke 4-40-41.
"He (Christ) taught them as one that had authority. Had there was in
their synagogue had unclean spirits and he cried out saying lot us alone.
What have he to do with you? Jesus of Nazareth. Here you come to destroy
us? I know you who are the only one of God had Jesus rebuked him saying
hold your peace and came out of him. Mark 1-22-25. These demons spoke and
talked to these who had come to cast them out.

2. Demons know their future.

Jesus not the demon possessed men coming from among the tombs when he
was about to cast them out they cried out. What have he to do with you?
Jesus Son of God. Here you came to torment us before the time Mathew8_29

What did the demons mean by saying "are you come to torment us before the
time of what time were they speaking?

Demons know that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. They
know the day will come when the devil will be cast in to the lake of fire
and brimstone. Where the boast and false prophet are and shall be
tormented day and right for ever and ever Rev 20-10 together with the
fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and where
mangers, and sorceress idolaters all liars Rev 21-8
Rev 20-15
Demons know that the day is coming when they shall be tormented day and
night forever and forever. They know that then they will no longer be
able to torment humanity because their time will have come.
Therefore knowing this they trembled before and cried out. Here you come
to torment us before the time.

3. Demons Resist Surrender.

The Eight chapter of Mathew the fifth chapter of Mark and the eight of
Luke sot forth the story of Jesus casting out the legion of demons from
the maniac.

First_ The demon actually professed to worship Christ evidently seeking

to prevent Lord from being to storm with them Mark5-8

Third: The demon begged him that he would not torment them but when Jesus
spoke them the demons became fearful Luke 8-28.

Forth; Christ demanded of them what is your name Luke 8-30

Fifth the demons responded. My name is Legion for we are many.

Sixth when Jesus insisted that they depart the demon shocked at being
expelled from their habitation in the man’s body begged him out of the
country Mark5-10

Then the Legion which had possessed the maniac, tried to bargain/further
if they were to be forced out of their human possessions the next best
place to settle would be the herd of swine which was feeding
John 5-14

5 Demons Recognize and obey those who have power over them.

When Jesus was met by those who were demon possessed, the demon would
often cry out ’’We know who you are. You are the son of God.’’
Demons have never changed in Paul’s ministry. Then certain of the
vagabond Jews exorcists took upon them to call over them which had evil
spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we adjure you by the Jesus whom
Paul preaches.
’’And the evil spirit answered and’’ Jesus I know and Paul I know but who
are you and the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them and
overcome them prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house
naked and wounded. Acts 19-13-16
Demons know who have power over them. They know Jesus and Paul. The
demons mocked and completely overpowered these seven sons of Sceva who
tried to cast them just for the money they would receive.
’’God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with Holy Ghost. Acts 13-2
The two persons whom the devil acknowledged were both anointed with Holy
Spirit the power of God. The devils know such and obey them.
But this case is a clear warning to unbelievers not to play with devils.
Every believer has been given power and authority over all devils and
should never fear nor hesitate to excite this authority
’’All of devils begged him saying send us in to the swine that we may
enter in to them. Mark 5-12
Seventh. ’’Immediately Jesus gave them permission. And the unclean
spirits went out and entered in to the swine and the herd ran violently
down a steep place in to the sea. They were about two thousand (2 000)
and were choked in the sea. Mark 5-13
This remarkable story show how demon resent surrendering their places of
possession yet how they must yield to the authority of God’s servants. To
us Christ has said I give you power and authority over all devils and in
my name you shall cast out devils. Mark 16, 17 Luke 9-1 Luke 10; 19

4) Demons May Call For Reinforcement

Jesus taught a most revealing lesson about demons in the twelfth chapter
of Mathew.
’’When the unclean spirit leaves a person he walks through dry places,
seeking rest and find none. Then he says I will return to my house from
which I came out and when he come, he find it empty swept and garnished.
’’There he goes and take with himself seven other spirits more wicked
than himself and they enter in and dwell and the last state of that
person is worse than the first. Mathew 12-43-45
It is possible for demons which have been cast out to call other demons
for reinforcement and to re-enter the person out of whom they have been
cast. This happens when the person delivered fail to consecrate his life
to Jesus Christ. Therefore the demon called on other spirits wicked than
himself so they enter and settle there. The last state of that person was
worse than the first. Jesus said to the crippled man who had been healed
sin no more last a worse thing come to you.

What are symptoms of Demonic bondage?

1. Physical
a. It vacant look
It person who is under the power of an evil spirit very often has nine
glazed vacant look about him.

b. Trance state

Sometimes people fall into trance. Their eyes are closed and when you
open their eyelids their eyeballs roll back and the white parts show

c. Extreme Strength

As with the demon possesses man of Gadareness (Mark 5_3, 4) even the most
harmless house wife can became as strong as a demonic power is in her

d. Intestinal Disturbances

Some people suffer from agaric disturbances especially in the stomach

region. For example in something will make strongly up and down in the
person stomach.

e. Strange Reactions

Small Children react strangely under the influence of a demonic force. I

have seen children under the power of a monkey god screw up their faces
up and down on the table and chairs

f. Heightened Sexuality

Many people with demonic bondage experience heightened sensual


g. Feeling of Suffocation

When an unclean spirit is active the victim may feel as if he is being

strangled or suffocated or feel a tightness around his ghost

h. Vocal Evil Spirit

Can cough, sneeze, speak, laugh, threaten, cry plead lie etc. see Mark 5,
5_7, 9, 10

I. Active/Passive Resistance

The evil spirit in the person may cause him to fall down and act as if
he is dead. The spirit may also swear, short or laugh at the believer.
j. Violent Action

They may also try to bite scratch, kick or hit you. One person learned
the hard way not to cast out devil with his eyes closed. He got an
unexpected blow full in the face.

1.Bad Odours
At times a bad dour like sulphur will come from the person that is under
demonic bondage.

2. Emotional

a. Depression
A person is under the power of an evil spirit is often depressed and
driven by thoughts of suicides King Saul is an evil spirit from the Lord
troubled him. Therefore Saul took a sword and fell upon it (Sam 16,
14)31, 4

b. Guilt- These people are also usually filled with thoughts of guilt
and unforgiveness and bitterness. Note Simon who had a spirit of sorcery.
For I perceive that thought art in the gall of bitterness Acts 8_23.

c. Violent Temper- Some of them also have a violent temper and are
easily upset and the evil spirit from the Lord has upon Saul. And Saul
sought to smile David even to the hall with the Javelin and David fled
and escaped that night (1 Sam 19_10)

3. Intellectual Conflict and Confusion

People with demonic bondages often suffer from mental conflict and
confusion. In whom the God of this world hath blinded.

4. A resistance to God's Word

There is usually a resistance present in the person against God's word

and prayer.

b. Seeing Demons. Some people in Africa say they see the small little
man called "tokoloshi."

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