Makala Bahasa Inggris

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Dosen Pengampu :

Iskandar Zulkarnain S.S.,M.Ud.

Disusun Oleh:

Kelompok 2

1. ACHMAD JUNAEDI (221010501615)


3. YULIRA TIRTAWATI (221010501635)




In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Allah SWT, the lord of the world,
who has bestowed his mercy and grace, so that we can complete the preparation of this
paper in order fulfill the task of the engglish course group.

We are fully aware that this paper is still far form perfect due to the limited
experience and knoladge we have, there fore we expect all forms of suggestions and
input and even constructive critism form various parties. Finally we hope that this
paper can provide benefist in the world of educations.

Pamulang, 24 September 2022

Group 2



A. Background

The thing that causes nouns, adjective, adverbs, articles, pronouns and the use
off to be to become important fields off study in English is none other than because
through it everyone can convey their meaning clearly.(noun),adjective(adjective),and
(adverb(adverb). The three froms are basic structures that we must learn in order to
better understand English language procedures well and fluenty. Pronouns or noun
pronouns in enghlis grammar play a very important role.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What are personal pronouns

2. What are possessive pronouns

3. What are possessive adjectives

4. What are indefinite pronouns

5. What are reflexive pronouns

C. Writing purpose

1. Knowing personal pronouns

2. Knowing possessive pronouns

3. Knowing possessive adjective

4. Knowing indefinet pronouns

5. Knowing reflexive pronouns




A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun or something that is

objected in a sentence. Its function is to prevent monotonous repetition of words.
Example : Muhyiddin and Edho are going to England, They will have arrived there
at seven o'clock. (Muhyiddin and Edho are going to England, They will be there by
seven o'clock). The word They in the sentence above is a pronoun, which
replaces the existence of Muhyiddin and Edho, if there is no pronoun They will
rewrite the names of Muhyiddin and Edho.



In English grammar, pronouns can be divided into several groups based on their
nature and function, namely:

1. Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronoun is a word that is used to replace the presence of a person.
Personal Pronouns are divided into three, namely:

Used First person (person Second person (the Third

for first) the person who second person) the person(person
speak person to talk to third) person who
talked about
I=I You =you/you(second He =he’s a boy
(First person singular) person which can be (the third person
used for singular or single)
We = we/we (people She =she’s a gril
first plural) (the third person
It =it’s a thing
(pronoun for noun
They = they
(third personal

Personal pronouns when viewed from their postion in a sentence, can be divided
into two, namely the postion as the subject

(nominative case) and the postion as an object (object case)

Nominative case (postion as Objective case (postion as

subject/doer) object/person subject to wrok)
I (me) = I go to shool Me = khafid was talking with me lash
night by phone
You (you/you) = you go to paris You = the teacher willcall you in front of
They (they) = the are sleeping Them = I am walking with them in the
We (we) = wewill go there Us = the give us some candy
She (she is a gril) = she will mary Her = andi loves her deep inside
He (he is a boy) = he was bornin 1999 Him = the windows is opened by him
It (that thing) = it was fu to seethe It = daddy will sell it
biggest mountain

From the information above, it can be concluded that the personal pronoun
has the position as the nominative case, namely the position as the subject/actor
and the objective case position as the object /person who is subject work.

2. Possessive Adjective (Pronouns of Possession of Traits)

Possessive Adjective is a word that describes the property of a noun

(object) both animate and inanimate. Although Possessive Adjective is not
included in the Pronoun, there is nothing wrong if I drag it into the discussion
of pronouns, because in my opinion Possessive Adjectives are also pronouns,
namely adjectives of possession. Possessive adjectives are usually followed
by a noun after them. Examples:

My = My car (my car) = Your

Your = phone (your cellphone)

Their = Their teacher (their teacher)

Our = Our world (our world)

Her = Her laptop (she's a female laptop)

His = His plane (she's a male)

Its = Its taste is good

From the information above, it can be concluded that Possessive Adjective is

the ownership of the nature of an object.

3. Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Pronoun is a word that functions to mention ownership of an

object, its function is the same as a possessive adjective, except that the
possessive adjective is located after the noun, for example:

Mine = The house is mine

Yours = Those books are yours = This class is theirs


Ours = Those ATM cards are ours

Hers = The sister is hers (the sister is her brother he pr ) His

= The dog is his

Its = The food is its

From the information above, it can be concluded that Possessive Pronouns

have the same function as possessive adjectives, that is, they both give the
meaning of ownership of an object, except that possessive pronouns are
placed after nouns Example: (This book is mine), while possessive adjectives
are placed before nouns such as for example: (This is my book) ).

4. Reflexive Pronoun (Reflexive/Self Pronoun)

Reflexive Pronouns are pronouns that show actions directed at oneself, while
Reflexive Pronouns are:

My self = Myself

Yourself = You

Theirself = Themselves

Ourself = Ourselves/us

Herself = He is a gril = He is a

Himself boy = He is thing


Ourselves =We/ ourselves

Yourself = You/yourself

Themselves = own brand

Reflexive pronouns have several uses, namely:

a. To say something about oneself. Example : Ina looks herself in the mirror.
(Ina sees herself in the mirror).
b. To make the pronoun more assertive, or to harden the meaning to
become firm and strong, example: Mahmud, yes yourself, get out of this
class. (Mahmud, yes you alone, out of this class).
c. If it is preceded by the word by, then the reflexive pronoun has its own
meaning (alone), = Myself = you = Themselves = Ourselves/us = He is a
girl = He is a boy = He is a thing = We/ourselves = You/Yourself = own

5. Demonstrative Pronoun (Pronoun Hint)

Demonstrative Pronouns are pronouns that function to point, meaning to point
to objects, people or something that is being discussed. The indicating words
This =this is singular. Example: this is my car = this is
These plural. Example: these are my cars = it is singular
That Example: that is my umbrellas = it’s plural. Example
Those Example: those are my umbrellas
Notes :
a. This and These are used to designate objects that are close together. That
and Those are used for long distances.
b. After these and those, the object being pointed must be plural and the To be
must also be plural as in the example above.
c. The demonstrative words above can also function as subjects, for example:
That car is faster than those. That car is the subject while Those are other

6. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite Pronoun is a pronoun that replaces something that is not
certain/specific such as someone, a place, etc. Which includes Infinite
Pronouns are:
a. Each (each) is used to replace something that amounts to two or more.
However, Each is still considered singular like She, He, It so that the
Auxiliary verb using Is, Was, has etc. Example :
- Each student is submitting his/her duty to the captain each class.
- Each plame has gone ten minutes ago
b. One/Ones (Yang), One is used to replace something that is designated
singular. Ones for the plural. One/Ones can also be used as a word of
choice in an example:
- This phone is better than that one These phones are better than those
ones(plural ones) Which
- one do you want? (Which one / which do you want?
c. Someone
Somewhere (Somewhere)
Sometime (Sometimes)
Anyone (Anyone) Anybody

All the words above are generally considered singular and equated like the
third person, namely She, He, It. So that the use of auxiliary verbs uses Is,
Was, Has, etc.
- Somebody is climbing at the top
- Something which interesting was clown
The difference between Some and Any is that some is used for positive
sentences, while any is used for negative sentences.
Example :
- I want to buy something
- I do not want to buy anything (I do not want to buy anything).
d. Everyone (Everyone, Everyone)
Everybody (Everyone, Everyone)
Everything (Everything)
Everywhere (Everywhere)

All the words above are considered singular like the third person She, He
and It. So that the use of auxiliary verbs uses Is, Was, Has, etc., for example:
- Everyone is going on vacation
- Everything has been done well

7. Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that are used to ask or start a question
sentence. The Interrogative Pronouns are:
Who (Who) is used to ask people as subjects or actors for example:
- Who loves you very much in the class?
(Who loves you the most in class?)

Whom (Who) is used to ask the object or sufferer. Usually in a sentence asking
whom there is a singular or plural actor who is subject to or given a job by
another actor, so that the status of the actor who is given or subjected to a job
by another actor becomes the object / sufferer. That's why we use the
question word whom, for example:
- Was the girl whom help you yesterday your mother? (Was the woman who
helped you yesterday your mother?) The thief whom
- people hit him have caught by police.

