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ES 12 Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

Problem Set – Solution Guide

Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

1. Collar B – Translation, everything else – GPM

2. Pole Method (Velocity Analysis) for Bar BD
a. 𝑣"/$ forms 65° with the horizontal
Concept: 𝑣"/$ is the velocity of D when setting B as the “pole” or allowing point D
(as well as all points on bar BD) to rotate about point B.
𝑋: 0 = −𝑣. + 1.8𝜔$" sin 25°
𝑌: 𝑣",: = 0 + 1.8𝜔$" cos 25
c. From the above equations, with 𝑣$ = 3.5 (direction already accounted for),
𝜔$" = 4.600 ↺ and 𝑣" = 7.505 ↑.
? ?

3. Instantaneous Center Method (Velocity Analysis) for Disk M and Bar DE

a. The velocity line of point D is along the vertical (going up), while velocity line of
point E is along a 𝟒𝟓° line from the horizontal (see figure below). Note that, at the
instant, point E rotates about the contact point between the disk and the level
ground – velocity at point E is perpendicular to the line joining the contact point
(IC of the disk) and point E!
b. 𝑟"/JK,.BA"L = 2.077 𝑚, 𝜔"L = 3.614 ↻
c. 𝑟L/JK,.BA"L = 1.774 𝑚, 𝑣L = 6.413 ↻
d. See above figure
e. 𝑟L/JK,CO?PQ = 0.8 2 𝑚, 𝜔CO?P = 5.666 ↺

4. Pole Method (Acceleration Analysis) of bars BD & DE

a. Figure B
Concept: At the instant, all points on the disk including
point E rotates about the instantaneous center (which is
the contact point because the disk rolls without slipping).
Tangential acceleration is parallel to the velocity line and
normal acceleration points towards the center of rotation.
𝑋: 𝑎",S = 𝑎$,S + 1.8𝛼$" sin 25° − 1.8𝜔$" cos 25°
b. U
𝑌: 𝑎",: = 𝑎$,: + 1.8𝛼$" cos 25° − 1.8𝜔$" sin 25°
Note that 𝑎$,S = 𝑎$,: = 0 because 𝑣$ is constant (as given)!
𝑋: 𝑎",S = 𝑎L,S − 1.5𝛼"L sin 57.769° + 1.5𝜔"L cos 57.769°
c. U
𝑌: 𝑎",: = 𝑎L,: − 1.5𝛼"L cos 57.769° − 1.5𝜔"L sin 57.769°
d. Intermediate solution:
𝑎L = 𝑎L,W ↙ 45° + 𝑎L,Y ↘ 45°
U 𝑚
𝑎L,W = 0.8 2 𝜔CO?P = 0.8 2 (5.666U ) = 36.321 ↙ 45°
𝑎L,Y = 0.8 2 𝛼CO?P = 0.8 2 2 = 1.6↘ 45°
Resolve normal and tangential into x and y components:
< 𝑎L,S , 𝑎L,: > =< −24.551 , −26.814 >
also using 𝜔$" = 4.600 ↺ and 𝜔"L = 3.614 ↻
? ?

Equate (b) & (c)

1.8𝛼$" sin 25° − 1.8 4.6 U cos 25°
= −24.551 − 1.5𝛼"L sin 57.769° + 1.5 3.614 U cos 57.769°
1.8𝛼$" cos 25° − 1.8 4.6 U sin 25°
= −26.814 − 1.5𝛼"L cos 57.769° − 1.5 3.614 U sin 57.769°

𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑
∴ 𝛼$" = 34.871 U
↻ & 𝛼"L = 36.997 U ↺
𝑠 𝑠

e. 𝑎" =< −61.046 , −72.983 >

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