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CIS2910 Discrete Structures  

Assignment 4  

Dr. Charlie Obimbo Exercise: Feb 26th, 2020


1. In the expansion of (2a − 3b)6 , determine the coefficient of the term containing a4 b2 .
A. -4320 B. 864 C. 2160 D. 2880


2. Determine the 3rd term of (2x + y)6

4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3
A. 15x y B. 240x y C. 120x y D. 160x y

3. Car license plates consist of 6 characters. Each of the first 3 characters can be any letter from
A to Z inclusive except I or O. Each of the last 3 characters can be any digit from 2 to 9
inclusive. If repetition of letters and digits are not allowed, how many different license plates
are possible? An example of this format is G R T 4 9 2. [You may use a Calculator!]  

A. 4 080 384 B. 5 241 600 C. 7 077 888 D. 11 232 000


4. Determine the 3rd term in the expansion of (x + 2y)10

A. 180x8 y 2 B. 960x7 y 3 C. 45x8 y 2 D. 120x7 y 3


5. From a class of 12 boys and 10 girls a committee of 3 people is selected. How many different
committees have at least 1 boy?
A. 120 B. 540 C. 1420 D. 1540  


6. [2 marks] A pair of dice is loaded. The probability of 4 appearing on the first die is 2/7.
and the probability of a 3 appearing on the second die is thrice as much as the other numbers
on the die. If the rest of the numbers are equally likely events in both dice, what is the
probability of 7 appearing as the sum of the numbers when the two dice are rolled.

7. [2 marks] Use a tree diagram to find the number of bitstrings of length 4 with no three
consecutive 0s.

8. [4 marks] How many bit strings of length 11 contain

(a) exactly 4 0s?

(b) at most 4 0s?
(c) at least 4 0s?
(d) three more 0s than 1s?

9. [3 marks] Twelve people on a softball team show up for a game.

(a) How many ways are there to choose 10 players to take the field.
(b) How many ways are there to assign the 10 positions by selecting players from the 12
players who show up?
(c) Of the 12 people, two are women. How many ways are there to choose 10 players if at
least one of these players must be a woman?

10. [4 marks] How many strings of 5 lowercase letters from the Latin alphabet contain:

(a) the letter c?

(b) the letters c and d?
(c) the letters c and d in consecutive positions with c preceding d and all letters distinct?
(d) the letters c and d, where c is somewhere to the left of d in the string and all letters

11. [2 mark] Suppose that a department contains 6 men and 8 women. How many ways are
there to form a committee with 4 members if it must have more women than men?

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