The thief whose people beat him has been arrested by the police. Whose is
used for someone's ownership, for example:
- Whose is this flashlight?
(Whose is this flashlight?) What is used to ask something, for example:
- What is your favorite music?
(What is your favorite music?)
Which is used to express choice questions, for example:
- Which one do you love, Math or English?
(Which do you prefer, mathematics or English?) Where is used to ask
where you are, for example:
- Where did you get your bachelor's degree? (Where did you get your
bachelor's degree?) When is used
to ask for time, for example:
- When will you go to America? (When are you going to America?)
Why (Why) is used to ask a reason or cause, for example:
- Why did you love her, didn't she had a boyfriend? (Why do you
love him, doesn't he have a girlfriend?) How (How, How much) is used to
ask how, circumstances, amount, example:
- How are you, how do you go here and how much money do you have?
(How are you, how (what ride) did you get here and how much money do
you have?)
It should be noted that there is a difference between an Interrogative
Adjective and an Interrogative Pronoun. The interrogative pronoun is the
sentence that is not directly followed by the noun (object) being asked.
- What do you want to buy ?
- Who do you want to marry?
If the Interrogative Adjective is usually always followed by the Noun that is
being asked, for example:
- what book do you want to buy?
the words what book and who girl above explain what kind of book and what
kind of woman? Now that's the function of the Interrogative Adjective is to
explain what it is like.

8. On the TOEFL test

Pronouns are tested in written expression action of the exam. Check for the
following types of errors with pronouns.
1. The incorrect pronoun form or type may be used. The possessive pronoun
(hers) may be used instead of the possessive adjective (her).
Ex: the young emperor chick stands in front of one of it parents to be
protected from
The cold.

The best answer is C ; the possessive form its must be used, not the object
Ex : some penguins they live in wanner places like to make their nests in
the ground
The correct answer is (A) : the relative pronoun wich or that must be used
instadead of the subject pronoun they.

2. The pronoun may not agree with the noun it refers to.
Ex : sometimes penguins slide on their stomach, pushing itself with their
The correct answer is ( C ).the noun penguins is plural; therefore, the
reflexive pronoun referring to penguins must also be plural. The correct
answer is themselves.

Ex :penguins have special glands who remove salt from the water they
drink and the
Food they eat.
The best answer is ( B ); the relative pronoun who refers to people. In this
sentence, the referent is glands;therefore, either that or which should be

3. Pronouns tht are not necessary may be included.

Ex: the male adelie penguin which may not leave the nest until his mate
The correct answer is ( B) : the relative pronoun which is not necessary in
this sentence because there is only one verb, leave.

Ex: Under the feathers is a layer of fat that it protects the penguin from
the cold.
The best answer is ( C ): the pronoun it is not necessary.


There are five forms of pronoun in engglish: subject pronouns, object

pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and relative pronouns.
Possessive adjective will also be included in this chapter, although they are
not pronouns.

1. Subject pronouns

I You they we she he it

The subject pronoun is used:

a. When it is the subject of a verb: T They live south of the equator

b. When the subject s of the two clauses are compared. They are more
protected against the cold than we are.

c. After the verb to be it is he with the egg.

d. After as and than. She is not as tired as he is.

2. Objective proouns

Me You Him/Het/It us you then

The object pronoun is used:

a. When it is the direct object of a verb she gives him the egg.

b. After prepositions when she returns, she takes over the egg from him.
Rut when the preposition introduces a new clause, the subject pronouns
must be used because the pronoun is now the subject of the new
clause. He leaves after she returns.



Based on the material above, it can be concluded that:

- Pronoun is a word that is used to replace the existence of a noun or

something that is objected in a sentence

- According to English grammar, pronouns can be divided into several

groups based on their nature and function, namely:
1. Personal Pronoun

2. Possessive Adjective (Pronouns of Possession of Traits)

3. Possessive Pronoun

4. Reflexive Pronoun (Reflexive/Self Pronoun)

5. Demonstrative Pronoun (Pronoun Hint)

6. Indefinite Pronoun

7. Interrogative Pronoun

8. Relative Pronoun (Connecting Pronoun).


Through the preparation of this paper, a group of us feel that we have

gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience. Once again we repeat that
there may be errors in writing this paper from us, both consciously and
unconsciously, So for perfection in a learning I really hope suggestions and
criticisms that lead to education, especially from the supervisor.

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