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Behavioral Decision Tree: The New Lense For Observing The Customer


Cracking the code to leveraging full sales potential is a mystery probably as old as the
Pyramids. Whereas we’re 100% positive the trades back in the day considered goods
traveling from hand to hand, we haven’t got too far in our digitized world, apart from the fact
that spilling all the tea regarding unsatisfactory service can now become viral at the
frightening speed.

And we’re here to help you achieve just the opposite effect.

The psychology of the masses taught us that the individual is most likely to join the crowd.
Just think of the crowded market stall for a second or how you’re magically drawn to the
crowded shop rather than an empty one (especially if there’s a bunch of red banners labeled
SALE left on the display).

So you want to keep em’ coming.

Once you decide you’re ready to go past fortune cookies methods including surveys and end
sales data, you’ll be in the zone to harvest the full potential of the behavioral decision trees.

How Does The Behavioral Decision Tree Function?

Decision trees help manufacturers and retailers understand how consumers make decisions
in front of a shelf. They serve to simplify the shopper experience and maximize the entire
category sales by providing defined product hierarchies and helping category segmentation.

But that’s not everything: The behavioral element brings virtual shopping environments to
the table.

With such a framework, the Behavioral decision tree provides plenty of data about actual
decision-making. With virtual shopping giving you nothing less than authentic decision-
making within a certain context and with thousands of real shoppers, you are left with
reliable and stable data to base business decisions on.

How Do Behavioral Decision Trees Help With The Current Pandemic Situation?

Moving your market research online benefits you in two ways:

1. By putting shoppers in context via virtual shopping environments instead of relying on

surveys you gain real insights into actual in-store behavior.
2. Skipping face-to-face interviews and running the study with thousands of shoppers
online is a life-saver given we’re still experiencing the COVID fever.
What better way to ensure your business decisions are based on actual shopper decisions,
and not on what people claim they’d do?

To top this off, we’ll introduce you to the three valuable output types you gain the exclusive
right to by choosing our services:

Map of The Product’s Attributes

You gain an insight into the least substitutable product attributes: These are the ones that
customers aren’t willing to compensate for when faced with an out-of-stock situation. Your
next step would be to follow the tree to create corresponding blocks in the planogram.

Understanding The 4 Types of Shoppers

Considering brand loyalty, we identified the four main types of shoppers: Instant switchers,
switchers/quitters, risky shoppers, and, of course, loyal ones. This feature gives you a
phenomenal opportunity to understand whether you have a chance to replacer your
competitor, where your customers come from, and what triggers them to make the switch.

Brand Gain & Loss Analysis

This feature provides you with insight into a proportion of shoppers that switched from your
brand to a competitive brand and vice versa, pinpointing when it happened during the
shopping process.

Remain Shopper-Focused With EyeSee

Lastly, we’ll wrap it all up with an old nugget: “If you build it, they will come.”

We’re absolutely positive that turning to the Behavioral decision tree will be the best move
you could’ve ever made for your business. The first and inevitable step is, as always, trusting
the process.

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