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// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.


// thread: illustrator Spiral Shrinking/Growin text, scaling down/up on spiral path

// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script

// test this script at first with only a few characters!
// The more letters, the longer it takes

// If the screen seems to be frozen - please wait for a while

// regards pixxxelschubser 25/Febr./2014

var aDoc = app.activeDocument;

if (aDoc.selection.length > 0) {
if (aDoc.selection.length < 2 && aDoc.selection[0].typename == "TextFrame") {
var aTFrame = aDoc.selection[0];
var theChars = aTFrame.characters;
var charLength = theChars.length;
var startSize = prompt("size of first character", 25,"start size");
var endSize = prompt("size of last character", 5,"end size");
var step = (startSize-endSize)/(charLength-1);
for (i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
theChars[i].size = (startSize - i*step).toFixed (2);
} else {alert("Please select only one text frame")}
} else {alert("No selection")}

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