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Understanding the Impact of Gender-Based Violence on Women in Senior High School of

Milestone Innovative Academy School Year 2022-2023


In the current day, gender-based violence is a word that is commonly used to describe
any sort of violence that is rooted in exploiting unequal power dynamics between genders. This
might include societal gender norms and role expectations, as well as situational power
inequalities and inequities. Intimate relationship and family violence, elder abuse, sexual
violence, stalking, and human trafficking are all examples of gender-based violence. Gender-
Based Violence (GBV) refers to any non-consensual action taken against a person that is
motivated by power disparities between men and women, men and men, or women and women.
It increases during times of conflict, and women often bear the brunt of it through sexual
violence and exploitation. The Collateral Repair Project launched the Women's Empowerment
and Gender-Based Violence programs in the hopes of increasing community, family, and
personal understanding of gender-based violence. The GBV and Women's Empowerment
programs are fundamentally identical, but GBV is solely for males while Women's
Empowerment is only for women. These seminars include everything from sex to emotional
development and expression; human trafficking; violence against women, children, and families;
stereotypes; human rights; shock; and self-care. CRP employs both reaction and prevention
strategies, recognizing that survivors require assistance while also aiming to avoid similar events
from occurring in the future. The two groups talk about GBV concerns, recognizing them,
discussing solutions, and sharing their experiences. Many of these issues have no simple
solutions. For example, they may debate whether you should enroll your kid or daughter in
school if you can only afford schooling for one. Some subjects may be ones people have never
considered or addressed before, such as whether men's and women's thoughts and emotions are
equally important.

On the other hand, one of the country's most pervasive societal issues appears to be
violence against women (VAW). According to the Philippine Statistics Authority's 2017
National Demographic and Health Survey, one in every four Filipino women aged 15 to 49 has
experienced physical, emotional, or sexual assault from their husband or partner. It is
undoubtedly concerning that VAW persists despite efforts to address the issue. VAW is seen to
be directly related to unequal power relations between men and women, sometimes known as
"gender-based violence." According to cultural conventions and traditions, men are the leaders,
pursuers, and providers, and they play dominant roles in society, whereas women are the
nurturers, men's companions, and supporters, and they play subordinate positions in society. This
assumption gives men more influence over women. As a result, VAW becomes a way of men's
assertion of dominance over women in order to maintain power. The UN Declaration on the
Elimination of Violence Against Women (1993) defines VAW as "any act of gender-based
violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or
suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty,
whether occurring in public or private life." VAW is defined as "any act or series of acts
committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman
with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has or had a
common child, or against her child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, with or without the family
abode, which results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or other violence."

In the Philippines, some realities contribute to Filipino women's vulnerability to VAW,

such as being accused of being "naggers" or neglectful of their duties as wives, which is why
they are beaten by their spouses or raped due to their "flirtatious" ways; in some cases, filing for
sexual harassment is interpreted by her employer as malicious on the appreciation of her good
looks. It actually happens even in school that most young women are abused and suffer from this
kind of unhuman and unpredictable experience. Furthermore, an even bigger issue is the absence
of concrete data on the scope of VAW in the country, as many incidences of violence against
women go unreported due to their victims' "culture of silence." Many of the victims are
embarrassed to talk about their situation, while others dismiss it as a result of their lack of faith
in the country's legal system, which stems from disappointments with the lack of outcomes in
registering complaints. Several government systems have previously been established to deal
with VAW. This crusade is also supported by non-governmental groups. It is unclear when this
tendency will halt in the Philippines, but as long as current efforts to combat VAW are
maintained, hope might be raised. These kinds of problems are still experienced in the present
day by numerous women around our country. Therefore, the researcher aims to know and
understand the impact of general-based violence on women, particularly in the senior high school
of Milestone Innovative Academy. Then, the researchers will investigate its risk to students'
mental health and academic performance and also determine what action to take based on the
Purpose/ Objective of the Study

We all know that based-violence is a human rights violation that undermines a person's
sense of self-worth and self-esteem. It can also affect not only physical health but also mental
health and may lead to self-harm, isolation, depression, and suicidal attempts. Therefore, this
study aims to know and understand the impact of general-based violence on women, particularly
in the senior high school of Milestone Innovative Academy. Then, to investigate its risk to
students' mental health and academic performance and also determine what action to take based
on the findings.

Statement of the Problem

The importance of the problem of research can be formulated as follows:

1. What is the demographic profile of the correspondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Strand
1. What are the effects of general-based violence on women?
2. What are the risk of violence in mental state and academic performance of student?
3. What action do you take after having the findings?

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