Dynamics of Rigid Bodies PS4

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ES 12 Problem Set 4

Bar DE, pinned at D, is initially supported by force P to keep it stationary. Pellet J is to be

launched at C using a guided spring system ABC with 𝜇𝑘,𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘 = 0.10. Force P is removed just
before Bar DE is hit by pellet J at its centroid, allowing bar DE to freely rotate about its fixed

Work-Energy Method and Kinematics

At the instant shown, the spring is deformed by 15 𝑐𝑚.

1. Determine the total work done (in terms of the unknown variable/s) on Pellet J as it moves from point
A to point C. Hint: The work done by conservative forces on a body moving away from the equilibrium
point of the force field is negative. Dissipative forces always do negative work.

2. Compute for the required launch velocity of Pellet P at point C (if it is to hit the midpoint of bar DE).
Hint: Consider the target position (centroid of bar) with coordinates (xAD, yAD). What must be the
components of the initial velocity so that the pellet at C will be able to reach position (xAD, yAD)?

3. Find the spring constant of the spring launcher system. Hint: Knowing the initial kinetic energy at A and
the required kinetic energy at C, the work required in terms of k is equal to?

Kinematics, Velocity Analysis & Impulse-Momentum Method

Consider the collision of pellet J and Bar DE (e=0.8). The angle formed by bar DE with respect to the horizontal
is 40°.

4. Draw the impulse-momentum diagram (IMD) of the system just before, during and just after impact.
Label all vectors and express the final momentum arrows of bar DE in terms of the angular velocity of
bar DE. About what point is the total angular momentum of the system conserved? Hint: Knowing the
type of system (impulsive), the impulse term contains only 2 arrows. Use velocity analysis to express
unknown final velocity of the bar in terms of angular velocity. Since we don’t know the actual direction
of the velocity of bar centroid, we use components along conventional axes.

5. Draw the IMD of pellet J only. Are there any external impulses? What can you say about the
components of the total momentum along the tangential axis? Hint: You’ll see here that it is much
more convenient to use n-t components for the final velocities of the pellet.

6. Determine the velocity of pellet J and the angular velocity of bar DE just after impact. Hint: There are
arrows in the diagram that we don’t really need so we eliminate them using a certain summation.

7. Find the relative velocity of pellet J with respect to the centroid of bar DE.
Force-Inertia Method & Rotation

Consider the instant just after the collision of pellet J and Bar DE. Note that the angle formed by bar DE with
respect to the horizontal is still 𝟒𝟎°

8. Draw the Free Body Diagram (FBD) and the Effective Force Diagram (EFD) of Bar DE. Label all arrows
and express the unknown arrows in the EFD in terms of the angular acceleration of bar DE. Hint: Don’t
forget the components of the acceleration of the centroid of the bar.

9. Determine the angular acceleration of bar DE.

10. Find the acceleration of the centroid of bar DE.

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