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Saint Louis University

School of Engineering and Architecture

Electrical Engineering Department

Machine Problem #4

Solving the Roots of Nonlinear Equations:

Bisection Method and False-Position Method

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April 1, 2022
The student must Perform iterative methods of solving the roots
of nonlinear equations to improve their knowledge and skills
The technique of Bisection Method and False-Position Method was
very helpful for us student however the difference of these two is
the bisection method is an approximation method for finding the
roots of a given equation by dividing the interval repeatedly.
This method divides the interval until the resulting interval,
which is extremely small, is found. While, the root-finding
algorithm that keeps the prior estimate for which the function
value has the opposite sign as the function value at the current
best estimate of the root. In this way, the false position method
keeps the root bracketed.
To find the roots of a polynomial equation, the bisection method
is used. It divides and separates the interval in which the root
of the equation is located. The intermediate theorem for continuous
functions is the underlying principle of this method. It works by
reducing the difference between the positive and negative
intervals until it reaches the correct answer. The average of the
positive and negative intervals is used to close the gap in this
method. It is a simple and relatively slow method. The bisection
method is also referred to as the interval halving method, the
root-finding method, the binary search method, and the dichotomy
Let us consider a continuous function “f” which is defined on
the closed interval [a, b], is given with f(a) and f(b) of
different signs. Then by intermediate theorem, there exists a point
x belongs to (a, b) for which f(x) = 0.
bisection method is based on the simplest among all the
numerical schemes to solve the transcendental equations. This
scheme is based on the intermediate value theorem for continuous
functions. The method is also called the interval halving method,
the binary search method, or the dichotomy method. Moreover, The
bisection method, which is a bracketing method, is always
convergent. Error can be controlled: Increasing the number of
iterations in the Bisection method always yields a more accurate
root. Does not necessitate complex calculations: The bisection
method necessitates no complex calculations.
Does the bisection method always work? if a solution exists in
an interval for a function, then the method of interval bisection
always works.
The False position method inventor is Simon Stevin used the rule
of one false position in the solution of additional problems of
geometric nature. Also, the technique of false position is found in
cuneiform tablets from ancient Babylonian mathematics and papyri
from ancient Egyptian mathematics. As a purely arithmetic
algorithm, double false position arose in late antiquity.
The false position method is an iterative method for solving
the nonlinear equation f(x) = 0. It uses the same formula as the
secant method, but keeps the two most recent estimates that bracket
the root at each stage to ensure convergence. An algorithm for
finding roots which retains that prior estimate for which the
function value has opposite sign from the function value at the
current best estimate of the root. In this way, the method of false
position keeps the root bracketed (Press et al. 1992).

So how it works?
In the bisection method, both limits of the interval have to
change. This is not the case for false position method, where one
limit may stay fixed throughout the computation while the other
guess converges on the root.
Sample 1 – Trigonometric Function

Sample 2 – Exponential Function

Sample 3 – Exponential Function (Incorrect Interval)




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