5 Research Abstract

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Kryshia Mae S.


12- Betelgeuse

Search for at least 5 research Abstract and answer the following “W” questions:

Bullying and School Attendance: A Case Study of Senior High School Students in Ghana

This paper focuses on senior high school students and the ways that bullying affects their school
attendance. Selected items from the 2008 Ghana Global School-based Student Health Survey are
analysed first to explore the relationships between the duration and type of bullying and school
attendance. Second, we investigate whether having emotional problems, in addition to being bullied,
incrementally affects the relationship between bullying and school attendance. Third, we explore the
mitigating influence of peer friendships on these relationships. In all cases we provide a gender analysis.
The results show that bullying is associated with increased absenteeism for both boys and girls. The
analysis of reported emotional problems, however, shows distinct gender differences. For boys,
increases in emotional problems are not associated with increased absenteeism for those who are
bullied. On the other hand, for girls emotional problems were strongly associated with absenteeism and
more so for girls who had not reported being bullied. The third strand of our analysis also showed
gender differences in which absenteeism associated with bullying was mitigated by the support of
friends for boys but not to the same degree for girls, especially those girls who had reported being
psychologically bullied. In addition to the threat to school access caused by bullying, the gender
dimensions of the latter two sets of findings suggest a school environment in which peer friendship and
emotional well-being are intertwined in complex ways. While there is little or no research within the
Ghanaian context, supported by research from elsewhere, we suggest that peer friendships for girls may
be comprised of more non-physical, social and verbal interaction within which it might be more difficult
to pinpoint bullying. That peer interactions might include a mixture of support and bullying could explain
why there is a strong influence on girls’ emotional well-being and hence their school attendance.

1. WHAT was the study about ?

- The study is about Bullying and School Attendance: A Case Study of Senior High
School Students in Ghana

2. WHERE was the study conduct?

- The study was conducted at Ghana

3. WHY did the researcher conduct the study?

- The researcher conducted this study because they want to study the the ways that
bullying affects their school attendance.

4. WHO will benefit from the study?

- The one who will benefit from this study was the researcher and the students who
was bullied in a school.

5. What method did the researcher use to come up with a conclusion?

- They use Quantitative method because they investigate and the study was

The Implementation of the 11th Grade Senior High School Program Academic Track in Science
Technology Education Center (STEC): An Action Plan

This action research assessed the extent of the implementation of the 11th Grade Senior High School
Program Academic Track in Science Technology Education Center (STEC) in Basak Lapu-Lapu City for
school year 2016-2017. The findings of the study were the bases for Proposed Improvements/Action
Plan. This study utilized the descriptive-evaluative type of research in gathering the responses employing
the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research participants of the study were the SHS
teachers and SHS students. The implementation of the SHS program in STEC had mixed response ratings.
Fair on the Infrastructure and Learning facilities; Very Good on Instruction and Curriculum and Poor on
Admission and Retention. The infrastructure has certain positive degree of association with the
academic performance. By supplementing the lack of infrastructure, facility and learning environment, it
would have higher significant impact on the performance of the students. The Instruction has certain
positive degree of association with the academic performance. Good teaching is equal to good learning.
In spite of the lacking facilities and no admission and retention policy, the teachers were able to provide
a resourceful mechanism of delivering the lessons in a meaningful way.

1. WHAT was the study about ?

- The study is about The Implementation of the 11th Grade Senior High School Program
Academic Track in Science Technology Education Center (STEC): An Action Plan

2. WHERE was the study conduct?

- The study was conducted at Basak Lapu-Lapu City

3. WHY did the researcher conduct the study?

- The researcher wants to know an idea about The Implementation of the 11th Grade
Senior High School Program Academic Track in Science Technology Education Center.

4. WHO will benefit from the study?

- The one who will benefit from this study was the students and the faculty at Basak
Lapu-Lapu City.

5. What method did the researcher use to come up with a conclusion?

- Qualitative and Quantitative because every response has a ratings.

Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Towards Research

The study utilized the Attitude towards Research Scale formulated by Elena T. Papanastasiou in 2005
to further investigate the attitudes of students towards research. Two hundred twenty-two (222)
senior high school students from Holy Child Catholic School, school year 2017–2018 who had
already and currently taken Practical Research Subjects prescribed by the Department of Education
for the K-12 program participated in the study. Descriptive survey and correlational research
method was employed to provide better grasp of students’ attitude towards research. Responses
were analyzed through the use of Cronbach’s Alpha for internal consistency, mean for statistical
descriptions, Pearson correlation coefficient and factorial MANOVA using IBM-SPSS. As the five
subscales moderately affect one another, gender and grade level showed no significant difference
among SHS student of HCCS. Strands of academic track tends to have an impact on the difference of
attitude of SHS students towards research. The study concluded that there is a need to investigate
the interest and attitude of students towards research.

1. WHAT was the study about ?

- The study is about Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Towards Research

2. WHERE was the study conduct?

- The study was conducted at Holy Child Catholic School

3. WHY did the researcher conduct the study?

- The researcher conducted this study the want to the attitude of the students towards
research scale

4. WHO will benefit from the study?

- The one who benefit from this study was the one who conducted the research

5. What method did the researcher use to come up with a conclusion?

- Qualitative method was used at this study

Students’ Level of Satisfaction of the Senior High School (SHS) Program of Surigao Del Sur State

This paper used the descriptive survey method and Focus-Group Discussion (FGD) in investigating
the students’ level of satisfaction of the Senior High School program of Surigao del Sur State
University (SDSSU). About 122 respondents were randomly selected as samples and eight (8) was
chosen for the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The findings revealed that students were fairly
satisfied with the teachers’ competencies, teaching techniques and assessment practices. Only the
instructional materials got a rarely satisfying rating. In terms of support services, only the school
canteen received the unsatisfying rating among the other offices. Finally, when it comes to school’s
facilities, the school library and gymnasium got very satisfying ratings. Computer laboratories were
rated fairly satisfying while classrooms and rest rooms got rarely satisfying ratings. As to the
participants’ general impression, they were fairly satisfied with the SHS program of the university
and that they would still choose to be studying in a State College or University than in a National
High School which offers SHS program.

1. WHAT was the study about ?

- The study is about tudents’ Level of Satisfaction of the Senior High School (SHS)
Program of Surigao Del Sur State University

2. WHERE was the study conduct?

- The study was conducted at Surigao Del Sur State University

3. WHY did the researcher conduct the study?

- The researcher conducted this study because they want to in investigate the students’
level of satisfaction

4. WHO will benefit from the study?

-The senior high school of Surigao Del Sur State University is the one who will benefit at
this study

5. What method did the researcher use to come up with a conclusion?

- Qualitative method was used at this study because it is a descriptive survey

Senior High School Curriculum in the Philippines, USA, and Japan

The study is a review of the literature on the basic education (k-12) curriculum specifically the senior
high school (SHS) of the Philippines, Japan, and the US. Results of the review show that the SHS
curriculum is intended to prepare students to enter into college/university or to work in the industry
or be an entrepreneur. The SHS program is the last level in all basic education programs of the
countries reviewed. The Philippines has a clearer model with at least four tracks (academics, tech-
voc, sports, arts & design) and at least ten strands. Japan has two tracks in academics and tech-voc.
The US basic education system varies from state to state, similar to its SHS curriculum. There is no
definite track as this is left to individual state and their school districts to decide. There are purely
academic, tech-voc and other types of schools. The majority of those who choose academic track
are students who plans to proceed to college. There are still a stigma in selecting tech-voc and other
courses as this are seen by many as the course for poor performing/problematic students. The
enrollment in tech-voc schools in the US is declining despite the surge of demand for skilled
workers. In the three countries, the availability of qualified teachers is still an issue. This situation is
very real in the Philippines as it started the SHS program in June 2016. Other problems includes the
need to construct a huge number of classrooms and facilities. All of these are currently being
addressed too by the government.

1. WHAT was the study about ?

- The study is about Senior High School Curriculum in the Philippines, USA, and Japan

2. WHERE was the study conduct?

- The study was conducted at Philippines, Japan and U.S

3. WHY did the researcher conduct the study?

- The researcher wants to know the school curriculum in Philippines, Japan and U.S

4. WHO will benefit from the study?

-The one who conducted the research

5. What method did the researcher use to come up with a conclusion?

-Qualitative method is the method used in this study.

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