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Cordero, Charles Jerrel M.

BSIT 2.1 A

PART 1(3 items x 5 points)

1. Three(3) kernel components that you think are the most significant in terms of process control.

 Windows Executive - A vital application that is necessary for windows to run properly is
the windows kernel. Following the bootloader, the kernel load first. Once loaded, it
overseas and manages all other processes and programs.

 Hardware abstraction layer(HAL) – A hardware abstraction layer(HAL)

is a programming layer used in computers that enable an operating system to
communicate with hardware at a broad or abstract level as opposed to a particular
hardware level.

 Window and graphing system – A windowing system allow many apps to continuously
share a computer’s graphical display presentation resources. You might want to execute
several programs simultaneously on a computer with a graphical user interface controls
and illustrations.

2. Give one (1) sample process that can be executed by each kernel component you have selected.
Explain each sample process relative to its corresponding process control structure. Perform
additional research if necessary.

 Window Executive – A software application that is currently active in windows is known

as process. Every process is identified by an ID, which is number, an object that shows
which section of the program is operating is knows as a thread. Each thread is identified
by an ID, which is number, there could be several threats in a process.
 Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) – A hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is a programming
layer used in computers that enable an operating system to communicate with
hardware at a basic abstract level instead of to a particular hardware level.
 Window graphing system – In registering, a windowing framework ( or window
framework) is a programming that overseas independently various pieces of show
screens, it is a kind of graphical UI which carries out the (windows, symbols, menus,
pointer) worldview for UI.


a. Windows 10
b. 8.00 GG
c. (4.4 GB usable)
Cordero, Charles Jerrel M.
BSIT 2.1 A

d. Microsoft edge – the highest memory utilization (313.5 MG)

Microsoft word – 74.6
Task manager – 20.8 MB
Windows explorer – 57.1 MB
Microsoft Power point – 39.9 MB
e. Antimalware Service Executable – the highest memory utilization
Application Frame Host – 8.5 MB
COM Surrogate – 2.0 MB
Cortana (2) – 1.5 MB
CTF Loader – 3.9 MB
f. Microsoft Edge – the more I browse the application the more the RAM
 Router is a physical or virtual appliance that passes information
between two or more packet-switched computer networks. A
router inspects a given data packet's destination Internet Protocol
address (IP address), calculates the best way for it to reach its
destination and then forwards it accordingly.
 Bluetooth is a telecommunications industry specification that
describes how mobile devices, computers and other devices can
easily communicate with each other using a short-range wireless
 Headphones are a hardware device that can be plugged into a
computer, laptop, smartphone, mp3 player or other device to privately
listen to audio without disturbing anyone in the vicinity. They are plug
and play devices and do not require any sort of installation before use.

h. The terms "operating system" and "device driver" both refer to pieces of
software, however an operating system is used to control a particular
connected device, whilst a device driver serves as an interface.
i. While utilizing task manager to kill a process will typically reset your
computer, doing so can totally close an application, harm your computer,
and cause you to lose any unsaved data.
j. When experiencing slow or laggy system I usually clear application cache and
data and updating the operating system can also improved the sytem
k. I use task manager to terminate the running application and control + shift+ est
to run task manager.
Cordero, Charles Jerrel M.
BSIT 2.1 A

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