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Kryshia Mae S.



Diction : Formal

Sound Device: Assonance

In this day and age our nature is being destroyed. Many animals die and many
lands are covered with garbage due to the negligence of the people. And due to the neglect of
human, life there seems to be fade away. Our world is full of word. The world wants us to keep
the grace given by the Lord. Let us pay attention to the things that others only pass by. Let us
take care of nature as it should be taken care of because we will also benefit from it.
Environment plays a significant role in making our existence on the planet possible. Everything
we use to live a full life comes under the environment. We just can`t live without air, water, land,
sunlight, animals, and other natural things. Environmental pollution is affecting our lives
physically, emotionally, socially, economically, and intellectually. It has become a major
worldwide issue which cannot be solved by the effort of one. We should do our best in order not
to put the end to the existence of all living things on earth. Every person on our planet should
take a little step to save our environment and maintain its originality. We should contribute every
day to the preservation of our natural environment. Mankind should be sure that technological
advances would never disturb the ecological balance of the Earth. Environmental problems
should be handled by the united efforts of the global community. Nowadays, a lot of
international summits, conferences, and presentations are held to deal with recycling, waste
treatment, and water and soil contamination. We should always remember that environmental
pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented. So, let`s take care of the world that
surrounds us.

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