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CYBR 444 –Cloud Computing and Virtualizations

Submitted to Najlaa Alsaadan

Name: Manar Alotaibi

What is the benefits of Virtualization in Cloud Computing?

1- Lower IT Expenses: One of the most significant benefits of virtualization is lower IT expenditures.

2- Reduced downtime and increased resiliency in disaster recovery situations: When a calamity
strikes the physical server, you need someone to replace or repair it. These repairs might take hours or
even days. It's significantly easier to provide and deploy in a virtualized environment since you can clone
or reproduce the damaged virtual machine.

3- Increased efficiency and productivity: A virtualized environment implies fewer servers, which frees
up your IT employees from time-consuming maintenance tasks maintaining actual hardware and IT

4- Control independence and DevOps: Because the virtualized environment is divided into VMs,
developers may easily construct a virtual machine without interfering with the production environment. It
is useful for developers and testers since they can quickly clone the virtual machine and conduct tests on
the environment.

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CYBR 444 –Cloud Computing and Virtualizations
Submitted to Najlaa Alsaadan
Name: Manar Alotaibi

5- Failure protection: Using virtualization in cloud computing means that the rest of the system is not
affected if one portion of the system fails. It is because virtualized infrastructure is divided into

6- Smooth machine or data transfer: One advantage of virtualization is that you can transfer data across
servers without having to browse through many physical hard drives or data centers. With virtualized
storage and desktops, complete workstations may be moved from one location to another without
relocating actual infrastructure, saving time, money, and energy.

7- Security: Each VM is contained within its own container. As a result, if a dangerous file or virus
obtains access, it will be limited within the container. The separation of VMs and infrastructure from the
rest of the system makes it more difficult for viruses to proliferate throughout the environment.

8- Environmentally friendly (both organizationally and environmentally): The ability to

reduce the number of physical servers has a direct advantage for your business and the environment. Less
electricity is utilized when there are fewer physical servers.

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CYBR 444 –Cloud Computing and Virtualizations
Submitted to Najlaa Alsaadan
Name: Manar Alotaibi

2022. All you need to know about Virtualization in Cloud Computing. [e-book] Aspire Systems, pp.7-8. Available at:
[Accessed 24 February 2022].

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